Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Take A Chance On You

     I thought I was all caught up on everything, and things were going to be smooth sailing from here on out, but I was wrong. I was looking back over the chapters of The Patchwork Knight that are scheduled to go up, and I noticed that I scheduled some of them wrong, so now I have to go back through all of them and edit the scheduling. The good news is, that I have everything transferred over. Chapter 4 went up yesterday on schedule, but I need to check the rest of them before Friday, so that is what I'll be doing tomorrow.

     A new video goes up tomorrow afternoon. I'm trying out that time instead of early morning like I have been doing. If it shows a significant difference in views, I may change post times to later in the day, to get that benefit. I might even change all the chapters on Medium to see if that works over there as well. It's not going quite as well as I hoped it would, in fact it doesn't seem to be going at all, and to boot, a friend told me that it was hard to find the different chapters. He read chapter  1 and then he could only find a link to chapter 3. That isn't' good for the continuity of my story. I told him the easiest way to do it, was to click on my avatar so that it would take him to my profile and he could find them all there. Even though you go there, it is still a little confusing. It features Chapter 1 and I think that is because it is the most viewed chapter so far. In order to read them in order, you have to go to the bottom of the page and work your way up. The put the most recent post at the top of the page and then they go in a reverse chronological order. It's weird but understandable. This is going to take time to get used to.

     I might get out and try to shoot a video tomorrow, but my main focus is on getting those chapters in order, and begin work on the PR logo. I put up a temporary one on all of our media outlets, the looks similar to what I want to do, but the idea of painting it, is to go back to those old basics of advertising. Not to mention, it will be my own creation and not just putting shaped in letters in an area from dragging and dropping them. It was fun to do it that way, and I learned as I went. That is all going to pay off in that I also learned how to make thumbnails for YouTube. The video tomorrow has a custom thumbnail and so does the PR video that goes up Thursday. All of these things are in hopes to draw peoples attention to them. It is proven on YouTube that a eye catching thumbnail actually gets people to click on that video.

     I'm learning all of this as I go along, and it's fun. I'm not a graphic artist, but I found a site that makes it easy, not professional, but easy. I'm not a cinematographer, but I found a way to learn how to create and edit videos, and I'm getting better at that all the time. I'm not a publisher but this what I'm doing here, and what I'm doing on Medium is a version of that. What I'm getting at here, is that if you have a dream, or something that you really want to do, get out there and do it. You can learn anything. You only have to get off your butt and give it a try and learn from your mistakes as well as your accomplishments. Don't be afraid to fail. It's going to happen, and when it does, reflect on it for a moment so that you can get the lesson from it, and move on wiser. The only true failure is if you fail to act on your dreams. You've heard the old saying, nothing ventured nothing gained? Well it's true. If you never try anything, then you will never know if you could have done it. I know what you are saying, but what if I find out that I'm terrible at it? That is a question you can keep asking yourself, but isn't it better to know the answer than it is to wonder about it? Knowledge is power. If you know you can't do something, then you adjust your dreams. You try something new. the truth of it is, that you might just surprise yourself. If it is something you really want, then chances are you actually are good at it, and you won't have to worry about being bad at it. Give it a chance, what do you really have to lose.

     That brings us to Favorite Song of the Week, and believe it or not, I can tie it in to everything I just talked about above. This is a song that was released last week just before the new album came out. One last little gift to fans before the whole album was available. Oh, and I got the album, as a matter of fact I pre-orderd it. Who am I talking about. It's none other than that band with the punctuation mark in the middle of their name, Panic! at the Disco. Brandon Urie is back with a new album and it's really good. This song is fun and so is the video. It can be a little disturbing, but the message is there, go after your dreams, but be careful along the way. Yeah, it's a little cynical but I'm reading into it what I want. So here is Panic! at the Disco with "Hey Look Ma, I Made It".

     Ok look, I choose to read the message I want out of it, and I'm saying it is what I was talking about above. Don't judge me. I have an unexpectedly busy day tomorrow, but a new video will be released at 3 PM New York time, so that is something you can check out on the YouTube channel. It's a fun one, with a little surprise conversation with Scoots in the middle of it. I'll share it here on Thursday, but if you are on Facebook I'll have a link for it there tomorrow after it is released. Off to bed with me now. Peace in and goodnight.

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