Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 30)

     The night was restless. Even though Sir Jacob had knighted me, it wouldn't be fully steeped until the King did it himself. We still had a day or two ride ahead of us, and my excitement kept me beside myself all night.

     I stayed by the trailside under that tree, and due to my restlessness I kept watch for any riders on the trail. None came during the night. In the dawns early light however, a lone rider approached on the trail. I saw him slow his horse and stop. From the village he wouldn't have been seen, but he hadn't noticed me by the tree along the trail. He dismounted and crept along the trail at the tree line of the surrounding forest. I stood my ground hidden behind my tree. He slowed at the tree line's edge and surveyed the area. He remained their for some time. When he turned and crept back to his horse, I made my move. I darted along the hardpack sand of the trail keeping my feet light and noiseless. He was so focused on his own stealth that he never saw my approach.

     I hit him like a ram, boring my shoulder into his lower back. He released a HMMPH, as his air escaped his body. He was unconscious by the time he hit the ground. He clothing didn't look like that of the Raiders. He had a lone dagger at this side, and a quiver of arrows on his back. When I was sure that he wouldn't wake soon. I called out.


      I could hear the village stir behind me. Three men quickly ran out to the trail and then towards me with swords drawn.

     "Are there anymore Sir Pitre?"

     "I didn't see any but this one. One of you grab his horse, and those left, help be carry him back to the village. Do any of you recognize him?"

     The collectively said no, and we made our way back to the center of the village with our captive in hand. Sir Jacob met us as we were lowering the man to the ground.

     "Is this the rider?"

     "Yes, I watched him approach and then survey the village. I caught him as he was making his way back to his horse."

     "Is there anything you can't do Pitre?"

     "I havne't tried everything yet, so I do not know."

     "He doesn't look like a Raider, but we have had new reports, that they are roaming the countryside in disguise. Dressed as common folk, and getting information to relay to their commanders for attack plans. We will wait until he awakes to see what his story is. Just how hard did you hit him. I've never seen a man out so completely?"

     "I just ran at full speed and hit him from behind. I knew I had to get to him before he got to his horse. Whatever he is, we need to know."

     "This is true, but maybe show a little restraint next time."

     Everyone surrounding our new friend was laughing at this. "The Patchwork Knights takes down another one." A few of them began singing. It wasn't a very good song, but it made everyone happy and joyful.

      We had planed to leave the village in the morning after the sun fully broke the horizon, but that had come and gone with our intruder still resting. Sir Jacob believed that it would be easier to defend from the village if there was a war band or party waiting for their return of information.

     The sun was high in the sky by the time our guest had stirred. Sir Jacob and two of his men questioned the man for a great deal of time. They had moved him into a small hut off the village commons to remain private. All the villagers, sick, and wounded rambled around the village preparing meals and searching for nuts, berries and any vegetables that they might find. They prepared small meals for everyone. It wasn't much but it was enough to for everyone to have something in their bellies.

     It was past midday by the time that Sir Jacob came out of the tiny hut. He gathered all of the Knights and men able to fight together.

     "Our visitor was indeed a Raider in disguise. We learned that he was to report back to a band of 50 men a days ride from here to the South. They are right in the line of our path to the Crystal Palace. We will either have to destroy that war band or we will have to travel around them. With the sick and wounded that we have, I think it best to ride around. There are other ways to the Palace, but it will take us more time. At least 3 more days will be added to our journey."

     "That is the safest course of action commander. I will ready the horses and gather the people and carts."

     "Wait, Sir Paljin. I want to take another day here. I'm going to send out two riders to check our path forward. I won't send anyone by demand, I will only take volunteers. I will need you to ride to the trail crossing to be sure it is clear of any other spies."

     "I'll do it. I need something to occupy my time."

     "Are you sure Sir Pitre? You will be without the other men, it will only be you and one other. If you run into that war band you won't stand a chances, even with your skill."

     "I will just have to avoid that war band then."

     "That is also the best course of action. I will go with him commander."

     "Very well then. Sir Pitre and Sir Paljin, you will be our forward eyes. Go to the crossing and remain there until we arrive. Only leave if there are signs of the war band. If that is the case, ride back to us with all haste, and we will decide our plans from there."

     "Yes Sir. I'll prepare my horse and meet you at your tree Sir Pitre."

     "Remember, do not attempt to engage the war band. If you see anymore spies on the trail take care of them as you see fit. If you can question them, do so. If you learn anything new that could affect this caravan, then ride back to us. We will begin our travels to the crossing at first light. We should meet up with you by midday. Stay safe."

     I turned and walked back to the tree where my pack and horse were. I relieved the two men that had been standing guard on the trail and told them to send two more when Sir Paljin was ready to leave.

     It didn't take Sir Paljin long to ready. He rode out with two men in tow to watch the trail once we left. We rode at full speed for the rest of the day, and arrived at the crossing as night began to fall.

     "You get some rest Sir Paljin, I'll take the first watch."

     "I'd say that you need the rest more than me. Weren't you the one that was up at first light to capture our spy?"

     "Aye, but I don't need much rest. I'll be fine. I'll wake you in a few hours."

     Sir Paljin put a bed roll down under a tree and dozed off. The crossing was a forked trail that went in five directions. I walked a few hundred yards down each one to see if I could see anything out of the ordinary but there was nothing to see. It was a moonless night, so light was sparse. I relaxed and went into the Swordsman's Euphoria, and then reached out to the aether. Other than the random small animal in the woods, there was still nothing to see.

     I woke Sir Paljin for his watch after about six hours. He scolded me for keeping watch for so long, but I told him that there was nothing to watch. I helped him roll up his bed roll and then unrolled my own. Despite my restlessness and excitement about finally becoming a full Knight, darkness took hold of me as my head hit the forest floor.


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