Sunday, June 10, 2018

New Video And A Goodbye

     A few thing about that video above. It took me quite a lot of time to make that little video, and I still had problems with it. Just the opening sequence of the title, took me about a half hour to get exactly right, then the next two elements of the opening took another hour of filming and editing to get right. I did that filming the night before the ride. I forgot to put the camera in the proper wide angle view for the ride part, and I got the view that is on the video. I wasn't thrilled when I saw that that was what I filmed the whole time with, but I think it ended up adding a grittiness that I usually don't have in my videos. All in all, I'm happy with the way it turned out, but I know it could have been better if I had changed it to the proper camera view.

     I have some pictures to add to the video. Since I was out there for sunrise, I saw no reason no to get some good shots while I was filming the footage of the sun peaking through the horizon. These are what I got.

     That first one is the one I posted on Instagram. I didn't want to give anything else away on there, so you get to see the rest of them here. After I got home, it took me another two hours to get the rest of the footage checked through and edited, so you can see, it is a process for one of these videos. The Remember When series is a little easier, and only takes about a half hour or so to put together. I think I'll have another one of those ready for next Sunday. I haven't settled on the location yet. I have several that I want to do right away, but I'm not really sure which one I want to do next. I might do it either tonight or tomorrow. Weather is supposed to be good for it. 

      I can't do it on Tuesday, because I'm going to see an old friend of mine. One that I haven't seen in a great number of years, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them. It has been far too long.

     I still haven't made final decision on what I'm doing with The Patchwork Knight yet, but I should come to it soon. It's a much harder decision than I thought it would be to move it. Part of the reason is , is that you get the absolute raw version of it. There is no edit and no proofreading done on theses chapters. The reason I'm doing it that way, is that I want you to see what it looks like in the rough draft. No one gets to see what their favorite book looks like before it goes to edit. When I move it, I'm going to have to go through and proof it, so that it will look good. When I give that edited and proofed version, I will lose that little part of transparency that I'm doing with it here. That begs the question, do I keep writing it here even after the move, and just put the shined up version where it is going to go? That is the question for you, what do you think? I really want your input on this. Do you want to still see the rough draft or would you prefer the completed edit?

     I finished watching Trollhunters last night, and I'm a little sad. It is truly the end of the series with this final part. It was really good and really well done, but I would expect nothing less from Guillermo del Toro. I guess, if he really wanted to, they could create a new series, because the series title in full is Trollhunters Tales of Arcadia. They could leave the Trollhuntres and have a new Tales of. I really do hope that they do that. I want more of that series.

     I also began downloading Fortnite last night as well. I've been hearing a lot about that game lately, and I found out that it is free. They do have a lot of add-ons that can bring a price to it, but the basic platform is free for anyone. I figured I'd give it a try. It is a battle royale type game where it's every person for themselves. I'll probably start playing it this coming weekend, and then I'll let you know exactly what I think of it.

     After I finished watching Trollhunters, I wanted to watch something else, and I saw that Netflix had Thor Ragnarok up, so I gave it a watch. It was good. It wasn't what you have come to expect from the Marvel movies. It was more in the vain of Deadpool, with it's non stop comedy humor. It's worth watching. If you want to see a funny movie with a colorful eye popping backdrop, give it a try.

     I just got some sad news while I was writing this. One of my canine buddies has risen into the ether. I spent a lot of time with this particular dog. I've even driven back and forth across the country with him, and a better ride buddy couldn't have been asked for. He was named for a character from JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, and his personality was just as big as the character. Gandalf the White was one of the friendliest and best dogs you would ever meet. He could be intimidating if you didn't know him, do to his large size, but he was a teacup polar bear, so what else would you expect. Good bye Great Gandi, run with your pack in the ether.

Peace in and goodnight.


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