Sunday, June 24, 2018

This Weekend Was Fun

     I have been busy today. I woke up early so I could do a video. I got it completed and ready for release on Wednesday. I decided to release it a little later in the day just to see if I get more views based on the time of day. It's an experiment worth trying out. I also found a site that I could do thumbnails for YouTube, and I got two of those done today, as well as create a new logo for the CS. It's not much but it will do for now. I put that on all my projects so far, but for some reason it's not showing up on the YouTube page. I will have to keep playing with it.

     I also edited yesterdays video for the PR ad created a temporary logo for it. You can see it on the Facebook page and soon on the Instagram. I haven't had a chance to change that one yet. It's time to write, so that comes first.

     I have that video for the PR uploading right now, and it will be available for your viewing pleasure on Thursday evening. I will write the blog post tomorrow to have it ready for it's Friday release. The numbers are going up on the PR, but it's not where I would like it to be, but I just have to be patient.

     Oh, while I was out making that video this morning, I got a few pics. Well the was the entire purpose of the video. I'm not going to share all the pictures with you, but I will share my favorite one. I only cropped the image to get it where I wanted it, and it came out much better than I thought it would. see what you think.

     The morning light was just perfect for that shot. If you want to see the rest of the favorite shots, head on over to Instagram for them. I'll give you a link right here pictures. 

     I nearly forgot, that I had a video for you to watch today. It went up early this morning, so it's been nearly a whole day since I thought about it. This goes back to that picture of the burger from Thursday I think. Whenever it was, I wanted you to guess where it was taken, well, this video answers that question and lets you know what I thought of that burger.

     Yeah, I actually liked it. Trust me, I'm more shocked than you are. I pride myself on my tasting skills and my discerning pallet, but good is good, and despite the fact that it was a little too salty, it had a good flavor. It's not going to get me to go back for another one, but it got me there, and if I find myself traveling cross country, I would stop at an IHop to have another one.

      Tomorrow I get back to editing and proofreading The Patchwork Knight. I kept away from it for a few days so that it wouldn't affect my writing last night. I was really worried that I was going to create some kind of horrible loop that I would get trapped in. I think I avoided that, and I should be able to get all remaining chapters transferred over this week so that I won't have to worry about that again. It is a genuine fear that I will write myself into a major block if I get them too close to one another.

     That reminds me, the fourth chapter of The Patchwork Knight goes live on Medium tomorrow. This is the first one that will be part of the partner program. That means that it is the last of the truly free chapters. You can still read it, and you have a certain number of items you can read on there without being a member, but it will take you longer to get to them as you will have to wait until the next month to refill your read allowance. I can't remember if I mentioned but I did find a big error in the continuity of the story, and I fixed that in the Medium version. That is all taken care of, and although it is a big error, it really doesn't affect the overall story. I think it more bugged me that I made such a huge mistake. I don't think anyone caught it, so it's not as big a deal as I think it is.

     Fun thing that happened this weekend. It wasn't all work. I did watch the second season of Luke Cage, and it was great. I think it was better than the first season. The first season took me some time to get through all the episodes. I finished the second season in two nights. The thing I love most about it, is the music that they feature in it. This is the type of stuff I love and grew up with. I know I was a lily white kid from the south, but I listened to funk, soul, and jazz. Yeah I listened to everything, but that was the stuff that I really loved. Since one of the main places that they are at is a club, they are playing all that type of music. I get lost in that and forget about the story some times. It was fantastic. I highly recommend the second season of Luke Cage. Plus they throw a little thing in if you know any of the history of the character that is special. I was excited when I saw that. I think it was episode 10 or so. If you are a fan, you will know when it's happening.

     Busy week of getting The Patchwork Knight all moved over to Medium, then writing the post for the PR, then making a video or two for the YouTube channel, and finally helping a friend move. This should be an easy one, because she is getting some of the things transported over during the week. She is saving all the heavy stuff for me on Friday. I am hoping that we can get it all done Friday, because an old friend wants to go riding on Saturday if I'm free. I can turn this ride into a video and have something for the channel. Maybe we could go to a place I've always wanted to go and have lunch or something. This place is worth filming and should be a fun video if we get a chance to go. Plus, I should be able to get my drone controller and be able to fly with that guy that I met. I do need some flight time. I'll get some at her new house, because we have plans of getting some drone pictures for her. That will be fun. I'll see if I can share one or two here. I want to have her permission for those though. It is her likeness that will be for everyone to see.

     Ok, I need to go feed Morty and just sit back for the rest of eh evening. I think I'll try to watch a movie or catch a few more episodes of Clone Wars on Netflix. That is a really great animated series. There are 129 episodes in that, so I got a long way to go to finish that one. I think I'm on episode 12 or something like that. Peace in and goodnight.

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