Friday, November 9, 2018

A Very Special Friday Night Edition

     After a little more than two weeks, Morty is cone free. The E collar is off and he is relaxing. They said that the ear is healing nicely and the hematoma shouldn't be coming back any time soon. I really hope that is true. I'm not looking forward to going through this whole process again.

     Do you want videos? No? Too bad, cause I got videos for you to watch. The first is the one I premiered this week on YouTube, and it went exactly as I thought it would. Not a single persons showed up for the live stream of it. It didn't bother me, but deep down I had hoped that maybe one person would stop by. Anyway, here is that video.

     That video going up, gives me closure on that shoot that I really didn't want to do. The good news is that it is because of that shoot, that I finally achieved a personal goal of being able to finally take a good landscape photo, and there are more to come, but you will have to follow me on Instagram for that.

     I also posted a new TPR this week and don't worry, this is the last one until Nov. 29th. We are taking time off the schedule for Thanksgiving and getting back in step with our usual every other week schedule, but that could change, more on that in a little bit.

     Ok, now about that "could change". I'm starting to come to the realization that TPR is failing. The latest video was an abysmal in views both on here and YouTube. We managed to scrape together 20 views on the blog and I think 13 on YouTube. Those aren't the numbers of something that is heading in the right direction. The latest blog post which is Lazy Moon Pizza from Orlando, is currently sitting at 2 views on the blog with about 18 on YouTube. I actually went through the process of boosting the YouTube video on Facebook to get that number up to where it is. The early numbers from that boost aren't good either. We are getting no activity based on engagement.

     Here is how Facebook gives you the numbers. You have engagement which is the number of people that actually see your post, and they have clicks. Clicks are the number of people that see your post and actually click on it. Last I checked our post had an engagement of 54 with zero clicks. People are no longer interested in our reviews.

     Could this be a down time for pizza? I have no idea. Is there ever a down time for something like pizza? I know people are going to begin getting together for big meals this time of year, but that is part of why we front loaded this month and are taking the time off from review posts. I also know we have some things we have to work on, and we are always working to improve what we do. I would love constructive criticism, but we don't seem to get much of that. I don't really know what to do, but I can tell you that for the next video that goes up on Nov. 29th, is going to be a little different. I stuck basically to our format, but I made a video that I wanted to make, with edits and cuts and all kinds of things that I don't normally put in these videos. If we are going down, we are going down in the way I want to.

     It doesn't help that my partner is not self motivated. He told me that, but I thought that after a period of time. things that should be done each time would get down, just out of habit, but that still isn't the case. I can't blame him for our views going down, but it doesn't help when he doesn't do his part to promote our reviews. He did good last night and posted the link to the video after it went up, but today, he was back to his normal ways, and didn't bother to post the link to the blog that went up today. I have been doing things this way for a while now. On release day, I post the link to the video to give it a little bit of a push, since the blog generally does better than the video. The day after release day, I post the link to the written blog. I do that as a bit of a reminder that everything is up and running and it's still on Friday so people have a chance to make plans for the weekend, and maybe go to the location that we reviewed. It has been my hope that he would, after some time, step up and start doing the very simple things that need to get done. Instead I feel like I'm being a taskmaster when I tell him that he has to share the link that the TPR posted to his Facebook page. With that in mind, I'm not going to tell him to do it this time. I'm just going to let it fail on it's own. I boosted the video to see if anything can come of it. I got into this to help him out with a project that he wanted to do, but now it has become a project that I feel like I am doing on my own. I don't mind doing the work that I do on it, as long as he does what he is supposed to do, but he continues to not do it. They are simple things, that take very little effort.

     I have put him in charge of a rather big project that we had been talking about a few months ago. I reminded him of that this past week. He had forgotten. This is entirely his project and will either get down by him or not at all. My only input will be when it is time to finalize any details. I'll wait and see when that happens.

     Enough about that. I did some writing this week other than TPR stuff, and it is a big event with The Patchwork Knight. This is another thing that isn't going quite as I hoped it would, and that is entirely on my inability to network. I get great feedback about the story, but I don't get the readership that I would like to see, and trust me, I'm not trying to overshoot things here. I have a reasonable number in my head of readers that I would like to see reading it with each post, and I'm nowhere close to that. The sad thing, is the number in my head isn't big at all. I would like to see 50 readers with each post, but as I said, I am nowhere near that number.

     That set back isn't going to stop me from finishing this though. I am nearing the third act in The Patchwork Knight, and that is where the mysteries begin to unravel so that you can see what I have been hiding for this entire time. Any question you have about The Patchwork Knight will be answered in this final act. I am very proud of this piece of work and I look forward to more and more people reading it, if I ever figure out how to make that happen.

     I did want to share one last video with you. This one was done by a friend of mine. He is an actual director and this is a piece that he wrote and directed himself. It is a concept teaser for what could be a much larger project, but I wanted to share this because of how beautiful the imagery is in this. He did a fantastic job on this short film and it is very much worth watching. I give you Evelyn by Joel Black.

Evelyn_Short Film_Trailer from Joel Black on Vimeo.

     I really hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. Peace in and goodnight.

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