Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 52)

     The ride back to the palace was quiet and somber. Constance was placed over his horse and lead back by Rolf. Neither of us had said a word the entire ride. It wasn't until the gate that the first words were spoken.

     "What happened! Where is Sir Constance?"

     "We were ambushed while we camped last night." I pointed at the wrapped body on on top of Constance's horse

     "Sir Constance is dead? It must have been an army if they were able to get by you."

     "It was a lone man."

     "How, how could this have happened?"

     "He followed us from where we saved the last group of villagers. He was trying to kill me, but didn't hit the right target."

     "He was the only man left from the war band that Pitre killed by the lake. We had no knowledge of him."

     "We want to get Sir Constance's body to the Palace as soon as we can."

     "Go Pitre, I will send a couple of my men with you to help with the climb along the trail."

     "It's not necessary. The assassin said he was alone, but I don't trust the word of a Raider, it's best that as many men remain here as possible. He could have had someone with him, that now knows the location of the Gate. He could have sent word back to the Mudwood."

     "We will stay on alert. I don't envy you having to face Sir Darius after the way he tore into you before you left."

     "I don't envy me either, but I have to face what it to come."

     We continued on our way up the mountain pass, once again in silence. As we exited the narrow pass into the large plateau where the Palace stood. Sir Paljin, Sir Darius, and Sir Gorin were waiting for us on horseback. Word must have came from the spotters that watched the trail from the top that we were arriving.

     "What is the meaning of your return so early Pitre?"

     "We were attacked along the trail and wanted to return the body of Sir Constance so that we could bury him with his people"

     "You were attacked, or is it that you didn't listen to my words, and you engaged with the enemy.?'

     "It is as Pitre says, Sir Darius. We were attacked while we camped."

     "I would prefer to hear from Pitre. Is this true? Were you attacked as you camped? Why was no one on guard duty?"

     "It was my failure Sir Darius. I was on guard, and I missed the advance of our attacker. I was watching the trail in the direction we were going, and not where we came from. I heard the twang of the bowstring, but I was not fast enough to stop the arrow from striking Sir Constance. I tried to save him, but I failed in that as well. I take all of the responsibility for the dead of Sir Constance. I will receive whatever punish you feel I deserve."

     "What happened to the attackers?"

     "It was only one attacker. I slit his throat after hearing what he had to say."

     "And what did this lone attacker have to say?"

     "He was with the war band that we faced at the lake."

     "We faced?"

     "I faced. He was a scout that was returning when I killed the war band and Rolf freed the villagers. He followed us since that moment and waited for his chance to kill me. He got Sir Constance instead."

     "Do you believe that this Raider was alone."

    "He said he was, but I don't believe him. The Gate may be in danger of falling." I told the Guardians as much. They are staying alert."

     "You will bury Sir Constance alone, and then you stay watch over his grave until we gather for a funeral. You will reflect on what you have done."

     "Sir Darius, I know you want to instill more discipline in our young Patchwork Knight here, but he was following your orders when this happened. I believe the punishment of losing a friend is quite enough in this instance."

     "But Sir Paljin....."

     "No buts, I am the Lt. Commander of the Targen Knights, and I say this punishment doesn't fit. I don't see any punishment that fits. Pitre lost a friend and a fellow Knight, but he saved another, and stopped a deadly assassin."

     "Sir Paljin. I will do as Sir Darius demands. I will bury Sir Constance myself. It is the very least I can do for him, and I will reflect on what I have done. I am the reason he is dead. That assassin's arrow was meant for me."

     "If that is what you wish Pitre. I won't stop you, but the wasn't your fault, this was the fault of that Raider. He drew the arrow, he aimed, and he let loose the arrow that struck Sir Constance."

     "Yes Sir."

     "Sir Paljin, may I help Pitre bury Sir Constance? I feel that it is my duty to help, since I was there as well. I would like to help lay my friend to rest."

     "You may Rolf. I think Sir Constance would have liked that you were helping."

     We rode our horses to the edge of the small mountain top lake and placed Sir Constance on the ground. Rolf gathered shovels and we dug the grave in silence. We lowered Sit Constance's body into the ground and covered him with the earth.

     "Come on Pitre, we should eat something before the funeral gathering."

     "You go ahead Rolf. I want to sit here for a bit."

     "You aren't going to sit here like Sir Darius said to, are you? Didn't you hear what Sir Paljin said?"

     "I heard him, but I still want to just sit here. I do need to think about things. I don't want to lose another friend because of my actions."

     "Pitre, times are dangerous now, and Sir Constance knew that risk. Any one of us could die at any time."

     "Yes, but Sir Constance died specifically because I rushed into that camp of Raiders. I was the one that brought Constance his death."


     "Go, Rolf. Eat and rest up. I want to get back out on that trail as soon as we can. We are going to find a way to honor Sir Constance. We are going to make sure that his death wasn't for nothing."


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