Wednesday, November 7, 2018

It's All A Lucid Dream

     Well, it's the end of election night, and things didn't really go my way here. I'm disappointed, but not beaten. I will strap up my boots tomorrow, and get ready for the next election and hope that things will turn around then. What I hope even more than that, is that you got out and voted for who you thought should guide this country. If you did that, then that is all that truly matters.

     Now for the fun stuff. I've been putting in a little more effort in my photography, and I like what is happening. I don't know why I was so terrible with landscape photography before, but I have gotten over some sort of mountain. I have posted more pictures on the new Instagram account, and they have been received moderately, and that is all I can ask for. I am holding on to one picture that I have edited, but I don't think that it makes the cut for that page. I turned it black & white, and I still think that was the right choice for it, but it seems to be missing something, so I need your help. Should I post this picture on the new Insta page.

     I like it, I just don't love it, and I think that is what is holding me back from posting it. I really want what I believe are the best pictures I have ever taken to go on there, and I don't feel this one is there. Let me know what you think. If I get an overwhelming response in favor of it being posted, I will go ahead and do it.

     Time for Saki news. I posted this picture on Sunday. I think it was Sunday.

     That is before I made a change to Saki's appearance, well here is the new photo of what Saki looks like now.

      I know what you are saying, "that's the same picture". Look closer, it isn't. I stripped the red reflective tape from Saki's wheels and replaced it with purple reflective tape. I think it makes a big difference in the appearance, because it darkens the lower part of Saki. In case you still don't see how big a difference it is, then I have one other picture for you.

     Now that is a difference. I like how it looks like it blends in with the under lighting. I liked the red, but it wasn't me, and the purple is definitely me. I like the way it looks and I'm glad I did it despite the two hours of wiping old glue from the old tape on the rims. Overall I believe it took me two and a half hours to switch the tape over. Since I had already done it before, I was able to do things a little different this time around and get it exactly the way I wanted it. If you need to put some rim tape on your bike, let me know, I can help you out.

     I have a video premiering tomorrow. This is something new for YouTube. You know have the opportunity to premier your video and stream it for the first time while you chat with your followers, or anyone really. I thought I would give it a chance to see if anyone shows up. I don't have a lot of followers, so I'm expecting no one to actually show up for the chat, but I will be on there from 11:30 tomorrow morning until 12:30. The videos is only 3 and a half minutes long, so I may disappear before that 12:30 mark, but if you want to chat a little about the video, or just stop by to say hi. you can follow this link CS YouTube and you will get to that premier page.

     The definite down side this whole premier thing is, that I can't preview the video on YouTube. I have always done that, to make sure that nothing goes wonky in the upload. I also wasn't able to attach my end annotations to the video. I will have to do that after it premiers. Problems, but nothing I can't handle.

     Oh, I did want to mention that I wrote Chapter 56 for The Patchwork Knight today, and it is a doozy. It is a build up for Chapter 57 which is going to be big, very big. I can't tell you about now though, you will just have to wait until Dec. 8th, that is when that chapter will launch right here on the Counterfeit Squirrel, then you will have to wait a couple more weeks or so, before you can read it on Medium. That of course will be the fully edited and proofread version of it. This was a fun chapter to write, because there is so much going on in it, a lot of moving parts in this one. This is all leading to the third act of this title journey that I am on with Pitre. The third act is of course the final act of his journey and when you get to see how this all comes together. I still have a lot more to write though, so don't think it is over soon. I can see at least twenty more chapters if not more to come, but I am over the hump and on the way to the conclusion now, and that is a very good thing.

     When I started this little experiment of writing a novel online, I hadn't planned on it being anything other than a rough draft journey through writing a story I have been wanting to tell, but now it is being published on Medium and I have had thoughts of publishing it elsewhere as well. I won't talk to much about that now, but I can say, if it comes to that, I will be pulling it from everywhere  online and compiling it into a single manuscript so that I can submit it to a publisher, but that is far down the line for now, but if it all works out, you will one day be able to have your very own copy of The Patchwork Knight.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This one comes from a Prince protégé. He was supposed to be the next big thing, and this was a great song. He had a lot of potential, but I have no idea what happened to him. My guess, is that he decided he didn't need Prince to make it, which was a big mistake considering that Prince wrote this song. Anyway, here is a funky little number that should get your toes tapping. Here is Tevin Campbell with "Round and Round".

     I hope you enjoyed that, because I know I did, and now it's time for bed. Peace in and goodnight,

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