Thursday, November 1, 2018

I Got A New Thing

     I would normally being watching SWAT right now, but I'm really tired. I stayed up all night last night, watching Ghost Adventures Live. They promoted it with the big deal that they were going not open the dybbuk box, which is supposed to be the most haunted object in the world, and they never opened it. It was kind of a let down. I like watching those type of shows, because of the paranormal technology that they use, but this one has a little overacting in it. That is my opinion, maybe they are for real, but I doubt some of it. Tomorrow night is a show called Haunted Live, and that has the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, and I like those guys a lot more. If you want to give it a try, it's on the Travel Channel.

     It is my hope that you all watched my Halloween video. I was doing a little ghost hunting of my own. It was fun and spooky to be walking around an old cemetery alone, but I think I got a pretty good video out of it. It is a little longer than what I put out, but that is because I was walking around there for a good hour to get some decent stuff. Give it a look see.

     I told you all about the photo shoot on Tuesday, I do have the video loaded up and ready to go for next Wednesday. I'm giving the Premier feature on YouTube a shot. I'm really not expecting much out of it. The video is only 3 minutes and 30 seconds, so there won't be a long time to chat, but I will be able to chat as you watch it stream live for the first time. Like I said, I'm only trying it out, to see if there is anything of it. I might make it a once a month thing if it goes over decent.

     I was busy today. Over the past two days, I've been talking to a very good friend of mine, and they convinced me to look at my photography a little more seriously. I'm looking into getting Photoshop and Lightroom to edit my photos, instead of just using the editing software that is built in to iOS. It does some decent stuff, but if I want to really expand the possibilities, Photoshop and Lightroom are path to follow. They also talked to me about having a designated place just for specific photos that I should share, so I created a new Instagram called Counterfeit Squirrel Photos. I could have gone with photography, but that is just way too long. I even made a logo for it. Let me know what you think of it.

     You had to know that it was going to be a twist on the classic. I know I said that Counterfeit Squirrel as a stupid name, but I really like being Counterfeit Squirrel. It is who I am, and kind of personifies me now. Anyway, if you want to follow me on the new account, just follow this link Counterfeit Squirrel Photos.

     The photos that I post there are only going to be from my Canon, no phone photos allowed on that count. They will more than likely have some degree of editing to them, and they will mostly be landscapes, (I'm chasing that dream) and old buildings. I will have models involved from time to time, but they will be more rugged and natural. I'm not looking to sell sex. I'm looking to tell a story with my pictures. I'm working on getting someone for a shot that I have in my head right now, and as soon as that comes together, I'll let you know here, but the first picture from it will be seen there. I got to keep it exclusive.

     I think the most fun about this new Instagram account, is that you can watch it grow from the ground up. I have two followers right now, and I'm one of them, ha.

     It is of course, release day for the TPR, that means a new video and blog. This time we went to a cheese steak place for a pizza. Check out the video below.

     I think that may have been one of our more fun videos, since the pizza was pretty good, and the place had a lot of character. Character in that I don't think that anyone has ever changed the decor since the place was whatever it originally was. I don't even remember what it was, and I've been around this area for all my life.

     We are putting out another review next week, so that we can take a few week off for Thanksgiving. We will be back the following week and to our normal schedule of every other week. We are thinking of posting a short video explaining this, but that will be a Facebook exclusive, so if you follow us on Facebook you will get your shot to see that.

     I'm fading fast, so I'm going to call this blog done, and then check the numbers for the TPR. Get Out and Vote

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