Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I Finally Did It

     Ok, time for a more fun post. The first thing I want to talk about is what I watched over the weekend. Since it is still October, I still wanted to maintain my spook, creepy viewing habits on Netflix, and this past Friday, a new show premiered on Netflix. It's called Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. It is done by the same team that is doing Riverdale on the CW. I spoke about Riverdale before. It is based on the old Archie comics but it is a dark twist on it. Sabrina is no exception. Although I still have only watched the pilot of Riverdale, I sat down and watched the entirety of Sabrina. This show is also an adaptation of an Archie Comic, that being Sabrina the Teenage Witch, but this isn't that show starring Melissa Joan Hart, this is dark, and goes deep into the occult.

     It takes place in the fictitious town of Greendale which neighbors Archie's home town of Riverdale. As you may have guessed, it is about a teenage witch, but in this one, she is about to turn 16 and take part in her Dark Baptism. That is when she will choose between being mortal or a full witch. I really enjoyed the show, and do plan on watching it again soon. If you have a problem with satanic rituals, verses, and satan portrayed in tv, then this is maybe not the show for you.

     What I liked most about it, is how the production team not only bends morality, but also reality. They bend morality by making evil not evil and good not good. It is a device that is seldom used, but when it is used, can be very intriguing. They bend reality by, setting the show in current times, but all the visuals seem to be from the 50's and 60's. It is a definite style choice, because they do the same thing with Riverdale. I still need to sit down and watch what they have on Netflix. Anyway, if you want a fun, yet spooky type of show to watch for the Halloween build up, yes I know there isn't much more time in the build up since it is tomorrow, give Chilling Adventures of Sabrina a try.

     Ok, that is out of the way. Now time for a quick Morty update. He is now 5 days in on his 14 day dilemma of wearing a cone, and he is handling it well. I do give him some free time from the cone, but it is only when I can watch over him, and normally right when I clean his wound, and feed him. It's easier for him to eat without the cone. I did get him a new cone. It's called a Comfy Cone and it is pretty fantastic

     He looks pretty miserable there, but trust me, he enjoys that cone much more than the old flimsy one that he was wearing. This one is vinyl and padded, so it is comfy when he lays down.

     I got the new tires for Saki, I even made a video of it. Yes, I am going to share that momentarily. I put the Tire Ink on them, so they have been fully customized now, and are looking really good.

     Looks pretty good right. They are going to look even better when the new reflective rim tape I ordered comes in. Any guesses on what color the rim tape is? The tires have grip within grip. They are so much stickier than my other tires, and I still have a small amount of break in time, before I can really get on them. The tires are much more aggressive than my old ones as well.

     This is the rear tire. The side wall is about an inch less than what I had on there, and that means it will be much easier for me to lean the bike over and get my knee on the ground. If you can see the slightly worn area on the tire, that is where my old tires tread stopped and the side wall began. I'm loving these new tires.

     The video was shot before the new Tire Ink was on, so you won't get to see that in there. Speaking of videos, I did shoot one yesterday for Halloween. Normally on a week when I have a TPR launching I wound't have a video for you, but since it is Halloween, which happens to be my favorite holiday, I had to make a special. It will be available at 9 AM tomorrow, so if you get the chance look it up. If you're on Facebook, I will have the link up right after it goes live.

     I also made a video today, and that is going to go up next week. It's about the photo shoot I did today. This is the one I didn't really want to do, because I had already done the girl on bike shoot, and really had no desire to do it again. I changed the location we were supposed to shoot at for a few reasons. The first one is that I got new tires, and didn't feel like running them through a bunch of gravel, dirt and who knows what could puncture them. There were a lot of things wrong with this shoot. I don't like shooting later in the day, which this was. I don't like doing the cliché model shoot, where they dress in sexy clothes that are out of place for the location and the shoot, which she wore, and I don't want to be the guy who shoots girls on bikes. With all that to get over, I made the best of the situation, and got some pretty good shots, and they aren't the shots you would expect.

     Those are of course the shots you expect to see. I like those shots, but they aren't what I want to be known for, other than the laughing shot. I really like that one. These shots below, these are what I would rather been known for.

     Out of all the pictures I took today with this model, who is an old friend of mine. I like these the best. These pictures tell a story, of a mother's love for her child. Of course the top one is more of a portrait style photo of  young woman out on an adventure. Those are the types of shots that I like. but those aren't my absolute favorite.

     My absolute favorite comes from my deep hearted desire to be a landscape photographer. I am generally terrible at it, and no matter how hard I've tried in the past, I just couldn't get my camera to capture the scene that I was looking at. I did that today. I finally have a landscape photo that I am proud of. One that finally represents what I want to show the world as a photographer. I am happy to now present to you. that photograph (of course you have already seen it if you are on Facebook).

     Yes, there is some editing involved. A little cropping to get exactly what I wanted, and a little tweaking of the color saturation, but this is a photograph that I am proud to say that I took. I don't know if I can repeat this ever again, but this does give me hope that my dream of being a landscape photographer is possible. I am most proud that I managed to capture that bird, because as I was framing the shot, I saw him fly through and had to hurry my settings to get the shot. Thank you bird for just being slow enough for me to capture you.

     This has been a very photo heavy post. I have only one last thing to talk about. Remember when I wanted to do that video about Burger King's Nightmare King? Well the sandwich is finally available in this area, and I was thinking about doing a quick video and getting it up later tomorrow after I go and eat it. What I really want to know is, would you like to see me trying that sandwich.? I'm going to go try it anyway, but would you like to see it?

     That's all I got, and since the mid-terms are only a week away, Get Out and Vote.


  1. I absolutely love the picture of the model laughing!

    1. Counterfeit SquirrelOctober 31, 2018 at 8:21 AM

      That is one of my favorite as well. I like candid type of shots, they are just more natural and aren't forced.
