Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 47)

     Sir Gorin led the way to my home. We were to stop on the way to see the final resting place of Sir Wallace, so that we could all pay our respects. It was a small clearing along the trail, you could see the old scars on the trees from swords slicing into them when they missed their intended target. The earth seemed to not want to give forth new life, it was just packed dirt. Mounds of earth lined the outer limits of the clearing with one large on in the center.

     "That large mound is Sir Wallace's. Salvor said that he buried him where he fell as a tribute to how he fought."

     I dismounted my horse and gently walked in. It seemed appropriate as a way of silent respect for what had happened here. When I was only steps away from the burial mound, I could feel my emotions release. The memories of my own village falling to the Raiders, the loss of my friends and father, the loss of a man that I greatly respected. It all hit me at once and the tears flowed from my eyes. I felt a hand rest upon my shoulder.

     "I feel the same way Pitre. He was not only my Commander, but he was a mentor and a friend as well."

     "I know exactly what we are going to do with that blade. I'm not very good with a hammer and anvil, but I can surely make a fitting marker for what happened here. When we get to my village, that is just what I'll do. We will let everyone know just who lies here under this earth."


     The village was nearly as I had left it. The wood was beginning to take it all back. Small plants and trees were growing up amongst the wreckage of the burnt down homes of my friends. The corral that I had made for the goats was still standing. I told Sir Gorin to have the men put their horses in there for the night, and then led them to the forge where we could all stay the night. I had work to do though, and I quickly set off into the forest with my old double ax in hand. I needed wood to get the  forge fired up.

     I heard footsteps behind me and quickly turned.

     "Rolf, you don't need to come with me."

     "I don't want to intrude on what you are doing, but I don't want to be too far from wherever you are."

     "You aren't intruding, I'm only cutting down trees to light the forge."

     "Is this the village you grew up in?"

     "Yes it is. It is good that you came here. I'm going to put you to work, the way my father did me. This is exactly how he taught me how to reach the Euphoria. Have you ever cut a tree down?"

     "I have, but only small ones to get the campfires ready for the evening."

     "It's the same thing but you need the right tool for the job. Take this ax."

     "That ax is huge Pitre. I'm sure you can swing that with ease, but I don't have your size."

     Indeed he didn't. I stood a full head taller than Rolf, and was a bit broader at the shoulder as well.

     "I swung this ax when I was much smaller than you. My father had me swing this ax at the age of nine, are you saying that a nine yearling is stronger than you are."

     "If that nine yearling is you, then, yes I'm probably going to say that."

     "Just take the ax."

      He reached out tentatively and took the ax from me.

     "Aye yo! It's lighter than a feather."

     "I told you you would have no problem with it."

     "Why is it so light? I have never felt anything like this. It should weigh that of a cow."

     "I wish I could give you the answer to that, but my father never told me how his blades or even his armor was so light. I don't know if it was the way he forged it, or if it is a certain metal, but I was thankful for it every morning when I came out here to cut down trees. Now, back to felling a tree. You can't swing this like a sword. You have to slide your top hand up and down the shaft of the handle to get force. Here, I'll show you with a few swings and then you can do the rest."

     I took the ax back from Rolf and showed him how to correctly swing it. He took over and stumbled for a few swings but then quickly got the hand of it. 

     "Now, while you are hacking away at that tree, I want you to concentrate on each stoke with the ax. I want you to see the blade as it makes impact with the core of the tree each time. Try to see the blade meeting the wood before it actually strikes it."

     This was how I learned to focus properly, and relax as I did the strenuous work. I believe my father taught me this way so that it would be easier to focus and relax during my training. The training was hard but cutting those trees down was harder, and that focus kept me going longer than I probably would have. I entered a meditative state, like the one that Arial had always had me try to sit and do. I think that's why I failed, I couldn't just sit still, unless I was beginning a movement.

     As I was deep in thought the first tree fell to the ground. I showed Rolf how to skin the tree of it's branches so that it would be easier to drag up the hillside, then put him to work on another tree. I stepped a little deeper into the forest and began practicing the movements. I was lost to the world around me, the only place I had known for all of my life. I gracefully danced across the leafy floor of the forest without making a sound. My blade slicing the air with quick precise motion.

     I heard the second tree fall, and snuck back to the clearing staying out of sight of Rolf.

     He was standing near the tree, and looking around not in fear, but in wonder. 

     "Pitre, what is this? The world seems different, and why is there a light around you?"

     It worked. Making him focus so directly on what he was doing, allowed him to enter the Euphoria. He hadn't been able to manage it through training alone like the other Knights, but this was how I learned how to do it. Focus during some extreme but different practices. I did it while being exhausted and then training on rough ground. This was the first time Rolf had truly exerted himself since the big fight along the trail and he had had no training then.

     "You are in the Euphoria Rolf. Grab your sword and do the first movement."

     He walked to the lone stump that he had propped his sword on while he was chopping. I watched as he picked it up and drew it from it's scabbard. He began walking to an area that was clear of stumps and debris.

     "Wait, stay where you are. Trust me, you will be fine."

     He did as I said, and began the first movement. He moved with an elegance the he hadn't possessed before. His feet sought out the small spaces that they could fit without him even looking for them himself. His blade moved with speed and precision. Each slash, strike and block were true. When he came to a stop, he just stood there. I slowly walked over to him, and he looked up at me, and began to sob.

     "What's wrong Rolf, are you alright?"

     "I'm fine Pitre. It's just that... It's just that I have never felt anything like that before. It was beautiful. This is how you feel all the time, when you are in the Euphoria?"

     "Yes, yes it is. I am happy to share this experience with you finally."

     "Happy doesn't begin to explain how I feel Pitre. You've given me something very precious. Something only Targen Knight's have. We were told that the Knights had magic powers, and that if we didn't kill them first they would eat our souls to keep this magic. I never dreamed that I would be able to experience this magic for myself."

    "It's not magic Rolf, it's just hard work and training. You have earned this through the perseverance of your training. My father showed me that anyone can learn to do this, if only given the opportunity to learn it."

    "Pitre, I know I said I would fight by your side no matter what, but I now pledge my allegiance to you and will fight beside you for as long as I live."

     "Rolf that is not necessary. You have a life of your own. I will hold you to no promises. We are friends. I do for you because of that."

     "Pitre, I have never met a man more true and pure of heart than you, and I will be the first to join you in whatever fight or challenge you are to face. I'm also sure that I won't be the only one either. Have you not seen how those other Knights look up to you? You have only been one of them for half a year now, and they would follow you anywhere. You are the Patchwork Knight."

     "That's enough of that talk Rolf. I don't want to lead anyone. I only want to rid this land of Raiders and allow this realm to go back to living in peace. Come on now, let's get those trees back up to the forge and get a fire going for the nightly meal. I'll get the forge lit and make that marker for Sir Wallace."

     "I hear you Pitre, but you can't stop your own destiny, and yours is to lead men. You may not want it, but it's going to happen."

     I heard him but I didn't listen.

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