Sunday, October 14, 2018

Dig That 70's Appeal

     The Morty is doing good. He got the stitches out Friday morning, and is doing well. It only took them a few minutes to get them out, and he was happy as can be to be done with the E collar.

     If you look close at his right ear (the one on the left side of the picture) you can see the open scar from the surgery. That is the part that they had to leave open so that the hematoma would drain. It looks bad, but it is really nothing at all. He just has to wait out the scab, and have it fall off on it's own, and he will be back to 100%. He still has to grow the hair back on his ear as well. They had to shave that for the surgery.

     I put out another video today. I began watching a show on Friday night on Netflix, and found out quickly that it wasn't a show I would pick for myself. I couldn't stop watching it though, and finished the series off on Saturday night, and I'm having thoughts of watching the whole thing over again. That is something I rarely do. Anyway, watch the video to find out about the show, and help me answer the question of, "Why am I so fascinated with this show?".

     I still have the cough, and have resorted to trying to see what allergy medication might do for it. I have been sucking on throat lozenges a lot, and they help, but as soon as I eat something, I begin coughing. Also when I drink anything, I begin coughing. If I try to go without drinking anything, I begin to cough. I'm talking about water here. There is no rhyme or reason to why and how it starts, it just starts. Granted food is the biggest culprit, but it's not necessary. I've looked up chronic coughing and all the symptoms of the things that should terrify me, aren't what this is. I looked up bronchitis, not a match. I looked up pneumonia, not a match. There are a ton of other things, none of the matches. Everything has a little piece of it, but then they add in weakness, fever, soreness of throat, and none of those things apply to this cough. It is just there and isn't going away.I would try a humidifier if I had one, but I don't. I have tried steamy showers, but those seem to aggravate my throat as well, so I doubt that a humidifier will do anything other than make me cough. It's annoying but I will find a way through this.

     I got a little something for my Halloween video. My plan is to go to a few cemeteries in the area. Old ones at that. One of them is a very well known site for hauntings. I was watching a video from a motovlogger that I follow, and he had an app that was an evp reader. It's what ghost hunter use to listen to spirits. I played around with it last night, and I can't tell if it is just generating words, or if it is actually picking up something, either way, it is going to add a little something to that Halloween video. I'm going to start filming that this week. Mind you, it will all be in the day, since you can't go into cemeteries during the night around here. In all honesty, I don't really want to be in a spooky freaking cemetery at night anyway, so this will work just fine. I'm fully planning on being creeped out when I am there during the day, since I will be there alone. Nothing creepier than being in a well known haunted cemetery by yourself. Still, it's going to be fun

     I also plan on going over to that motorcycle dealer this week to take a look at that bike and finding out just how much it will cost to get it out the door. I have a price that I won't cross in my head, so we will have to see if they can stay below that threshold. No, I'm not telling you what the price is.

     The TPR went to a cheese steak place for a pizza yesterday. I won't tell you how the pizza was, because you have to wait for the review, but I do want to share with you a picture I took of a slice on these great retro 70's era plates that they had.

     I just had to get a picture of that plate. I loved how old they were. I will say one thing about this place. It was an old building and it looked like they hadn't changed any of the furniture or dining ware since the original restaurant that was in there. All the furniture was from the 70's as well. I loved it. Still not telling you how the pizza was. The review will be out on Nov 1st. so you can see it all when the video and the blog goes live.

     Time to go and watch some recorded TV before a new Walking Dead comes on. There are a ton of shows on tonight. New Supergirl, New Doctor Who, I found out about a new Star Wars animated series that is on tonight. My DVR is going to be busy tonight. Oh yeah, I also have to fold clothes once they come out of the drier. Peace in and goodnight.

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