Thursday, October 11, 2018

It's Full Of Info

     Morty is getting his stitches out tomorrow, and it couldn't come soon enough. I have had to watch over him, to make sure that he doesn't rip his stitches out. He managed to rip a giant hole in his E collar today, so it is now taped up with gaffer tape. I'm calling it custom, but it's just a tape job.

     Watching over him has entailed me taking him out on a leash to go to the bathroom. I have a lot of bushes in my backyard, and his favorite thing to do, is to run through them. If he had the chance he would rip those stitches out in a heartbeat, so the leash is the only way to go, until those come out tomorrow. I know he will be happy to finally be rid of the E collar, and I will be happy to not have to keep a constant eye on him.

     Since I have been watching over him, I haven't had much time to go out and make videos, but I do have one that I posted yesterday. Well, you already saw a couple of pictures from it, now you can see the rest of them, in the video. Here it is.

     I'm still learning how to use the Canon, and relearn the things that I once knew. I'm getting there, and I think these picture are a good example of that.

     My new glasses have not arrived yet, I'm hoping that I get the call tomorrow. I'm in the mood for that little change of pace that they will give me. I did tell you that they are frosted clear plastic frames right? I've always had black frames, or dark colored, so this is going to be a whole new look for me. I'm excited for the change.

     I got my ballot in the mail for the midterm election. I'm going to look it over this weekend and cast my vote. If you didn't register in time for this election, go out and register for the next. They happen every year you know. Don't fall for that, "my vote doesn't matter" crap either. It does, and your voice needs to be heard. If you are registered, check your voter status regularly. I have been hearing about all kinds of incidents of people being expunged from the voter rolls. Just today, I heard about someone who said that the entire street that they live on, was stripped from the rolls and marked as deceased. It's happening all over, so check your status. If you need a link I have one for you. whenweallvote Just click on that link and then scroll to the check your status button. It takes about a minuted to do, and it will tell you right away whether or not your status is active.

     I'm not going to tell you how to vote, only to vote. I'm sure that if you have been reading this for any length of time, you have an idea of which way I lean, but I will not tell you who to vote for, that is a decision for you to make, based on how you have informed yourself. I do my due diligence and look up every candidate to see just what they are about. I vote for the ones that line up with my way of thinking, and you should do exactly the same.

     I have heard from the motorcycle dealer, but I'm still playing phone tag with the guy. I have yet to talk to him in person, well on the phone, only messages back and forth. He didn't call today and return my message from yesterday, so I don't know if he has the answers I'm looking for. He did say that they will deliver the bike to me, so that is one thing out of the way, but I need to have an idea of the out the door price. The number he gives me is going to determine whether or not that I do this. The time is real important to me, so if I can't get a good deal, the time takes precedence over the fun factor of that little bike. We will see, maybe I'll hear from him tomorrow.

     I'm calling it right here. Not a lot tonight, but it's full of information. Big day tomorrow with taking Morty to remove those stitches, then I think I might celebrate by going to see Venom. I hadn't seen it yet, because I didn't to be away from Morty that long. Peace in and goodnight.

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