Sunday, October 7, 2018

Morty Is Doing Fine

     There is a lot to talk about, so let's just dive right in. First up is Morty. He made it through surgery ok, and is doing fine. He has to wear an E collar, which it turns out is called that because the full name is Elizabethan collar. Here is the picture of him after he got home from surgery on Friday.

     He was still a little dopey right there. Everyone at the vet fell in love with him of course, so he got the best treatment he could. They took real good care of him, and now it's my turn. I have to clean his wound daily, as well as his ears, with a medication. I have to give him his medication to help with the healing, and I have to make sure he stays out of trouble so that he doesn't pull the stitches out. That is the challenging part. I was letting him go out on his own, while still watching over him, but he has a mind of his own, and tries to take off and run in the bushes. That is no bueno, so it's the leash for him until he gets the stitches removed, which should be next Thursday. Then we can put this all behind us.

    Up next, is new video time. I shot all the footage and put it together for the Hero 7 video, and here it is.

     You may have noticed that the footage in the lounge was a little different in the end. That was driving me crazy. I thought it may have been because I left the camera set up out there, for several days, while I got the rest of the footage. I thought it possible damaged the sensors on the camera. It turns out, that I'm an idiot, and when I was showing a friend something, I mistakenly changed a setting on the camera, and it put that white hazy frame around it. I had to go on forums to find out exactly what I did, and once I found my mistake, I fixed it. While I was there, doing that, I decided to try connecting it with my phone, just to see what it could do. I assumed that I would be able to preview pictures on my phone, which was the case, but what I found was a great deal more than I expected. I can control the entire camera from my phone. I can use the phone as a remote and change all the settings on the camera without even being next to it. I can switch it from camera mode to video capture with a single button push. I love this camera even more than I had. I'm sure I could have found all of this out, if I had only read the manual, but what's the fun in that. Since I was playing around with the camera, I decided to take a fun little artistic shot of Morty.

     Not bad for a rank amateur with a little knowledge and skill. There is no cropping or any other affect, it's just playing around with the settings to get what I want. 

     Oh, I forgot to mention something in the video, and I just remembered it now. The GoPro Hero 7 Black has one feature that has never been on any of the other cameras. It has the ability to zoom in. It's not a true zoom and is using software to on the spot crop, the image in order to enlarge it, but you have that option with it now.

     One other thing about the video. Did you notice that I need to work on speaking in front of a camera. I did something I shouldn't have done. What I should have done, is a short test shot, to get my placement in the camera. What I did do, was turn the view screen around so that I could see what was filming while it was filming. Because of that, I was looking at the screen most of the time, instead of looking at the lens. If I lose retention of viewers, it is for that reason. I didn't connect with the audience, because I was looking at them. Live and learn, and videos in the future that I am actually in, I will work smarter so that I'm not looking off in another direction.

     Now for the fun stuff. I just finished watching the season premier of Doctor Who, and it was great. I love Jodie Whitaker as the new Doctor, and she did a great job. I won't say much more than that, because I don't want to spoil anything in case you haven't seen it yet. It's fun. New cast, new Doctor, new villains. Also, the new Twenty One Pilots album came out on Friday, or was it Thursday, I don't remember, all I know is that I've listened to it quite a few times, and it is outstanding. I of course will have the latest official video as FSOTW this Tuesday, so you have that to look forward to. 

     It turns out I really didn't have all that much to talk about, or maybe I did, and managed to finish it with efficiency. I'm off to make dinner and then wait around until the season premier of The Walking Dead. Speaking of The Walking Dead. The actor that played Hershel passed away yesterday, his name was Scott Wilson. I really didn't know him for any other part that he played, but it was a loss for the show when his character was killed off, and I can tell by the reaction of people that know him, that it was a tremendous loss to lose him in real life. While you are watching tonight, don't forget to remember Hershel during the show. Peace in and goodnight.

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