Thursday, October 18, 2018

I Need To Write

     It feels like I have done pretty much nothing this week. Sure. I did the write up for the next review that is coming up on the TPR, and I did some location scouting for another photo shoot, but I have done no other writing. I have been dead to The Patchwork Knight this week, and I'm a little bummed out about it. The last chapter was a difficult one to write, but I knew it was coming, and I think I am just feeling a little bit of trepidation about writing the upcoming chapters, because they are going to be hard as well. A few things have to happen to drive the story forward to where I want it to go, and those aren't pleasant things to do to my characters.

      That is the problem with writing some times. You get very attached to the characters and even though you already know their fate, it becomes difficult when their fate arises, and I think that is where I am right now. I just have to sit down and write what needs to be written. I should do it tomorrow, but I'm planning on making a video tomorrow for Sunday release, so that is on the top of the "to do" list. If I'm done with the video in a normal time, I'll try writing tomorrow, otherwise it will more than likely be Saturday that I get it done.

     Speaking of videos, TPR put out a new review. Exciting news involving the TPR. We are heading to Orlando for our next review. I found out a little bit of information about this next place that could play in our favor, if it is as good as we have been hearing. We would normally like to go to the original location of a pizza place has more than one. This one is having the second anniversary of their second location at a time, that we could put our video out on the same day. If I work this right, we could cross promote each other and both benefit from this. I just have to figure out the right way to initiate a conversation with them to make this work. Normally we don't contact a place before we go, but in this instance, I think it would be the best course of action. Other problem, that is not my job. I am creative and production. I'm not supposed to do the outreach, so that means I have to get my partner in all of this to do that. I just have to have him on board for this to work. We have had issues in the past when it comes to promoting things in a timely manner. We are working to correct those problems, so that we have a fighting chance at this being a success. This is another one of those "make us" moments. At least it is in my head. What I see is an opportunity to get more viewers and subscribers. Those are what we desperately need for this to work. So far, we are batting below the Mendoza line on that (baseball reference meaning that one is batting at a subpar average).

     We get views on the videos, but the blog does a lot better. Video views are easily only 10% of what we get on the blog. I have seen several other pizza blogs checking us out, and what they do is nothing compared to what we do. Our write up is more complete, and we add the video aspect, which none of them have. I think we have something very unique and we are striving to make it better with each time out. With all that in mind, please watch the video below, and if you by chance have a YouTube login or channel, give us a subscribe. We need you.

     I think I need a visit to Universal next week. I got that itch to visit Diagon Alley again. I was planning on going this week, but things got in the way. I've been hovering over Morty, because his ear is still a little messy, so I didn't want to leave him for such a long time, but I know he is fine, it is just be being an overprotective pitdaddy. I'll do it next Wednesday after we do the TPR thing in Orlando on Tuesday. Yes, I know that is a lot of driving to Orlando and back, but it's my life and that's how I roll.

     I never heard back from that motorcycle dealer about an out the door price, so I decided that there is no reason for me to go over there and check that bike out. It would have been fun to get it, and I know it would have added to my bike adventures, but I don't want to drive over there, and have them try to get me into payments. I wanted to have an idea of how much money I needed to bring and then wrap it all up in one visit, but now I would have to go, look at it, talk things over, then drive back on another day with the money, to get the process going. That would be too much driving back and forth to North Orlando. I don't want to do that, so the bike is a no go. I get to keep that month of free time to work more on The Patchwork Knight, and TPR, as well as whatever other project that I decided to tackle. That means I'm more than likely looking at January as to when I need to start looking for a job again. Hey, anyone know of any openings? It never hurts to get a jump on these things.

     Alright, I'm out of here. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. If you are interested in working for a chocolate shop, there is a management position opening right now. Of course, it'd mean a relocation to Texas.

    1. Counterfeit SquirrelOctober 19, 2018 at 8:39 AM

      A chocolate shop sounds like fun, but then there is the fact that I despise Texas, soooo.
