Thursday, October 25, 2018

Oh Me Oh My, I'm Going To Poke You In The Eye

     Morty is doing fine after another surgery. It took him longer to get back to being himself this time though. He was very lethargic and wouldn't eat for the first part of today, and he had the surgery yesterday. He has bounced back though. He is going to have to wear his E collar for 14 days this time though. They think that even though the took the stitches out in a normal amount of time, that maybe they should have stayed in longer and that is what caused his hematoma to come back. I'm hoping this one sticks, because I don't want to fork out another $500 bucks or so to have this done again. Here are a couple of pictures of Morty right after he got home, you can see that he is still dopey from the anesthesia.

     He has a new E collar coming tomorrow that should be more comfortable than the old ratty one that he is wearing right now. Since he has to wear it for two weeks, I want him to be as comfortable as he can be. He did manage to get his current collar off last night, but he was calm and didn't remove his stitches in the middle of the night. That would have been a disaster.

     I released another Remember When yesterday, and I know you haven't watched it, because I only have a very small number of views, so yes, I am posting it on here for you to have a chance at viewing it.

     I still have not found a location with the Nightmare King, so I have given up hope of making that video. Tomorrow however, I'm going to make a short video for Sunday about getting the new tires for the bike. It's going to be a little talk, and a whole lot of cinematic type stuff. I want to get shots of new bikes in the dealer, and then footage of me riding on the new tires, in a way that I probably shouldn't be riding. There is supposed to be a break in period of around a hundred miles for a new set of tires. The reason is, that when tire manufactures mold the tires, they use a silicon spray on the mold that seeps into the tire, and causes it to have a slick film that has to burn off. Here is how I'm looking at it. I have been riding on some somewhat slick tires for a few months now, so the new tires will probably have better grip than the old ones, but I'm sure there will be a different feel to them, and I will actually be taking it easier than I normally would.

     I did quite a bit of writing this week. I stuck with my plan to commit to writing The Patchwork Knight. I got a quick chapter done on Monday, and then Tuesday before heading out to do the TPR, I got what I thought could be a chapter. I decided that I might be able to expand on it more, so I didn't schedule it and just left it a draft so that I could revisit it. I did that today, and I was right, I was able to expand on it and I'm happy about that. I did only get two chapters done this week so far, but that is two more than I did over the last two weeks. I also wrote the review for the TPR, but you won't be able to see that until Nov. 8th. Oh yeah, you won't be able to see the two latest chapters I finished until the later part of Nov. I'm back ahead of Medium again and that feels good. It's not way ahead, but it is once again ahead. I want two more chapters this week. I'm not sure if I will get one done tomorrow, since I will be out getting tires, and then making video magic, not to mention I still need to  start the Halloween video, since the is less than week away, but I already know what that is going to be, I just have to film it. I should be able to do that either tomorrow or Saturday.

     I did have something planned for Saturday, but I had to cancel because of Morty being back on the mend. I have to stay around him while he is going through this, so I can't help out a friend, and I feel pretty bummed about that. I let them down, and I hate myself for that, but Morty comes first. I can make it out of the house long enough to shoot the footage that I need for a Sunday video, and my Halloween video. I already have the following Sundays video ready with another Remember When for that day, so I am back ahead, kind of, on videos.

     I keep meaning to bring this up, but always forget when it comes around to writing this at night, but here it is. If you are no Twitter, do yourself a favor and follow Tim Curry. He is a very good reason to have a Twitter account. If you don't have Twitter, you should get one, just so you can follow Tim Curry. Here is a link to his page Tim Curry Twitter . He is done right fantastic. He is forever correcting people that say he is dead, or if they say that he was once upon a time sexy. For the latter, it is that he never wasn't sexy. The man is an icon, and he really knows how to take the piss out of someone. Ok, so you don't want to get twitter just for him, that is ok, just click on that link above and read some of his tweets. They deserve to be seen by as many people as possible, and you won't regret it. You will get a laugh out of it.

     Before I go for the night, one last plea to get you to go out and vote. The election is right around the corner, and in most states, if not all of them, early voting is in progress. If you can voter early, do it. If you can vote by mail, do it. If you can only vote on election day, do it. If you aren't reregistered an ineligible to vote in this election, register and vote in the next election. Seriously, go do it. Peace in and goodnight.

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