Sunday, November 18, 2018

Photographs, Photographs Everywhere

     I wanted to start with that video, because of the beautiful message it sends about giving the gift of music to the young. I know, books are great too, but just watch the video and you will understand.

     I think I just made a giant mistake. I signed up for another online dating site. This one is Plenty of Fish, and I have gotten a lot of messages on it, but I don't think any of them are serious, and more likely are scam artists. They are already asking for email and phone numbers so that we can, "share pictures". I have no intention of handing out either of those for that reason, nor do I plan on handing either of those out to someone I don't know.

     I'll give you updates on all that during the week. I see myself cancelling this account real fast. Anyway, I have been in photographer and videographer mode this weekend. I have not looked at the footage I captured yet, but I will soon. I did take some quality phots and I have a plan for one in particular. I had to do a practice picture that is in the same vain as the one I want to do, which will in turn teach me how to do it better for another photo I have planned.

     That is one of the sunset picture I took a week or so ago, and the helicopter is from a stationary mounted chopper at the Veteran's Museum in Merritt Island. I think I did a half way decent job on this one. Here are the originals, so that you can see where they came from.

     I had to do a lot of elimination work on that chopper to get it in there looking decent. I changed the exposure and made it look more like it was shot in the late evening as opposed the middle of the day. I accidentally removed a portion of the struts and had a terrible time getting it to fill back in. It didn't work exactly the way it was supposed to work, and it was more than likely my fault and not the software, but I eventually got it corrected. It took a great deal of time to create that photo, but it was fun, and frustrating. I did take a few hours between the time I erased the portion of strut before I go back to it and then got it painted in there. I did get help from a friend of mine, and it was her idea that made it work. She has a great deal more knowledge than I do on Photoshop, so I will be relying heavily on her for a lot of my learning process. I'll get it, and get better at it though.

    I have a model for the train track shoot. Have I mentioned the train track shoot? Actually I have two models for it. There is my friend that has the PS skill, and I am really looking forward to her doing it. I think she knows exactly what I'm looking for in this shoot. The other one is a woman that I shot with previously. I had a good time shooting her, so I think she will bring something to the shoot as well, but I'm going to shoot her differently from what my true vision is. I'm going to design that shoot more around her and less around the vision, but I will still hold to the idea of the vision. I could potentially create a series out of these, but I want my friend to be the Prime. She will be what the true vision is, and I can't wait for you to see it. I will post them on my photography only Instagram, but if this shoot comes out the way I really hope it will. I will share the penultimate picture on here. I won't make you go the Instagram to see it. I should though. Got to build up those followers some way.

     I have plans for this week and one of them will be an idea for a shoot that I have. I just have to figure out how and when I'm going to do it. The idea is shooting night time streets. I have to go at a time when there is no traffic at all, because I want to set up in the middle of the road. I want stop lights lit up, and the loneliness of the empty streets late at night. It could be a very risky shoot, but if it comes out the way I think it will, it will be worth it.

     I also have to see the new Fantastic Beasts movie. That will be on $5 Tuesday, so Tuesday is covered. I'm planning on hitting Universal on Wednesday, since I didn't get to go this past week. Stupid meteorologists. I started paying attention them and they predicted thunderstorms most of the week. Guess what never happened all week? No thunderstorms. This week is a must do, so I'm going no matter what, and I still plan on taking the camera for some fun shots.

    Thursday is the guitar lesson, and we are working on You're My Best Friend by Queen, and boy is it hard. The chords aren't unusual, it is just how fast they switch around. That song is way more complicated than it sounds.

     I forgot about tomorrow. Tomorrow, is a filming day. I will take the camera with me again if I see any interesting building are cars, but the focus is filming as much ride footage as I can so I can just do a good ol' music video. This is the thing I like doing the most, and I'm going to have it ready this Sunday. I was hoping for Wednesday, but I don't think that is going to happen, so I will have to do a short video about something that I don't know yet.

     That brings me to something else. I watched a video from a guy I've followed for a while now. He took a year off, because he was in an accident and lost his bike. He still doesn't have one, but he has kind of changed the direction of his channel, and it made me think. I don't know where my channel is going right now, and I've been thinking about doing more in front of the camera instead of behind it, but what would that be like? I have to work it all out, but I do see some changes coming to my channel. I will still doing videos riding around, but I may focus on talking to the camera instead of behind it. I might make it more like this blog, but maybe focus on something distinct. Maybe give the channel a conscience. Talk about topics that maybe people don't want to talk about. I haven't fully thought it out yet, but those are the things that are on my mind. Let me know what you think, and if this sounds like something you would want to see.

     Ok, I have to take out the garbage, but before I go, I do have a video from today. It's a Remember When, and this takes be back to those childhood teenage party days.

     Peace in and goodnight.


  1. 👍. Would love to see your handsome face ❤️

  2. Counterfeit SquirrelNovember 19, 2018 at 7:41 AM

    I doubt the rest of the world would see it that way.
