Sunday, November 4, 2018

Phoenix From The Ashes

     The TPR has failed to get out of the teens for the first time ever. This is our lowest performing post ever, and it's a bit confusing. I don't know if people are just tired of it, or if maybe because it was a cheese steak place, people didn't care about it. I just don't know. We have another ready to go for this week and we are filming one on Tuesday. After that, the release schedule is taking a couple of weeks off. Maybe people just need a break from it. If that is the case, the two weeks off should be good.

     On to better things. I also have a video ready to go this week as well, it will be about that photo shoot I did, and you will get to see some other picture that I took in that. I didn't share them all with you, so a few of them will be new. I have heard no word lately about a model for that shoot that I wanted to do, so I'm putting the word out there. If anyone is in the area and wants to give modeling a try, hit me up. The only thing I want is the clothing that I mentioned before. Comfortable boots (it should appear that you could walk in them for months at a time), jeans, flannel or long sleeve short, and or an army style jacket. I don't care if you are male or female. I don't care about what size or height you are. This photo shoot will work with anyone. You can either leave a comment below, or on  the Facebook post, or you can email at my new photography specific email Yeah that is a thing now.

     Speaking of photography specific emails and what not. I did want to share this photo with you that I posted on Instagram on the CounterfeitSquirrelPhotos page. I got real lucky walking around a sanctuary that recently had a controlled burn. The result is some minor regrowth mixed with burnt to a crisp trees, and this is what I stumbled across while I was out there.

     Now, I'm not going to share all my photos like this, I have to leave some exclusive to that page, but I also need to drive some traffic there. I titled this one Flames After the Fire. I thought it was fitting. It's almost like a Phoenix rising up from the ashes of that fire. That is my goal after all with these pictures that I post there. I want them to tell a story. The true interpretation is entirely up to the viewer, but I will add my two cents with the title, which is what I did here.

     I do have something I want to talk about, but can't yet. I have to leave it as a surprise. I can say that it involves Saki, and that I minor change has happened to it. I need time to get a few other things in order before I unveil the finished product. I will show you the last photo I took before this minor change.

     I can also tell you this. Even though it is a minor change, I think it makes a big difference in Saki's appearance. I will be reposting that picture again, so you don't have to remember what Saki looked like. I want to do a side by side comparison, but it's been raining most of the day, and the light I took the above photo in, was not available today, so I have to wait until I have clear skies and a bright day. I'm going back to that exact location and try to get the exact photo. I picked a spot that had markers that I can set things up right. It's the little things that count right?

     Morty only has five more days before his stitches come out. I'm going to call tomorrow, and set up his appointment for Friday. I do believe that he will be one happy camper after having to wear his cone for two weeks straight. I do give him some free time once a day so that he can eat his food cone free, but he normally only eats about half his food during that time, and then he has to eat the rest later on with the cone on. I think he secretly likes wearing it. Hopefully this will be the last we see of the cone though, because I can't afford another $500. This whole ear thing has cost me over $1200, and now you see the reason I really chose not to buy that second motorcycle.   

     Before I finish off with a little something about the election. I did post a video this morning. It is a look back on one of the great pizza places that was around here back in the day.

     This is the week. Tuesday is voting day, and it couldn't come soon enough. I of course have already sent in my mail in ballot, so I'm all done with the process, except for waiting to see if my choices won. If you haven't voted, I hope you are planning to on Tuesday, and if you aren't registered, please register so that you can be ready for the next election. This country is home to over 300 million people and in the last presidential election, only just over 120 million voted. That means less than half of the country voiced their opinion. Be part of changing that. If you think your vote won't make a difference, then just imagine that you are the one that tips the scales in the election you are voting in. It very easily could be your vote that is that difference. Get Out and Vote.

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