Sunday, November 25, 2018

Fun With Photography

     It's been a very up and down weekend. I went to my friends house on Thursday night and we had a lot of fun taking photos, and learning new things. Our goal was to get some good photos of the nighttime sky, but the clouds didn't do us any favors. We did get some good nightscape shots, I even posted one today on the CS Photos page. I am going to share a couple of photos here, because I really have no other place to put them, and also because on in particular is about my good friend Elie.

     You remember her right, the one that had the motorcycle accident and nearly lost her hand, well, we had some fun and I got some great pictures of her. The first one is one that we really wanted to get and as we were sitting there and discussing the potential shot, more ideas came into the picture and the is the result of it.

     The title is A Wolf Survives. The black and white photo is one of the last one I took of her before her accident and the color was on Thursday night. That is the helmet she was wearing the night of the accident. The helmet that more than likely saved her life. You may have noticed that the color image is a little transparent so that you can see the past and how important to her it is. That was done in Photoshop. The next picture I'm going to show you, was done completely with the camera, and it was my first time getting this kind of shot. I'll explain it all after.

     The only thing I did to that photo was crop it, and slightly change the perspective so that they lines were straight and not at angles. Here is how I got that shot. First I have to say, that we stumbled into before we got that one. I was using a flash to get a good amount of light in a dimly lit room, with a long exposure. The way we stumbled into it, was, she moved before the exposure was over. I saw the image pop up and instantly had her do it again, on purpose this time and had her move out of frame completely. The idea behind this is, that the flash lights up her completely, but when she moves away the ambient light that is being picked up from the long exposure brings the door that is now exposed to come forward in the image. She becomes a ghost because the background gets lit for a longer period of time. Fun stuff right?

     We went out to the location where she had her accident and did it again out there, and it worked like a charm.

     Once again, the only thing I did to this shot was crop it to get rid of some distractions on the edges. Cameras can do cool things if you take the time to experiment with what they can do naturally. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate now having the ability to manipulate phots in unique and artistic ways. Some things you just can't do with a camera alone, but those things that you can, well, they are super cool as you can see from the shots above.

     Below is an example of what you an do with photoshop the a camera just can't do alone.

     With this one, I overplayed two images. One with just the net and the wall, and the other with her behind the net, then I just removed small parts of her exposing the image of the wall underneath. It makes for a somewhat creepy and spooky photo, that works on so many levels, and I can't wait to do this type of thing again with a better grid pattern. and maybe a bit more light.

     That was the highs of the weekend. The lows filled up Friday and Saturday. Those days, I had no desire to leave the house, or even do anything at all. I was frozen by my own inadequacies. I was just thinking about how things aren't going quite as I would like them to be going. I dwelled in that for the past two days. I still worked on some photos and put that one up this morning, but I need more to do, and I have it, but couldn't bring myself to sit down and work on those things. those things being writing The Patchwork Knight of course. I'm not stuck, I know exactly what I have to write and have it running through my head even as I write this, but I think that since it is getting so close to the end, I don't want it too, and I keep putting it off. This should be a joyous time for me in this story, but it's a bit heartbreaking at the same time. I have spent a year writing this, from the time I started out just writing it one day a week to now when I will put out 3 and sometimes 5 chapters a week. Well, not put out, but you know what I mean. Oh, that reminds me, I keep forgetting to bring this up, but in December The Patchwork Knight will move to a once a week schedule on Medium. I have to do that, since I have basically caught up with what I'm putting out on here. I still put a new chapter out every Saturday, and very soon, I will be caught up to a point that the chapter that goes up on Medium will be the chapter that just came out on here. The new chapters will come out every Saturday on here, and then the new proofread and edited chapter will go up on Medium on Monday's.

     I am going to spend the time I need to and write this week. I won't finish the story this week, but it will continue getting closer and closer to that final chapter. The one that has been in my head since before I began writing it, and it is a little sad to see it coming to and end. I have lived Pitre's life to this point, and it will be tough to let it all go at the very final word. I hope that you have been enjoying reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

     I do have a Saki update. I am currently waiting on those block off plates to arrive, so that I can button everything up. Technically I could ride Saki as is, but that would mean that when they do come in, I have to take certain things apart to get them all on, so I'm keeping everything off until I can put it all back together. This is what Saki currently looks like.

     The windshield is off, but the new mirrors are on, and I had to do a work around to get those on there. It turns out, that those mirrors aren't supposed to go on my bike at all. There really is no way for them to go on properly, so I had to put them on improperly. It's risky but I found a way to make it work. The problem is on the throttle side. There are two ways to put those mirrors on a bike. They have a circle clamp that tightens down on the bars, or there is a insert that goes in the handle bar and the circle clamp goes on that. My bars aren't made for either one of those ways. I have a very small amount of room for the circle clamp, so I put them on that way, and then took my old small bar ends that look like carbon fiber and used the screw from the longer red bar ends. I used the old small bar ends as a stop. On the trottle side, that bar end, when tightened down, would push the mirror into the throttle cylinder and would stick it in place. I had to find the right place, and use thread lock to get everything in a good place so that they mirror would stay on, the bar end would not spin, and the bolt would not vibrate loose. It is all good now, but it is going to be a nightmare if I ever change the grips again.

     The block off plates should be here tomorrow, which means Saki can be back on the road on Tuesday at the latest. In other motorcycle news, I had a guy come up to me today when I was in Saki's Lounge and ask me if I wanted to sell my Harley. I had been holding on to it with the idea that I would make it a project bike, but let's face it, that isn't going to happen anytime soon. He is going to look into what it might be worth and then give me an offer for it. If it is anywhere near what I think it is worth, I'm going to take it and hand that project off to him. I'll even help him out from time to time if he wants.

     Like I said, an up and down weekend. Now it's time to watch some Walking Dead. It's the mid season finale and I don't want to miss that. Peace in and goodnight.

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