Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 53)

     Everyone showed up for Sir Constance's funeral. The King himself presided over it. The King spoke of his bravery, and how he was a wonder with a tale. He spoke of a man who was loved by all that knew him. Someone in the crowd began a chant of "Sir Constant", and soon everyone rang in. After a few minutes it died down, and everyone dropped their heads in silence.

     I don't remember who was the first to walk away, I only remember brief moments as I stood there watching. The crowd slowly dispersed until it was just me and Sir Darius. Sir Darius slowly turned and saw me. He looked a bit startled by my presence, then he slowly walked towards me.

     "Sir Pitre, have you been standing there the entire time?"

     "Yes sir. I stayed after laying Sir Constance to rest."

     "Sir Paljin said you didn't have to do that. I, once I thought of what I said, I agree with him. I let my emotions get the better of me. Why did you stay?"

     "I felt like I needed to. You were right. I needed to reflect on what I had done. Constance was dead because of my actions."

     "Pitre, do you know why I remained after everyone had left?"

     "I thought you were paying your respect."

     "I was, but I was also reflecting on my own actions. I was the one that sent you three out there. I let my anger take charge of my actions and I sentenced Sir Constance to his death. I also forced you to watch him die. It was my fault."

     "That's not true Sir Darius. You were doing what was right. I disobeyed a direct order from you. It was the result of that, that caused the assassin to track me down. He had intended his arrow for me, but it found Constance instead. You hold no responsibility for his death. I take all of that. I will go back on the trail tomorrow and find the roaming war bands and report back their locations. I will not engage them in any way if I can avoid it. I will make this as right as I can."

     "You will do no such thing Pitre. There will be no more scout groups. We will only head out in groups of 15 or more. We have learned that it is far too dangerous for a small patrol to be out in the Realm. We will carry the burden of Sir Constance's death together. I will also be with you when you return to the trail, but we won't be alone. We will be a squad of fifteen men, and we will destroy anyone who gets in our way or tries to harm a citizen of the Realm."

     "I will stand beside you what ever you choose to do. Sir Constance's name will be a rally cry whenever we face Raiders. His name will be the last thing they hear as they meet there end."

     "That it will Pitre, that it will. I want to apologize to you. I pushed you too hard. I was worried that you would get yourself killed and we would have nothing to fight the Raiders with. You are our secret weapon Pitre. I know now, that I shouldn't have worried about you. I dare say, that you could take on the entirety of the Mudwood, and wouldn't see a cut on you. I will no longer put restraints on you. I only hope to keep up with you so that I can see your feats for myself."

     "No, you were right to restrain me Sir Darius. I am supposed to be a member of a group, and the group is what matters most. I will obey orders from this moment forward, and we will all see victory together."

     "I have no doubt of that last part, as for the first. I would have it no other way than as it has been. The only exception is, that I will be with you and Rolf when we scout ahead for the Mudwood."

     "I will gladly have your experience and knowledge by my side."

     "Go rest now Pitre. I will do the same. We will gather our men first thing in the morning and head out to defeat those who stand before us."

     "I will be ready."

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