Thursday, November 15, 2018

Frustration On Top Of Frustration

     Today has been rather frustrating. I woke up extra early, which it itself is frustrating, but I had to do that so that I could get something done, that was supposed to be done days ago. I had to film a Facebook exclusive video for TPR. Since my partner never contacted me about his availability, I ended up filming the video by myself and making the best of a bad situation. It seems like those are happening more and more with TPR. The idea, was that we were to have a video up on Facebook for our followers there, explaining that we were taking a couple of weeks off, and then we would be back on our schedule of every other week. I mentioned that this video would be up today, so that we could get as much exposure, since no one would be checking us out on Thanksgiving day. Since I'm done babysitting, I took it upon myself to make the video alone. I set it in the woods, and acted as if I was lost. Just to give the whole video a fun twist.

     I've been noticing a slight problem with my camera, well the memory card to be exact. There was less and less space, despite me deleting everything on it after every time I uploaded it. When I got out there to film, I only had about a minute of time left on the SD card. I managed to get just about everything in that I wanted. I planned on keeping the video short anyway, but not necessarily that short. When I got home, I checked the SD card, and found nothing unusual, so I grabbed an old SD card from my other camera, and it gave me all the space I had once had. I had to reformat the new SD card, to get all the space back. It left some kind of ghost data on it, that was filling up all the space. It's fixed now, but I'm going to have to keep a close eye out for it happening again.

     That was frustration one and two. Three came when I uploaded the video on Facebook. They are trying to create their own video platform, that is why YouTube videos are no longer embedded on the site and you have to click on the link and leave the page to view them. Since they are trying their best to copy YouTube, they have also added a premier feature. I thought I would give it a try for this short little video, maybe engage with some of our followers. I set the video for a couple hours after the upload and waited around for it to happen. When it was time, I went on, waited through a countdown, and when it hit zero, I clicked on the thumbnail and it took me to a page that was supposed to be playing the video. There was one giant problem, the video wasn't there. Facebook didn't upload it. Their platform says that after the video plays in a livestream, that it will be posted to the wall, for others to see it that weren't' there for the premier. There was no video on the wall. I ended up waiting about an hour, and then just uploaded it again, and posted it instead of some asinine premier or schedule. The video finally made it on the site, but I was still fuming mad over what had happened.

     My partner actually shared the premier link, after I only shared it on his timeline. Otherwise it would have never been shared. He then shared the premier link which didn't work again, not paying attention and thinking that it was the newly uploaded video. I knew none of this, because I had other things I needed to do. When I finally got back home three hours later, I saw that he still hadn't shared the new video, and I was once again fuming mad. I texted him and asked why he hadn't shared it since I had told him about it three hours earlier. That is when he told me he had shared it twice. I looked again, he hadn't, he had shared the premier. I had to tell him to share the right one. This is the person who was supposed to be the Facebook guru, and have all of this stuff covered. I'm telling you, that I am losing my mind over all of this. I wasn't supposed to be doing all the work on this. I really need him to start taking more responsibility for how this venture of ours fares.

     He texted me later in the evening telling me that he had a plan for Thanksgiving week. He was going to share one of our reviews daily during that week, and asked me which ones I thought he should share. This of course got me going again, but I waited to respond to him. I had to cool down, since he neglected to share our blog post from last week at all.

     Here is our schedule for release. Thursday we post the video, and then share the link from the TPR Facebook page to our own pages. I also post that our latest review is out on Instagram with a different angle picture of that particular pizza, and I do the same on Twitter. As you know, I then share the video one last time on here for you to watch. On the Friday after a review goes live. I give it that last little push and share the link to the blog post on Facebook, then share it to my own page. We have been doing it this way for months now, and he should know. I shouldn't have to remind him every single time to share the link, but if I don't remind him, it doesn't get done. The last review we did for Lazy Moon Pizza only had 9 views up until tonight, which I suspect is from him looking at it, because we now have 10 views. That is pathetic, and an absolute failure in my eyes. We have never had a post with that few of views. It's absolutely ridiculous when between our Facebook followers, Instagram followers, and our friends that are supposed to see the links on our very own pages, we should reach 500 people at a minimum. Of those 500 we should at the very least expect 25% to actually look at it, that would be 125 views. That is not what we get, and I am saddened by that. Our last two posts have a grand total of 36 views, and I boosted one of those on Facebook. It was the video link that I posted, but I always put all our links in the description of the video. We should have more views.

     This goes back to either people are sick of us, or Facebook is throttling our posts, so that not as many people see them. I will never again boost a post on Facebook. The last boost resulted in 15 clicks. 15 Clicks out of over 800 people reached. That is far less, by the way, from what Facebook said that it could reach. They always tempt you with numbers like, "for $10 you can reach over 4000 people.". I have yet to see one of our posts that been boosted reach more that 1100 people. Facebook is down right stealing money from people that boost posts, and I won't take part in it anymore. They word it real slick though. "You can reach", as opposed to you will reach. That takes away any fault on their part. If there was another platform that was as successful as Facebook, I would be on it in a second if they were more honest about what they do, but I'm stuck with what's available.

     Now you see why this has been a day of frustration. I'm done with today, and going to look at tomorrow as a brand new day, that can be full of frustration. I'm going to try to avoid that frustration part though. I'm going to be filming most of the weekend for a video that will either come out this coming Wednesday, or next Sunday. It really all depends on when I'm able to get everything filmed and edited together. If I'm still working on it Tuesday, I will have to come up with a quick idea for a Wednesday video. I leave you in suspense on what will happen. Peace in and goodnight.

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