Tuesday, November 27, 2018

It's A Photo Revolution

     That right there, that is breakfast tomorrow. I made it back to Universal today. Not the way I had planned, but it was a fun day, and quite frankly, I needed it. I did have a plan to get doughnuts for tomorrow, and that plan came together. I'll try to get a picture of them when I open the box in the morning, but no promises.

     My Universal buddy, hit me up yesterday and asked if I wanted to go. That meant I couldn't bring the camera, because I didn't want to leave it in a locker. I did however break out the phone to get some shots, just for you. Before we get into that though, Saki is back and better than ever.

     I bolted everything back together and did a test ride to make sure everything looked good and felt good. The new mirrors work just fine out on the road. I did have to make a few adjustments to get them where I like them, but they are right where I want them now. I thought it would be a bigger adjustment for me to look to the bar ends for the mirrors instead of in front of me, but I had no problem what so ever. Saki looks a little more streamline and has more of that, "going fast while standing still" look to it. I can't wait to get out and take some nice glamour shots with it now.

     Now for a photo revolution. The first photo, might be the coolest one, but I'll let you be the judge of that. My Universal buddy was hungry when we got there, so we went to the Hard Rock for a bite to eat. Way over priced, but good. When you get there, they have a whole system laid out, so that they know what tables are taken and what tables are free at the front desk. They hand you a small slip of paper with some numbers and stuff on it, and you hand it in at the hostess station, they look up the corresponding number and then take you to your table. The woman that was our hostess (they have like 5 at one time) said, "Oh, this is an easy one, you are at the Prince and Madonna table. Now, you know me. I can respect Madonna, but I'm not a fan, but Prince? Yes, you know I was excited, I was a little disappointed that it was mostly Madonna items, but I sat right below Prince's purple shirt, and yes I took a picture of it before we left.

     Today was going to be a good day. After a nice meal with the company of Prince's shirt, we headed into the park. We hit Universal first, and rode the Minions ride. I had never ridden it, so since the crowd was small, we hit it up. It was fun, but nothing to write home about. The Mummy was next, and that is always favorite, but after that, we went to Diagon Alley, and since it was cold, my favorite thing there was available. Hot Butterbeer. Here is the thing. Butterbeer is good, but it is rather sweet. They have a frozen version that is like an icee, but it still retains that sweetness. The hot Butterbeer, is a whole other animal. It is like melted butterscotch with a marshmallow topping, and it is to die for. It was the best thing to have on a cold day.

     With hot Butterbeer in hand, it was time to roam around the Alley, and I've always failed to get a picture of the dragon that sits upon Gringott's so, today was the day that I took one.

     I wasn't lucky enough to get a shot of him breathing fire, but that shot will do. You have three angles to shot him from. There is where I was standing, then the opposite side of him, and then head on from the opening into Diagon Alley. When I take the Canon, I plan on sitting near that opening and getting a shot of him breathing fire head on. I think it will be rather remarkable.

     We hit the Gringott's ride before catching the Hogwarts Express to Hogsmead. Yes I'm sticking with all the wizarding lingo. While on the train, we were in cabin with a family of five. The mother and father with three girls varying in age from maybe 5 to 10. Not really sure. The train ride is unique in that it is a show as well as a transport to take you from one park to the other. During the trip you are faced with the Dementors, the evil beings that guard Azkaban Prison. When the littlest girl so those, I watched her, and she had a death grip on her father's arm, and then when it was over, she began to cry a little. I couldn't help but smile at that. No, not because I thought it was funny that she was scared, but that she really experienced what the creators of that ride wanted her to experience, She was fully in the moment of that ride, and experienced the highs and lows that come along with it. She cheered right back up when she saw Hagrid and a smile was back on her face. It is always fun to see how kids and even adults react on that train ride. I really enjoy watching them live the books for themselves.

     That brings us to Hogwarts castle, and they do a light show every night. I got a good spot for it tonight and took quite a few pictures. I won't bore you with all of them, but I'm going to share some of the better ones I got.

     Make sure you click on all those pictures so you can see a good version of them. They project the show right on the castle and it is spectacular. The trees around the area, all have lights in them that change colors and cascade to become part of the show as well. If you get a chance to visit Orlando and you love the Harry Potter books as much as I do, make it a point to visit Universal and see the light show. It changes for the season, and right now it is holiday themed. It is a pain to stand and wait in the crowd of people before the show starts, but a little hint. Go to the bridge between Hogsmead and Jurassic Park and take up residence there. It's where I got those pictures from and really is the best place to watch it from.

     That was basically my day, so now it is back to work on writing The Patchwork Knight tomorrow, and getting out on Saki for some photos. Peace in and good night.


  1. Looks like an awesome day and great shots!

    1. Counterfeit SquirrelNovember 28, 2018 at 9:54 AM

      I'm a little bummed today. I got 4 doughnuts, and the one doughnut that I was craving was a Grape Ape, and they gave me a Blueberry Cake on accident. It was good, but no Grape Ape.

  2. Great job on the video - I certainly concur with how you intend to proceed. It would be tough for you to carry as much of it as you have.
