Thursday, April 25, 2019

And So It Doesn't Begin

     It has been  frustrating couple of weeks. I found out today, that I won't be going out on my own on the 29th. The job is giving me the run around and making me jump through hoops, before I hit the road as it were. I'm bummed, but I'll over come it. I've overcome a lot lately, so no reason why I can't topple this.

     The Keto is going great. My ketone levels were lower this week which was expected seeing how I ate pizza on Saturday. I only hit 1.6 on the meter this week, and it will more than likely be less next week, since I am finally having my garbage day on Saturday. I'm still hesitant about it, but I'm going to do it, just to see how my body reacts. I don't think I've lost any weight this week, but I feel great, and I'm noticing more muscle definition coming out. I don't think I mentioned this, but tomorrow, I'm going to start hitting the gym again. It's only going to be Friday and Saturday nights, and I'm sticking with the core exercises. Those are: bench press, deadlifts, and squats. I'm keeping the weight low for now, and slowly building up and then adding more exercises as I progress. Even though the 28 days are over, I'm not done with this new lifestyle.

     I put my motorcycle jacket on yesterday and it fit better than when I first got it. It was always snug, but yesterday, it was loose and they way it was supposed to fit. It's pretty amazing that I could go from not even being able to wear that jacket anymore, to not just fitting in it, but fitting in it better than I did when I first bought it. Keto works. It may not be for you, but look it up and see what you think about it, if you are trying to lose weight, and just really want to change your lifestyle around. It has put me in a much better place, both physically and mentally. That is a huge thing considering the last two weeks of problems and headaches.

     Speaking of those headaches, I will not be on Facebook for the foreseeable future. There is too much drama and stuff that I don't need right now. I will still post this there, and I'm not deleting my account, but I won't be on their to check anything. I can post this remotely, so I don't have to go on. If you want to comment on this, you will have to come to the comment section on here, or just reach out and send me a text. I need this break from that social media platform. It is what is best for my mental stability. I don't need the headaches anymore, and this is how I get rid of them.

     I'm toying with taking some time off from here as well, but that would only be a week, just to recharge my battery, and remember why I do this. I know that when I stop for a week I'll miss it, and that is maybe something I need right now as well. I'm not going to do it yet, but when I finally decide, I'll let you know in advanced.

     I'm keeping this one short tonight. I'll be back Sunday to let you know how garbage day went. Until then, peace in and goodnight.

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