Sunday, April 21, 2019

From Miserable To Down Right Disappointing

     Since this week was miserable, why not follow through on the weekend. I told you about what was going on through Thursday, and how miserable the week was. Well the weekend didn't get much better. It all started when I woke up Friday morning and saw that pay day had changed to tomorrow. There was no notification of that, and my coworkers were furious, as was I. We were told that it was a glitch and that are paychecks would be in by 9 AM that day. They weren't. Then we were told that they would be in later in the day, or by Saturday afternoon at the latest. Guess what hasn't arrived yet?  There is a site that I go to that shows my by pay stub for my direct deposit, it still says that the next pay stub will be available on the 22nd. I tending to not believe it. This is a big deal. There were some people that were counting on those paychecks to get them through to the next one. I'm covered for a little while, so I don't need it, but it has slowed me down in that I'm not buying anymore tools that I need for the job, and my days as a trainee are down to being able to count them on 1 hand. That means that I won't be able to get those tools here before I hit the road on my own. Also, don't forget that I have no idea if I was paid for those solo jobs like I'm supposed to be, and I won't know until that pay goes in my back. This totally sucks, and has consumed my weekend, after a really crappy week.

     I do have some good news though. I weighed in yesterday and I was at 180, that is another pound done and only 5 more to go to hit my goal weight. I also didn't do my garbage day yesterday because I had to do a TPR instead. With having to eat pizza, I didn't want to overload my system with the garbage meal that I wanted to have, so that is put off until next weekend. I'm feeling great, I'm looking great, and that is all that really matters. Oh, I forgot to share this picture of my blood meter on Thursday that showed that I hit that 3.0 mark on my ketones.

     I also have a picture of my side dish on Friday. It was incredible tasting until I added the last ingredients to it. It was still good, but it was better without. I'll give you the prior ingredients first, and then tell you what I added that kind of messed it up. This was riced cauliflower, baby leaf spinach and Kalamata olives sautéed in olive oil seasoned with Italian herbs, and garlic salt.

     I tried it just like this and the taste explosion was incredible. My mistake was sticking with my plan. I had two Kobe beef patties with it, and I put shredded parmesan and mozzarella on those, with the idea of adding that to the side dish as well. I should have left the cheese off the veggies. It was good, but not near as good as when it was plain. When I do this again, and I will do it soon. I'm not putting any cheese on it. It was so good even with the cheese, so my mouth is watering right now just thinking about how it tasted without.

     Another pretty good thing that happened on Friday, was meeting a new friend. It was a short and passing relationship, but I enjoyed our time together.

    He had a personality like Morty. Super friendly and followed me everywhere. He stood just above my waist, so I didn't even have to reach down to pet him. He was a stray wandering the neighborhood. His owner eventually came around and told me that he had found him, but that there was another one that was still wandering. I hadn't seen that one. I wanted to mention that his collar was too tight, and that it appeared to be a shock collar which I am vehemently opposed to, but the guy was already dealing with enough from the loss of his other dog. Here is the thing about those shock collars. They only work if a dog gradually walks towards the perimeter. If the dog is smart, and I believe this one was. They can simply run through the barrier and once they are beyond, there is no more shock. I'm still even covering how horrible it is too shock your dog into staying in your yard. I get that it is a cheap alternative to getting an expensive fence, but do you really want to cause harm to your dog? I'm hoping that he learned the error of his ways, and that shock collars aren't just horrible, but they are pointless in that any dog with a head of steam and get passed them.

     I also received a very pleasant text this morning from a friend of mine. She told me that if I ever needed it, she would sit with mom for a few hours from time to time, so I could go out and do my own thing. I will never take her up on that offer, not because I don't trust her, but because I can't put that on someone else. I'm supposed to take care of her, and my life can wait. I work and I come home, that is my life now, and I have come to terms with that. I don't have free time anymore. I will begin writing again, to have my escape, and I will also start working on the new bookcase more. I am going to have to put Saki on the lift, since I won't have any free time to ride for the foreseeable future. I'm worried about getting flat spots on the wheels, and lifting Saki and starting it up form time to time will avoid any stagnant wear on it. We will ride again, and I will be able to make new videos and take more photographs, but it won't be any time soon. I will get back to those things that I love in due time, for the meantime, I will focus more on writing, the bookcase and art. I want to fully design my next tattoo, so that when I do get that free time, I will ride Saki to a tattoo studio, with my camera, and GoPro, make a video and take pictures of the whole process. It will be a complete design by me, and I will be so proud of it. It is going to be my take on the Deathly Hallows, so don't keep an eye out yet, I'll let you know when that is getting close. Peace in and goodnight.

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