Thursday, April 18, 2019


     Today was absolutely miserable, and yesterday wasn't much better. I was back on the commercial side of the job, and it was just as bad as before. I had to go and help out with service calls, which means that I went to help correct problems. Today was more of the same, but I was stuck with the other trainee, who is absurdly slow, and since he was driving, I was held hostage to his time, and his time was long. I also ended up going on his service calls that took me into a construction zone, where I didn't have safety equipment, so I had to stay in the car for an hour, and felt completely useless. I don't understand how, if I'm in training, I go out with another trainee. I didn't learn anything. I didn't do anything other than what I already know, and I did it faster and better than he did. I was able to finish 10 projects in the time it took him to do 4. I should have been able to head back to the office and meet up with my mentor to help him finish his job, but I was instead stuck in a freaking car doing commercial jobs once again. I actually thought about quitting. I do not want to be stuck with that other trainee ever again, if I do, I just may quit. I'm there to learn and work, not there to be someone's helper.

     I was also told today, that I may not get paid for the solo jobs that I did, and may only get trainee pay for them. That better not be the case. I did those jobs, and I earned the money from them. It's not right if they stiff me on pay for work rendered.

     Let's get on to a better subject. I did test my ketone levels yesterday. As you may remember, I pulled a 0.3 last Wednesday. A rather pitiful display for someone trying to hit ketosis. I pulled a 3.0 yesterday, which puts me at full on ketosis. That means that fat is being utilized as energy, instead of carbohydrates. Which means that my fat stores are burning off, and I am losing weight. Keto works, and I'm proof of it, if you don't believe all the other testimonials out there.

     I have a massive headache, that is both a combination of the day I had, and the evening I had. I got home and the nurse that is here for my mother's homecare, decided to clean out the refrigerator. She threw out or hid all my good meat, and nearly ruined my kobe beef patties. She decided that a few days is too long for them to be in there, so she threw them in the freezer. She also somehow kept all the garbage food that she and the other nurses went out and bought for my mother, despite the fact that it has been in there for two weeks. I will be throwing that trash out tomorrow. She also left a mop leaning against the wall in the walk way, where my mother could trip and fall over it. I did actually trip over it, but I didn't fall. the sad part is, this was the good nurse. I really wanted to just tell her to leave at that very moment, but I just walked away. She didn't leave until her designated time. I really wish they would just leave as soon as I get home. I feel like I'm a guest in my own house when they are there, because I can't go and take a shower, or even just take my shirt off and walk around the house, because that would be rude.

     I really didn't need that today, especially considering that I had told her specifically about what the tupperware containers are. I mentioned that that is made and eaten within a few days of each other, but she didn't like that, but she clearly liked the crappy Domino's box that has been there for much longer. I'm just reiterating at this point. The headache is getting to me, so I'm just going to head off to bed.

     Oh wait, before I go, I did run into some old friends yesterday.

     Peace in and goodnight.

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