Thursday, April 11, 2019

I'm On A Quest

     I was not on my A game yesterday. I made mistake after mistake. They were all small ones that were easily overcome, but it brought me down, that I did that. I learned from those mistakes though, and today was much better, despite the fact that things kept going wrong on the job site. It was all unforeseen events, that had nothing to do with me, which was a good thing.

     I found out yesterday, that I have another solo job this Friday. It's not as big as last weeks, but it is still on my shoulders to get the job done, and get it done right. I also have to do a thing called a "service call" after I'm done with the job. It should be an easy assignment, but I won't truly know until I get on site and check it out. Either way, I'm going to fix the problem, and hopefully that will satisfy that customer.

     Another thing that bummed me out yesterday, was my blood testing for ketones. I tested myself like I said I would on Wednesday right when I got home from work. I had only eaten a Quest bar around noon. I'll talk more about Quest bars in a second. Anyway, I should have been fully in Ketosis based on my diet and the intermittent fasting, but when I did the check it came up 0.3. That isn't even close to being in Ketosis, and it threw me. I don't know what I did wrong. I haven't had sugar for 3 weeks. My only bad carbs were brought in last Saturday, when I had to do the TPR, and even then, I only had two slices of pizza. This is why I said I was only going to do it once a week. Going from 1.3 to 0.3 in a day was devastating to me. I'm sticking to my word and only going to check my ketone levels on Wednesdays. I can't handle that much up and down.

     This wasn't a plan, but I ended up fasting for 27 hours today. I ate dinner at 5:30 last night, and then only had water until my meal tonight at 7:30. Did I mention that it was a long day. Anyway, I had a Quest bar with me, but I didn't feel like or need to eat it. My energy levels felt good and I wasn't the least bit hungry. I guess now is a great time to talk about Quest bars. These are protein bars that are very Keto friendly. They also taste amazing. I have tried several flavors, but some of their odd ball ones are Maple Waffle (tastes just like a maple waffle). Cookies & Cream. Yeah, it's exactly what you would hope it to be. White Chocolate Raspberry (haven't eaten it, but I have one), Birthday Cake (same as before), Blue Berry Muffin (yet again, it's in waiting), and a new one that I just got a box of today, and no I haven't tried it yet, Chocolate Sprinkled Doughnut. I'm going to be having that one tomorrow. I'm going to break my fast around noon again, so It won't be another 27 hours, but it will still be in the high teens. If I do it around noon that would make it a 17 hour fast. Back to the bars. The bars keep the sugars really low. Usually around 2 or under grams. The protein is around 20+ for each bar, and the fat content is moderate with no trans fats involved at all. They are generally a 4-5 net carb gain for the day, so it is really easy to stay low on your net carbs, with these bars. Yes it is a meal replacement, and I only have 1 a day, if that. They are around 200-210 calories, so it's a tasty meal for lunch. I really can't wait for that Chocolate Sprinkled Doughnut. That just reminds me, I took a picture of the box to send a friend of mine.

     Quest Nutrition sells a bunch of other products, that they call clean cheating. It's a way to get that sugary fix without eating sugar. They have cookies, pizzas, chips, powders, and of course the bars. I may have left a thing or two out, but you get the idea. If you are interested in trying them, just check you local grocery store or Target. I know they have them at Target, because I bought a few boxes from there. S'mores, Maple Waffle, and I ordered Peanut Butter Supreme from Amazon. Oh, the first two I got at Target. They are a bit pricey, so be ready for spending a few extra dollars for a healthy candy bar. I think a box of 4 was around 9 dollars. I could be wrong and they were more expensive, but that's the price you pay for a healthy alternative to snacking.

     Time for me to go to sleep, so I can get up and get going on this new solo job, so that I can get my company vehicle and be out on my own. It's a bit scary, but also a bit thrilling. This job isn't going to pay as much as the last one, but I should still bring in more than my training pay. Peace in and goodnight.

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