Sunday, April 14, 2019

Work, Rant, and GoT

     I got some time before I start washing clothes and then begin my decompress before watching the first episode of the final season of Game of Thrones. Yes, I need to decompress before the show. I want to be fully relaxed for what's about to go down.

     I guess I should start with my second solo job on Friday. It went great, and I had no help from my mentor. Well, I did ask a few questions to verify some things, but the entire thing was on my own, and I couldn't be more proud of the job that I did. This one was simpler than the job the week before, and the pay wasn't as good, but I'm guaranteed to make more from that job than I usually make for my training pay. I guess it is 1 and half times more normal pay, which is a really good day. I also had to go and do a service call before hitting the job site, and I think I might get some extra pay for that. If it is what I was told, I should basically get my training pay on top of the job pay, which would make it nearly as much as the week before. Needless to say, that would take my pay for the day, 2 times my normal pay. I am so stoked about this job.

     I was also done with the job at 3 in the afternoon, so I had the rest of the day to make dinner and relax, and that is just what I did. I watched a few more episodes of the second season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. By the way, if you aren't watching it, you really should. It is a very dark take on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I must warn you, that it may not be for everyone. It has a lot of talk about satan and satan worshipping. Here is the unique take on that whole thing though. It is a different view of life. What if evil was good and good was evil. They even had a quote in The Walking Dead near the end of the season, when Michonne was talking to Neagan, and he said, "You don't know you are evil when you are doing it.". It's a very interesting take. I've read a series of books with that same premise. Where the lead character is inherently good, but he is seen as evil in this world. That is the same idea with Sabrina, with the exception that she is brought up mortal so she has a sense of the "normal" morality that we all seem to subscribe too. Give it a chance, you may surprise yourself and actually like it. I did finish the second season last night.

     Speaking of yesterday, I weighed in, and I was down to 181. That is a total of 12lbs of weight loss since going Keto. That puts me 6 lbs from my goal weight. I don't expect to hit it by the end of next week, which would be 28 days, but then again, I never expected to hit my goal weight in that amount of time. To be honest, I never thought I would be this close to it at all. I figured a sold 5-6lbs by the time the first 28 days was up. That puts me way ahead of the game at this point, and I'm loving the way I look and feel. Am I happy? No, well not with the way I look and feel. I guess the better question would be, Am I content? That sounds a little better. I'm happy, but I'm not content. I want more weight off, I want more cut in my muscle, and I want to fell even better. That is a lot to ask, but I'm truly heading in the right direction, and that is why I'm happy. I'm also not giving up on this. I love the way I'm eating right now, and what I'm eating right now. I can't really see myself going back to the way I was eating. I will still do my garbage day, which will be this Sunday, but it will only be one meal and a snack right after it. It will be my first time having sweets in 4 weeks. Yes, I have had no sugar, or starchy carbs of any kind, and I feel tremendous. I did have a few cravings, like chips last night, and a candy bar a few nights ago, but I grabbed a 1/4 cup of macadamia nuts, and the craving was gone. Have I mentioned how Keto friendly macadamia nuts are. Oh, that reminds me. I got virgin macadamia nut oil at the grocery store today. I took a small shot of it to see how it tastes when I got home, and it was incredible. It tasted just like macadamia nuts. I know, that is probably how it should taste, but some times when you break things down to a liquid form, it doesn't maintain the flavor. Like the avocado oil that I got. It has this remarkable nutty flavor to it, instead of that nature fresh vegetable taste that avocados have. I can't wait to drizzle that over some asparagus or maybe on my arugula salad. It's going to be epic.

     I still need to get out and make a CS video, but I just haven't had the time. I'm at work for around 12 hours a day, and then I come home and I can't leave, because I have to take care of my mom. There is no one that will come and sit with her for a couple of hours so I can get stuff like that done, but that is my life right now. I could try and get home early one day, and have the home care stay instead of sending them home, but they are so expensive, that I'd rather have them leave and knock a few hours off their schedule. Speaking of them. There is only one of them that seems to be good for my mom. She only comes 1 of the 5 days during the week, the others just seem to sit around and watch whatever they want on tv. They also refuse to make meals from the food we have here. They end up taking money from my mother to go out and get fast food for her. That is so frustrating to me. There are tons of options in the fridge or in the freezer. Hell, they could make a simple sandwich for her. I have everything on the top shelf for them. Sliced meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato. With a variety of condiments in the door, but they can't seem to do that. They can sure make a ton of bacon for breakfast though. Here is the thing about that. I make breakfast for my mom before I leave, but they keep making her way too much food. I had 3 packages of bacon in the fridge at the start of the week. When I went to make breakfast this morning, I had 2/3rds of one left. It drove me nuts, that they either wasted or made themselves breakfast as well. They are supposed to bring their own meals, but it seems breakfast isn't part of that. There is also the issue with the Keurig pods. They seem to be wasting those as well. 1 pod will give you an 8 ounce and a 6 ounce cup of coffee. That is what I get my mom each morning before I leave. I get her the 8 oz, and before I leave, I freshen it up with the 6 oz. It works out great. They are doing one 8 oz cup and then throwing out the pod. Those things are freaking expensive, and they are just wasting them. It is what it is though, and at least there is someone here to help out my mom while I'm at work. I just wish they weren't so wasteful, considering how much we are paying a week for their service. It's too much for my believe, but once again, it is what it is.

     Time to go wash clothes, and then relax, by catching up on some recorded TV before GoT comes on. I will be parking myself on the chair in front of the tv from 9 until the show is over. Don't try to contact me, because I won't answer, I don't care if it is an emergency. It better happen after the show, cause I'm not going to be there for you. Peace in and goodnight.

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