Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Big Test Is Tomorrow

     Well, tomorrow is the big day. It is going to be a pass or fail. I would prefer pass, and I'm going to do everything in my ability to pass. I am doing a solo job tomorrow. As I said before, My mentor will be in the same area to give me guidance when I need it, but the onus of the job will be on me. Oddly though, I don't feel nervous. I feel pretty relaxed. This is a feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. I have to go back to my kung fu days for that feeling. Whenever I was doing a performance or the rare times that I was in a competition, I would fall into this overly relaxed state right before whatever it was that I was doing. I wouldn't be worried about making any mistakes, I was just prepared to do what needed to be done, and then I went out and did it. I'm hoping that this odd relaxing feeling that I'm in, is going to lead to the same out come.

     This has been a crazy week work wise. We had our job pulled on Monday due to others making huge mistakes. The next three days I was finished super early, then today, we were prepared for a terrible day, due to someone not doing their job to prep our material. Today turned out really chill though. We brought everything we needed for basically two jobs, since our orders weren't clear at all, but my mentor had a feeling of what to expect, and the best case scenario played out once we were on sight. Our nearly impossible job, became a fun day, but still took a little while since we were up in the northern part of Central Florida, so even though we finished somewhat early, I didn't get home until 6:30. That's the life I have now. My hours aren't set, and are decided by the job itself. I did have to battle Orlando traffic to get home, so that hung me up about 45 minutes. Not too bad, but still inconvenient. 

     We are going to be filming our first TPR since I started my new way of eating. That means that this will be the first time in 2 weeks, that I will have wheat based carbohydrates. That also means that I'm going to moderate what goes in on that day. Only two slices of pizza for me, then it is super clean food for the rest of the day. I have been maintaining the high fat, high protein, and very low carbs, for two straight weeks and it is working like a charm.  I won't weigh in again until Saturday morning, so I don't know how much weight I have lost, but I feel like it is at least a couple more pounds. That would be fine by me. I have said it before, healthy weight loss is usually 1 and a half to 2 pounds a week. I am just fine with that. If that is how it goes until my first four weeks is over, I will have lost a max total of 12 pounds and that would put me only 6 pounds away from my goal weight of 175. That is a massive accomplishment, seeing how the lowest I have ever been able to get in recent years is 186. I was only 1 pound above that on Sunday when I last weight in, so I have to be just below that right about now. I'll find out for sure on Saturday morning.

     I really don't have much else for you tonight, so let's keep it short, so I can get to sleep, wake up, and get tomorrow done. Peace in and goodnight. 

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