Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Soon, It's Happening Soon

     I've finally gotten a date for when I will get my own vehicle and be out on the job on my own. April 29. That is the day that I will be doing all my own jobs, with no help from a mentor on the scene. I'll be ready. I have been watching extra closely the past couple of weeks, and I have been doing more of the work when we are out on jobs. It is a great feeling when the job is done and you stand back and look at what you accomplished, in a matter of hours. I have a neighbor that is having done the same thing that we have done, and it is taking a team of people a few weeks so far, and they still aren't done, as far as I know. I've been learning the company ways, by the best person that they have, and it is all rubbing off on me. I have done things lately that I wasn't sure I could do when I started the job. I was lost and worried that it wouldn't work out. Now I only worry out of natural instinct. It is that worrying that will ensure that I do a good job. I always have that thought in the back of my head, that I'm doing something wrong, so I double and triple checks things to make sure they are exactly right. That worry keeps me humble and true to my task, so I welcome it despite its uncomfortable feeling.

     I really don't have much else to talk about tonight, so I guess I'll just give you the weight loss update. I did my Tuesday evening weigh in, and I was up a pound. I expected that, since it was right after dinner. Eating and drinking actually weighs something, and there is also the fact that I was drinking water all day, so that all adds up in water weight. I'm not worried about that, because the mirror tells the real story, and I see the story still heading in the right direction. I will test my ketone levels tomorrow, and see if everything there is on course, despite the setback last week, when I posted a 0.3 level for ketones. That isn't good. I'm hoping for a better result tomorrow. I'll fill you in on Thursday for how it went.

     I have my first garbage meal on Saturday, and I figured out what I'm going to have. I'm going to Baci to get their Breakfast burger. It is a cheeseburger with bacon and a hard fried egg on it, with a massive pile of fries. The burger itself is almost keto friendly, but the fries definitely won't be. That could be a massive shock to my system, and will more than likely throw me out of ketosis. It could take a few days to get back into it, but after Saturday I'm back on full Keto mode for another 28 days. Oh, and I'm pretty much sticking with the OMAD, (one meal a day) for Saturday, so that garbage meal will be the only time I eat, with the exception of when I get home and eat an Entenmann's Lemon Pie. I have loved those since I was a kid, and I stocked up on three of them, so I'm good for the next three months of garbage days. The only day I have multiple meals is Sunday. I have breakfast, a Quest bar for lunch, and then a good Keto dinner. The breakfast is Keto as well, I just leave out the toast or hashbrowns, that I used to always eat with my eggs and bacon.

     Let's get to Favorite Song of the Week. The artist tonight, is someone I've been hearing a lot about lately, and when I finally checked her out, I realized that I really loved one of her songs, without knowing it was her. I thought I had never heard anything by her. I even posted the song right here as FSOTW. Remember the animated Apple commercial about the girl that wrote, but never shared, and then a strong wind came through her window and blew all her papers all over town. That was tonights artist. A young woman named Billie Eilish. She sounds a lot like Lourde, you know Royals was her big massive hit, but her lyrics are quite a bit different. The video I chose after watching quite a few of them, struck me because of how power the performance was in it. I didn't look up any information about Billie Eilish, but I can only assume from this video, that she has a background in dance, and maybe more specifically interpretive dance. I found this video and song to be remarkable, and I hope you will see why when you watch it. Here is Billie Eilish with "Hostage".

     I just find the whole thing to be beautifully sad. Listen to the lyrics and you get the bigger picture of what the video means. It is pretty amazing, if you ask me.

     I'm tired, so I'll talk to you more on Thursday. Peace in and goodnight.

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