Sunday, April 28, 2019

One Goal Nearly Down, Several Dozens More To Go

     I got some stuff for you tonight, or today. I'm writing this rather early, but not as early as some other days lately. First up is a few pictures of me. I don't like being in front of the camera, I prefer to be behind it. It's where I belong, but I saw a need to get some pics of me since I broke into the 170's for the first time in, I can't even remember. I weighed in at 178.5 yesterday. I thought I would maintain my last weigh in, but I still managed to lose a pound and a half. That's solid weight loss right there. Any way, I decided that it was time for me to be the model, so here are the pics.

     There you have it, me doing my best to look cool and failing.  This weekend was full of ups, so I'm waiting for the downs to hit, but it could have been the last two weeks of downs are just evening out, so I'm taking the wins.

      I had several people tell me that I'm an inspiration because of my weight loss. I myself, don't see it that way. I think I'm more of a crucible that gave birth to an idea in a couple of people that saw that even  dope like me could do it. Which reminds me, I have to get around to garbage day, and the lesson I learned from it, but I'll save that for a little later. Anyway, if someone can look at me and feel like they can better themselves, then I'll take that as inspiration.

     I got some other good news on Friday, but I'm not convinced it's real yet. I'll know for sure tomorrow. I was told by someone that talked to someone, that I'm going out on my own tomorrow. Here is the thing. A little more background on the job. When you get to the point that you go out on your own, you get a company van. The company doesn't have any extra vans right now, so I won't get one. I have to drive this little utility vehicle and go out on what are called service calls. That means I'm delayed on going out and doing actual jobs, but I will be going out and correcting mistakes or installing items that weren't available when the original job was done. I'm to do that until the new van arrives from NY. No idea when that will be. The other reason that I don't truly believe it, other than no one actually contacting me about it, is that the other trainee is driving the vehicle that I'm supposed to be in tomorrow. I have no idea what or where he is going to be next week, so I can see big problems arising tomorrow.

     I got another picture for you. Remember when I told you about Quest bars, and how they had other products. Well, I found one of their other products at Target today. They had all of their frozen pizzas. That means I can make a Keto pizza review video. Not sure if I'll do it for the CS or the TPR. If I do it for the CS, I think I'll call it "Cooking with Counterfeit Squirrel". I could always do it for the CS and then share it on the TPR. It is pizza related after all. Anyway, these are Keto friendly pizzas, and I'm hoping that they taste good. It would be a series of three videos, since they have three flavors; 4 Cheese, Pepperoni, and Deluxe.

     I'm looking forward to those. In the meantime. I made a pretty amazing meal tonight. I tried a version of this last week and blew it when I added cheese to it. This time I skipped the cheese, and added a drizzle of vinaigrette to it, just for a little added flavor.

     That is chicken with riced cauliflower, spinach, and Kalamata olives, seasoned with Italian herbs and garlic salt, sautéed in olive oil. As I said before, once I plated it and placed the chicken on top, I drizzled a vinaigrette on top of it. It was out of this world good. I can't wait to make it again. Who said that eating Keto was only eggs and bacon. There are so many options, which brings me back to garbage day.

     Here is what I learned from garbage day. It sucked. I had exactly what I said I was going to have. A sugary soda with some m&m's, the breakfast burger with fries at Baci, and then my lemon pie. I felt on edge and jittery from all the carbs, and made me feel like I was falling inside of my body. It was a horrible feeling. I'm not going to do another garbage day. I have decided a garbage snack is more suitable to prove the point and remind me why I made this change in my life. A whole day of my old eating habits is no longer what I want after a month and few days of super clean eating. I will only eat clean from now on, and it will lean towards Keto, but with more veggies. On the "garbage snack day", I'll simply eat more food than usual, not my normal OMAD, and then through in either some kind of candy or small bag of chips. That should be enough to say, here is a weird reward for doing so well, and by the way, you are going to feel like crap after eating or drinking it.

     Eventually, I will probably give up that old way of eating, and maybe have a snack just to try something that I hadn't tried before. Today was a case of that. A new version of Pepsi that I have been wanting for years, finally came out, and they only had it in 12 packs, so I bought on and tried it today with my dinner. It's Pepsi with Lime juice, and it was as good as I thought it would be, but I won't have another for 28 days. They are going to last for a very long time. I'm sticking with the new lifestyle and since I'm only 3.5 lbs away from my goal weight, I know I'm going in the right direction with everything I'm doing. I'm not stopping when I hit goal, but I will adjust things to maintain rather than lose, and when I finally hit the gym, I will begin gaining again, but it will be muscle and not fat.

     Yes, that last line might have given away that I didn't hit the gym this weekend. I fell asleep at 8:45 on Friday night, and Saturday, it slipped my mind. I will have to do better about planning the gym time so that it becomes a normal weekly thing. I can do it, I just need to focus. I'm happy with the weight loss, and I'm happy that my appearance is better, but I'm not truly happy with the way I look. I'm almost there though. I can see 4 of my abs now, and that is a full upgrade of 4. I need those other 2 and then, I may be truly happy, but I'm sure I won't be. this will be an ongoing process that I will always find something that needs improving. I will have no reason to ever stop clean eating and improving. It is a single minded goal. One that my never be fully attainable, but what is a goal if it's easy to reach. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. You look great. I have been doing a little Leto but not getting results like yours. Good job bub. Love you.

  2. You look great. I have been doing a little Leto but not getting results like yours. Good job bub. Love you.
