Sunday, December 8, 2019

Early Start

     I'm writing this one early today, because I posted a video of myself eating a 7 Pot Brain Strain, and I wanted to have it on here when it launched, so, here is the video.

     This pepper was intense, but not as intense as the one I had last night. Which brings me to a question. I'm going to make this a series, but I have no idea when to launch them. I could have last nights ready for Tuesday, but I think that may be too soon, since I only have 1 more pepper to eat for now. So, what do you think, should I post it on Tuesday to coincide with the blog post, or wait until next Sunday to post, and make it a weekly feature, well when I have peppers to eat? The name of the series is at the front of the video Chasin' Capsaicin. Pretty catchy right? I didn't come up with it. It's been widely used.

     Did some more work in the garden and I have officially potted all the seedlings that my buddy gave me. I also added a few more plants. I now have cauliflower, and broccoli in that vacant area of the garden, and I added some French Lavender in the herb area. I threw in a Marigold by the Cherokee Purple tomatoes for good measure. I'd put a picture up, but the pictures from my phone aren't loading to the cloud yet. It could be form the massive file of video that I put on the laptop yesterday. I already deleted it, but sometimes it has to go through some process before it notices it. When ever I put anything in photos, it automatically starts uploading to the cloud for me. I turned of wifi while I was working on it, but it still managed to try and do it before I deleted it.

     I can show you the lady bugs I released into the garden last night. They are doing their job and eating all the aphids on my plants. I did have a struggle early on with ants attacking the lady bugs. I quickly sprinkled cayenne pepper all over to deter the ants, and it worked, but they did a number on the lady bugs. As you can see, those are my Scotch Bonnets there, and they just keep on growing. I was at the plant nursery yesterday, and they had a Scotch Bonnet with a ripe pepper on it, and it was only 2/3rds the size of my pods, so these may end up being on the top end of the SHU. Considering that is 350,000, I'm not really worried. The pepper last night was 1.2-2 million SHU. Oh, I really want to tell you how that pepper last night tasted, but I'm going to save it for the video, but it had a real surprising flavor to it.

     At the point, I now have 28 varieties of peppers growing. The bulk of them came from my buddy, which reminds me, I had a near disaster the other day. I spread my potting of the seedlings over a few days. Starting with the largest ones first, and then working my way down to the smallest of them. While doing that I was moving pods around, and I beat one up pretty badly

     I quickly potted it in some new soil that I hadn't tried out. My nursery sold out of the stuff I was using, but this new stuff was highly recommended. I thought for sure I had killed this little pepper plant, but I had to try. That was at about 7 in the morning on Saturday. I went outside about 3 in the afternoon to take a look at it, and this is what I saw.

     Pretty miraculous. I was blown away. It looks even better today, and I did take a picture, but like I said earlier, it hasn't made it to the cloud yet. I'm really looking forward to getting all of these in the ground. I have a new area planned just for the peppers, where they will get plenty of early sunlight and should grow up healthy and strong. I'm getting all kinds of new garden areas going, eventually I think the whole backyard will be garden area, which would make my lawn guy really happy.


     By the way, that is the picture of my haul from the nursery yesterday. That garden wagon is the best thing ever. The broccoli and cauliflower are doing great, and I can't wait to see those produce. Oh, the Cherry Red tomatoes are getting closer and closer, and so many are popping up. I think there are 20 of them on there right now.

     Now for the bad stuff. I need a break. My mom's memory or lack of it is getting to me. I find it weird that when we go to the doctor or something like that, she introduces me as her son, but any other time she just thinks I'm an employ of the facility she is stuck in. She constant asks when her bother is going to come and take her home, but she would prefer to stay here, and hearing that every day grates on my mental state. The meditation each morning has been a huge help, but it gets harder and harder. I try to come up with fun and active things to take her mind off of it, but she is beginning to fight those things. The exercise program I had for her has become a definite no on her part. She complains that no-one else in the facility has to do it, and that she shouldn't either. That's when I try to come up with places a couple of times a week for her to go so that we can walk around and she can get some exercise. I know it's only going to get worse, but I will continue to do all that I can. I'm not giving up, but I really need just one day to myself. Even a couple of hours to maybe see a movie or something, but it's not possible at this time. I'll hold on, meditate, workout, and just continue to eat as healthy as I can so that my own brain will stay functional. Peace in and, well, I'm going with good day today.

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