Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Up, Up, And Away

     It's been a decent couple of days. The mom has sort of leveled out. That could be because I finally got more vitamin D3 with K2. Why would that help. Because vitamin D3 is a very important hormone for brain health. I'm not saying that she is remembering who I am, she is just more calm and not as confused as she has been lately.

     The garden has been up and down the last few days. There are a lot of good things going on. The Scotch Bonnets are ripening (well 2 of them are). Flowers are popping up on multiple peppers, and new growth is abound, but the rain the last few days has taken a toll. I lost one sunflower due to the rain, and the others are hangin on by a thread. I'm being real protective of my pepper plants, and trying my best to move them around to areas that won't get as much rain.

     When the rain started, that wagon was empty, so that is how much rain we got in one night, and it was intermittent during the day and last night. The blueberry and blackberry bushes are loving all the rain, and so are the tomatoes, but the peppers have momentary lapses of wilting due to overwatering. The next two days are supposed to be rain free, so I'm hoping they get a good chance to dry out, as well as the sunflowers. Here is what the garden looks like now. Notice how big the tomatoes have gotten. They are the same size as the Scotch Bonnet now, which tower over them just a week and a half ago.

     The tomatoes are in the upper left of the garden. I've also been working on making a few of my pepper plants more lush and productive by topping them. Topping is just what it sounds like. You cut the top off of it, and take a few leaves from it, to stimulate more growth. The one I want to be the fullest is the Fish Pepper. That is the one that has those beautiful variegated leaves. This is what it looks like now.

     In a week or so, I will take more of the larger leaves off so that the smaller shoots around the stock will get more sunlight. If things go right, in two months, that plant will be full and lush and ready to produce fruit. If it goes wrong, it will die, and I'll be bummed. My biggest fear isn't that it will die, it's that I took all those variegated leaves off and the new ones won't get that beautiful splotching on them. I guess we'll find out when we find out.

     I got some more seeds yesterday. This time from a company called Refined Chiles. I ordered three packs of super hots, so that I can have some insanely hot peppers for more videos. The guy who runs the company is known for sending out free seeds. I didn't really expect any because it was my first time buying from him, but he sent me 4 extra packs of seeds, all super hots, and all pretty cool. I planted double pods of just about all of them. The only one that I didn't was one that I already have growing, which is the 7 Pot Brain Strain. I have a couple of seedlings going now, from the peppers that my buddy gave me, so I didn't need multiple more plants of that variety. All of these peppers are guaranteed to be burners, and a few of them are on the tippy top of the scale. It's going to be an exciting time when they finally produce fruit.

     It's been a while since I shared a picture of myself, for many reasons. Most of all is that I hate taking pictures of myself. Despite all the weight loss, I don't feel like I look good. I have many body issues, that being top of the list, so taking pictures of myself is torture, but I'm getting better at feeling that it's ok. So, here I am as of yesterday. Oh, I did post this on Instagram yesterday.

     I weighed in that day at 150 lbs, so my current weigh loss has stalled slightly. I expected that to happen though, so I'm not worried or discouraged at all. Since I've been right around 150 or slightly lower for a couple of weeks now, it will break soon. I did do a 24 hour impromptu fast today, and will probably be doing another a little later this week. I've skipped on a 48 hour that I was going to do last week, but I'll be doing that soon as well. I don't feel that my metabolism has slowed, since I finally have body fat calipers. My body fat % is at 18.5, which is way below what I started at. I have no real idea what it truly was, but I know I was at 39% at one point during my journey to where I am now. So, that is a minimum of 20% loss in fat. I've been keeping an eye on that percentage and my waist to height ratio, and those are still moving in the minus category, so even though the scale says I'm not losing weight, I am losing body fat, which means that I am gaining muscle as I lose weight. Pretty epic right.

     Before I give you my Favorite Song of the Week (and it's a good one), I have one more picture for you today. I forgot that I have a progress photo on the Scotch Bonnets, so here it is.

     Now for Favorite Song of the Week. I meant to put this up a few weeks ago but things kept getting in the way. From time to time, I reintroduce myself to an old song, and realize just how great it is, and that is the case with this one. I haven't done this in a week or so, but I was putting a bluetooth speaker into the garden when I would sit out there by it with my mom. A little garden listening if you will. One day I decided it was a very Bowie type of day, and just simply had Siri play Bowie. That is when this song came up, and I heard it for the first time all over again. It's light airy and fun. Typical Bowie bending genres to create a fantastically unusual sound. The title even goes with the theme. I give you the one and only legendary icon David Jones, yeah that is his real name. Ok I'll do this the right way. I give you David Bowie with "Kooks".

     How great is that song? Don't answer, I already know you are saying "so great". That is it for me tonight. I hope everyone has a happy holiday, and no I didn't say Christmas, because I don't know you or your religion, so get over it if you don't like it. If I had my way, I wouldn't celebrate this holiday at all, but I will spread good seasonal cheer. Peace in and goodnight.

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