Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Want A Good Laugh

     I ate another crazy hot pepper. This is the video I did. My buddy and I have been pushing each other to eat hotter and hotter peppers. These are all peppers that he gave me, so he is doing the same one I do. This was 400,000-800,000 shu. SHU stands for Scoville heat units. That means that pepper was 40 to 80 times hotter than a jalapeño. This was crazy hot and hurt pretty bad, so what did I do last night. I at a Ghost Pepper, which goes from 800,000-1,000,000 shu. I did shoot video but it was in portrait and not letter box. I didn't intend to post it, but my buddy and I always shoot a little video so that we can be accountable to each other. It's also really funny to watch someone self inflict pain on themselves. I crack up every time I watch this. The moment when the heat hits, is the funniest thing to me, and I hope you get a laugh out of it as well. That's the whole reason I put it on YouTube.

     Back to that Ghost pepper. I had a near panic attack, before and during eating it. I hesitated before putting it in my mouth, because of videos I've seen of other people downing them, and then someone told my buddy that the heat and pain linger longer with that pepper than any other. It takes a certain kind of stupid to put yourself through that much pain. It affects me differently than any other pepper has. As you saw in the video, I get the hicburp, almost immediately. I didn't hiccup once with the Ghost. I did get a good case of burps about 5 minutes or so in. The burning also hit differently than normal. It usually starts in the back of the throat and then moves it's way up the sides of my mouth and then to my tongue finalizing at the tip, which really sucks. This time, the pain in my throat was mild and it immediately attacked my tongue. Ok, when I say mild, that is a bit of an understatement. It burnt like hell, but compared to what was happening to my cheeks and tongue, it was nothing. The video I sent my buddy was a little over 2 minutes, and I had to get up and wash my hands and walk around. While I was washing my hands, was when the real panic kicked in. The pain was intense, but I made it through it. In a way, I wish I had recorded that as well, but I didn't want to post daily videos of me eating peppers, that's just weird. Anyway, I had this massive adrenaline rush. I got jittery, and my arms started shaking. My voice was even quivering, and I had no idea what I was doing. I sent my buddy a follow up video a few more minutes in, and I messed it all up, and sent him a 2 second clip of me trying to figure out the camera. I finally got it figured out, and told him how the pain sucked, and what it was doing to me. When I was done with that. I had so much adrenaline, that It was that fight or flight mode. I got up and grabbed my kettle bells and started doing curls and tricep extensions. I had to burn off the energy. It may be the best pre-workout you could ever had. I did that brief workout non-stop for about 5 minutes, then made another video, telling him what was going on. I still hadn't had any water, or ice cream. I didn't eat any ice cream for the pepper in the video above. I ended up going over a half hour before I took a drink of water with both of them. Last night I did have the ice cream, as more of a reward, than actually needing to do it.

     The next pepper we have to eat, is 1.4 million or something like that. I'm worried, but not as worried as I was about that Ghost. It had a lot to do with going from the thousands to a million. That extra digit was a whole other level, and I really psyched myself out with that thinking. Since I've done this, I'm not as worried about the next level up. Trust me, I'm worried, just not as worried. I'm already thinking about how much pain a Carolina Reaper is going to be at 2 million. If I can just hold out during the burn and make it to the other side, I'll be fine. It's more mental than physical. You can withstand a whole lot of pain, if you put your mind to it.

     I forgot to post this picture the other night. This was the latest garden picture, with the area clear of the grow bags, for new plants.

     You can see Baby Girl and Morty in the shot as well. If you zoom in on the tall plant in the back, you can see the Scotch Bonnets. They are getting pretty big, and rather scary. They won't be anything as hot as that Ghost pepper, but they will still have some really tough heat. They are also starting to get bumpy which is a sign of high heat in a pepper. It should be anywhere from 100,000-350,000. That's nothing to shake your head at, but it's mild compared to the Ghost. It's considered a medium heat pepper. To me, it's just freaking hot. There are 3 almost ready to turn and ripen, with 6 more growing. Oh, and since I'm still talking about peppers. I should show you the bag of insanely hot peppers my buddy gave me.

     That is a bag of evil right there. There are a couple of tomatoes in there, but other than those, everything in there is freaking hot. He even gave me another one of the yellow jalapeños, that he said was mild. It wasn't mild. See the red pepper at the top? That is the other Ghost pepper. My mom wants to try it. I let her try the Scotch Brain that is in the video, and it gave her a little bit of a shock. She had never had anything that hot before. I did only give her the bottom half without any seeds or placenta. That is generally a little milder than the seed pack. I ate that after she took her bite, and I swear it had been hotter than the one I ate in the video. It sucked. Anyway, I'm going to give her a small piece of the tip of the Ghost tomorrow after dinner and before I open the ice cream. I'll have the ice cream ready so that she can quell the pain if she needs it. I'm the only one in this house that's allowed to be stupid enough to eat a pepper and then hold of drinking or eating anything to see how far I can push my own threshold of pain. So far, I'm rather proud for being a pepper wimp. 

     I'm taking Baby Girl to the shelter tomorrow, so that her stitches can be removed. I'm pretty excited about this, because this should be the final step before I can officially adopt her. There is no doubt that she is my dog, but in paperwork, I'm still her foster dad. I'm going to ask them tomorrow if I can make it official, and I'm hoping that they will say yes. I don't see any reason why the wouldn't. That will make tomorrow the best day ever. 

     Since I posted the video above, there is not FSOTW. That will be my FTOTW, since I laugh every time I watch it. That panic that sets over my face is the funniest thing ever. Oh, with the exception of my buddies video to me last night, where his wife asks him to help her out with the baby. When she hands him over, she tells him not to breathe on him. That was pure gold right there. I told him he should put that on YouTube, because it's comedy gold. 

     That's all I got for tonight. I'll let you know on Thursday what happens with Baby Girl. I may have a garden update, or tell you about what I'm planning with the garden. I have some new ideas, I'm just not ready to share them yet. Peace in and goodnight.

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