Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Highs And Lows Of Not Having A Life

     Today, was a day from hell. It began with such promise. I woke up a little late, which I've been doing lately, and I need to correct that somehow. Oh, when I say late, I mean 5:30 in the morning. I meditated, gloriously for 40 minutes, and then read. When I wake up late, I don't get in my morning cardio, because right now, the meditation is more important. Sound mind and all. I was excited this morning because I was going to be transplanting some pepper plants. They are strong enough to go into the ground or their own much larger grow bags.

     That's the three new peppers that I planted in the front yard. I'm happy to say, that they are doing great out there. I got those in and I transplanted my Fish Pepper into it's own grow bag. I'm going to be ultra focused on that one, till it produces the peppers. I want it in a grow bag, so I can bring it in the house when it gets too cold for it. I'm not even going to risk putting a blanket over it when we get a freeze. I want that plant to succeed so bad. I'd show you a picture of it, but it doesn't seem to want to load up, which is kind of how the majority of my day went.

     My mom actually slept in late, which I thought was a good sign, but that wan't the case. She began immediately with the confusion and agitated chaos. These are the days that are the worst. I have to be the person that works in the facility she is living in, and even a few more people as well. She becomes very negative, and doesn't want to do anything other than sit around, and that becomes something she complains about as well. It is a no win situation for anyone involved. I do the best I can, which isn't enough, and never will be. It's also days like this that I realize that I have to get away, but there is no way to do that. I think if I had the chance to be away for most of a day, things would change for a little while. Part of the problem is that I'm here all the time, so she has created the illusion in her mind that she is in a facility and that I'm a worker. This illusion takes over to the point that she begins talking about how her son doesn't care about her, and how he just left her in this place. That is such a tough pill to swallow right there. It is hard to hear someone that you are doing your very best to take care of, tell you that you don't care. I know it is just her twisted dementia mind doing this, and is not how she feels if she knew what was going on, but it is a hard reality to face. I keep things at an even keel, because I don't want her flying off the handle, which she has done. No matter how calm I remain, that volatile potential is always there. When her mind gets riled up enough, she will turn violent and ugly. I just do my best to change the subject and stay away from her. I worry that if she hits me, which she has done, that she will hurt herself, so I stay out of reach when she gets that way.

     Let's get on a better subject. I will get to end this day better than it was. Well, that could all be relative to how you see eating a really hot pepper as being good. Anyway, I picked the two ripe Scotch Bonnets today, and plan on eating one of them as soon as I'm done writing this. I'll tell you how it was on Sunday. I'm not doing a video, because this is only a medium heat pepper, and it would be embarrassing if I was floored by a pepper that was only a measly 400,000 shu. Thats about a fifth of the last pepper I ate. I'm especially exited about his one, because I grew it. I wish it was from a seed, but I did get it when it was only a 4 inch plant with a few flowers on it. 

     Look at how beautiful those peppers are. The have bumpy prickly exterior, which screams, "don't eat me, I'm hot.". I'm going to do it anyway. I have 7 more pods behind these with 1 of them ripening now. It's the one I'm going to save the seeds from. It has a cool shape, and I've been told to save the seeds from the pods you like because there are more likely to produce a plant with pods similar to that one.

     It has been a couple of weeks since I've eaten a whole pepper. I've been cutting the last of the super hots my buddy gave me and putting them into meals. I just ate the last of the chocolate moruga scorpion taco meat that I made on Tuesday. It was really good with a nice kick. Nothing like eating the whole pepper though. It was probably habanero level heat, which would put it just below what these peppers are capable of. I still don't believe that will prepare me for what this pepper is going to do. There are so many other flavors and textures in those meals that the capsaicin has to compete with, so it never gets that full burn. I'm expecting this to be a hiccup machine the same way are habaneros are. I'm really surprised I didn't get them as much with the super hots. Different peppers clearly do different things. After I've tried this one, I'm going to dry the rest and grind them down to powder, so that I can sprinkle it on anything I want.  Could be good on ice cream. That would be wild. I would love to do it in a mortar and pestle, but I don't have one yet, so I'm just going to mash it up and make it into flakes for now. I'll put them in a small jar and spoon them out when I want some. The things I'll do to lose body fat. Yes, this pepper thing is really all about the thermogenic affect that peppers have. The hotter the pepper, the more the affect. Also I really enjoy the challenge of doing something that most people won't even consider. It's fun and little addictive, and since I don't have any semblance of a life, I may as well create some excitement any way I can.

     I'm off to eat a pepper now. Peace in and good night.


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