Sunday, December 15, 2019

Relaxed And Exhausted

     It's been a rather relaxed weekend. Even with that, I feel exhausted. It could be the waking at 4 every morning so that I can get in my meditation in true silence, and then read a little. I of course also get my cardio in, so with all that, I think I'm wearing down a bit. This will pass, it always has in the past.

     I have the latest hot pepper eating video up. This was the Yellow Moruga Scorpion. Scorpion being part of the name should give you a good idea of what's in store for me. I explain everything about the scoville heat units as well as flavor and what I'm going through the whole time, so give it a view and get a laugh.

     I haven't had any super hots since the brown Moruga. That video will be out next Sunday. I still feel a little off, kind of like I developed an addiction to the burn. It's more the challenge of getting through it more than the actual burn itself. I've seen all kinds of videos where people have eaten the same or lesser peppers than what I've eaten, and they cave real fast or even throw up. I did have the other half of one of those lemon drops, that are supposed to be like a jalapeño, and its quite a bit more than one. It attacked under my tongue this time, which was a weird experience. It was very tolerable though, which is really strange since the first time I ate one of those, I nearly lost my mind from how hot it was. So, you can quickly build up a tolerance and raise your pain threshold in a short period of time.

    If you can't read the tag, those are the sunflowers that popped late last week. I've already had to repot them to a larger 1 gallon pot. Since then, I've had 3 more seeds sprout, okra burmese, the chocolate chestnut tomato, and a chocolate habanero. Once again, that excitement of a newly sprouted seedling is upon me. It's such a thrill when you check the pods early in the morning, and then come back in the afternoon and see a little sprout poking through the soil. I also potted my original seedlings as well. I currently have the chocolate chestnut, and chives still in their starter pots. I'm just waiting for them to get bigger. The chives keep popping more sprouts though. I don't remember how many seeds I planted. They were rather small, so it could be 5 or 6, which would be about how many sprouts I have popping up right now. Oh, both seeds in the new chocolate chestnut have sprouted. I'm going to have a pretty good variety of tomatoes in the garden. The Cherokee Purple have exploded over the past few days. They have doubled in size and are more than half the size of the Scotch Bonnet now. I'm pretty sure that by the end of this week they will outgrow the Scotch Bonnet.

     I went to the nursery today, to pick up a few things, and a plant of course. I got me a Ghost Pepper plant. It was good sized with some flowers and buds on it, so peppers should start growing soon.

     If you look closely by the pole, you can see one of the flowers. When that falls off, a pod forms and then you have a pepper growing. I plan on using the peppers from this to spice up meals. I wasn't a huge fan of the flavor of the Ghost Pepper when I ate it, but it might be better as a spice to flavor up food. I'm really hoping that when I get seeds from the Yellow Moruga, that they sprout. I enjoyed the flavor of that one a lot. It burned like crazy, but that 10-15 seconds of flavor were great. Once again, the video says it all about the flavor.

     Tomorrow is weigh in day, and I'm going to do my best to actually get a post written for the website. Based on my unofficial Friday weigh in, I'm still moving in the right direction. I will hit the latest goal, but something that will slow it down is building mass. I know, it's not a tragedy. It's actually what I want to be doing. If I can gain mass (which I have been doing) while I'm losing fat (which a lot of people say is impossible) I will be ahead of the game for my final goal, which is my ideal body. Remember muscle weighs more than fat, so if I am gaining size (which I am) then the weigh in may go the wrong direction. This will make the latest goal difficult, but all that more fulfilling when I reach it, and as I said above, I will reach it. I'll let you know on Tuesday regardless of whether I get that post written tomorrow, of the results.

     I do have a plant that isn't keto friendly for tomorrow. This is another one of those efforts to get my mom out of the house and experience new things. We are going to a pizza place to have a slice of pickle pizza. I know, sounds gross, but the description I got from the owner himself, made it sound really appealing. It's been months since he told me about it, and I'm finally going to give it a try. I have to go tomorrow, because Mondays is the only day that they make a pickle pizza for slices. I'm willing to try it, but I'm not willing to get a whole pizza. If I don't like it then I'm stuck with a whole pizza. If I try it by the slice, then i won't be upset if it's a bummer. I don't think it will be though. That one slice will break my carb limit for the day, so tomorrow will be a kind of garbage day. That will be the only meal and breakfast and dinner will be super clean. Remember, food is not the enemy. This may kick me out of ketosis, but it will only be for a few hours, and I'll be back on the fat burning train.

     Alright, I'm out for the night. Peace in and goodnight.

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