Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Frustation Factor At Defcon 18

     Today has been packed full of frustration. This all started Sunday when the cable kept going out. Since all my services are hooked up to it, when it goes outs everything goes; cable, internet, and phones. I called Monday morning, and they sent a tech out. He decided the problem was with the external lines going to the house, and did few things and fixed the problem, or so I thought he did. The rest of yesterday and the evening, everything worked great. This morning the intermittent service started up again. I got tech support on the phone and they did a software download. That seemed to work, well, it did for about an hour, and the same old problems began anew. Right now, the internet is working. I unplugged the cable box, just so I wouldn't be tempted to try and watch and get even more frustrated. If the internet goes out, I can piggy back on a neighbors to get this published tonight. The next appointment for a tech to come out, is Thursday at 8:30. I have a whole other day of this garbage before it might be solved. I'm currently watching Mamma Mia! on DVD while I'm writing this. Good thing I really like that movie ABBA rules.

     Despite all that, there have been some high points. A bunch of my seeds sprouted, and a few that were bigger than they should be. I don't remember all of them off hand, but I'll try. The chocolate habanero, okra, the other chocolate chestnut (the first one is in dire straights right now), and the radishes I planted. The radishes are the ones that surprised me. Oh, I forgot that my garden sunflowers sprouted as well. First the radishes then the sunflowers, there are things to talk about with each of them. I swear that I looked yesterday at where I had planted them, and nothing was there, today full fledged seedlings.

     I don't know if you can make it out in those pictures, but all three seeds that I planted sprouted, and I couldn't be more excited about it. Yes, those are in with my strawberries. My buddy told me that he plants his radishes amongst his other plants, since they don't take up much room, so I tried it out. When I saw those today, I quickly planted 3 more of each around the new Ghost Pepper plant. This time I'm going to watch and see how long they take to pop. I don't exactly remember when I planted those, but I think it was the middle of last week, so once again, I had something sprout within a week.

     Remember that plant above. That was the one that was on death's door. It has not only come back to life, it is thriving and out growing most of the other peppers that are sitting on the windowsill. You gotta love when something works out, now I hope to do the same with my inside sunflowers and the chocolate chestnut tomato. I over watered them, and they aren't doing their best. The sunflowers are better off than the tomato. 

     Speaking of sunflowers, the seeds I planted in the garden as a test to see which would sprout first, have sprouted. They were a few days behind the indoor pots, but that could also be because I planted them deeper. I will be planting some more in the garden, but I'll only plant them about a half an inch deep and see if they take less than a week as well. Once again, exciting stuff.

     I got some seeds in the mail today. I ordered them last week and I don't remember if I told you what was coming. These were Nasturtium, which are a really pretty deep red and black edible flower. Black Velvet Nasturtium is the real name. Strawberry Spinach, which has bright red foliage. Purple Sprouting Broccoli, which has a sprout that is bright purple when it is raw, and turns green when you cook it. Last but not least is Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage, that has deep purple and red leaves. Should make for a pretty salad, when I get all those together. The chocolate cherry sunflowers are on the way as well. Those are a beautiful chocolate red color with a dark brown center. I plan on putting those amongst the mammoth grey sunflowers, for a real nice display. The Chocolate Cherry aren't edible and only ornamental, but they will still serve their purpose to beautify the garden even more.

     I'm planning on expanding into the front yard soon. it is mostly going to be peppers, but I plan on putting several sunflowers out there as well. I also have a plan for a very special garden that will have it's own name. I'm keeping that secret for now, and I'll unveil that when the time is right. I do have to work on making the sign for it, which I was supposed to do tonight, but I'm spent from all the frustration today. Probably going to hit the sack early tonight.

     I'm going to finish watching Mamma Mia! and call it a night. No Favorite Song of the Week, because the internet is not cooperating with me, and it will take too long to embed the video, so if you can, go watch Mamma Mia!. Peace in and goodnight.

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