Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ever Eat A Brown Tomato

     Yes, those are my feet, and yes those are Crocs. I used to say, "friends don't let friends wear Crocs.". Well, where were my friends? Just kidding. I was wanting garden clogs, since flip flops and tennis shoes, don't really cut it. They both track all kinds of dirt in the house, so I did a search for garden clogs. Crocs kept coming up in the search, so I decided they would actually be suitable and relatively easy to find, so that I could actually try them on. Good thing too, because I'm a size lower in these than any other shoe. I also decided that they would be a great choice for my mom. Large toe box, to help avoid her corns, and were capable of slipping on and off. These are also lined, so they are warm. The part I never got, was just how comfortable these are. These are some of the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn, and I get it now. I wanted a more colorful pair, but I was limited to what the shoe store had, and my choice was black or real tree camo. Since I despise wearing camo, black was my only choice. I could have gone online and got the color of my choosing, but the store we went to was buy one get the second pair 50% off. That got me and my mom's shoes for a low cost. Got be down for the deal. These don't collect dirt, and what dirt sticks to the sole, is easily brushed off with a doormat. I also thought I would have to put the strap on the back, but these fit so perfectly, that I can just wear them like slippers. Go get you some Crocs.

     Friday morning I woke up and checked my seed pots. I was shocked to see this.

     The seeds actually sprouted. These are from two peppers my buddy gave me. I just saved a few seeds (3 each), and gave them a planting. I was shocked to see them sprout so soon.  I didn't expect to see anything for a couple more weeks, but those sprouted, and so did my chives. I have lavender and sage, that have yet to sprout.

     As I said I put three seeds per pot, and you can see in the picture above, that 1 in one, and 2 in the other have sprouted. I can say that all 3 in each one have sprouted now. I have a couple more pictures that shows their progress.

     They are even more upright as of right now, and the third sprout is up in the pot in the front. I'm going to let them fight it out for reign, and when they get big enough, I'm just going to plant the whole pot in a much bigger pot. One is an Aji Fantasy, and the other is an Aji Colorado. They are mild and the Colorado has no heat what so ever. It's kind of like a sweet bell pepper. I'm really excited that these sprouted. This is my first time growing from a seed, and this is unbelievably luck. I planted d 3 more things today. I planted 2 pots of a Chocolate Chestnut tomato (more on that in a second), and a single seed of Tongues of Fire. The name is a little overkill. Its actually a green bean that has reds streaks through it. Looks real cool and I'm told is quite delicious. 

     Now for that Chocolate Chestnut Tomato. My buddy brought me those seedlings I told you about, and he also brought me a goody bag of peppers and tomatoes, from his own garden. Two of the tomatoes were repeats. They were incredible tasting, but they didn't even prepare me for the treat I had for dinner tonight. 

     That right there is a Chocolate Chestnut tomato. Wait until you see the inside of it. Oh yeah, I got a picture after I cut it.

     Just look at how beautiful that is. I saved 4 seeds from that slice right there, and I already planted them. Since I know nothing about planting seeds, I didn't wait to let them dry out. I did the same thing with those peppers that sprouted, and it worked out, so I'm hoping the same thing happens with these. I really want more of these tomatoes. They have a wonderful little tangy taste that is topped with a mild sweetness. A little salt, and they came to live. Just fantastic. I don't know where you would buy these, but I'm hoping to have a bunch growing soon.

     Speaking of tomatoes growing. Remember that picture of those Cherry Reds that I put up on Thursday night? I found more of them on the plant, and not only more of them, but much larger ones, and the ones that were only pea sized, have grown quite a bit since Thursday. Yeah, I got a picture of that too.

     I took that picture yesterday, and that is the index finger of my left hand for scale. I'm sure it needs to double in size before it will be ready to eat, but that one is twice the size of the ones I showed you on Thursday, and it's even bigger right now. I counted what I could find, and there are 18 tomatoes growing on that little plant. I'm super stoked and shocked. My plants are producing. The Scotch Bonnet has something like 14 peppers growing. The Orange Habanero has 1 pepper for sure and 2 more pods on the way. It's so exciting.

     Oh, I should really share my meal from tonight, because it was so good. It was a Flat Iron steak from Butcher Box, with my fried brussel sprouts (oh, the brussel sprouts are getting huge), with that Chocolate Chestnut tomato, well half of it. The other half went to my Mom.

     Seriously, how good does that look? I love eating this way. The food is amazing, and is so satiating. Plus, the meals help my mom as well. I honestly thought we were at a point, where one meal wouldn't really effect my mom, but yesterday she went out with a family member, had a simple lunch of cheese quesadillas, and a Jalapeño popper. She nosedived in the evening, and had a panic episode like non before. I even prepared for the carb feast by giving her a almost no carb breakfast. I didn't work. I was bummed, but with proper meals today, she was right back to being on top of things. I have been keeping her carbs to right around 50. That is supposed to be a satisfactory carb amount to keep someone in a state that eliminates brain fog, and it seems to work rather well. The proof is in how she minimizes the sundowners in the evening. When she goes to bed without incident, it's a great day, and that was today for sure. Actually it was several days before yesterday as well. Food can have  healing power. I wish I would have known about this way of eating a long time ago. I might have been able to save my mother from dementia, or at the very least, put it off for a few years. I don't think this will cure her dementia, but I do believe that it will relieve her of sundowners and the panic that goes along with it. There is also the fat that she has had no episodes of her blood pressure fluctuating, and causing her to pass out. I know people blast the ketogenic diet and say that it causes heart attacks, but myself and my mom are proof that it helps the heart, and eliminates heart disease. Her last doctor visit had her with perfect blood pressure, and I've told you several times about how my heart rate is not only in a normal range, but actually below it. I'm in competitive athlete territory now.

     I forgot to mention this a little while back, but I measured my waist again. It was at 35 inches the last I spoke about it. I have measured twice since then. I lost a half inch the first time I measured, and I've lost another quarter inch since then. I'm now at 35.25 inches. I'm slowing creeping my way towards that waist to height ratio of .48. Last I calculated I was at .52, I am now at .51. So one more thing that proves that the ketogenic diet works. 

     I had a friend that contacted me a couple of weeks ago. She had begun keto because of my posts, and the success that I've been having. She dropped 20 pounds but then stalled, and she asked me how to get it going again. I asked her a few question about what she was currently doing, and then gave her some advice. She contacted me again this weekend, and she is now over 30 pounds down. If you are struggling with your weight, please give keto a try. It may be exactly what works for you, as it has for me and my friend. I don't see myself eating any other way than this. Did you see that dinner? Why would I ever need to go back to all the garbage that I used to eat. This food is so much better and bonus, it's super clean and healthy. Come on, you know you want to be healthy.

     One last picture before I call it a night. Llewellyn posts a picture on Friday that he had put all the Bowie prints in the mail. I was excited, because the print I ordered was on its way. Guess what showed up on Saturday morning?


     Oh yeah! It looks so good. Right now, I have it in the right hand corner of the Emek print right next to his version of the Goblin King. It looks so good there, that I'm thinking about not framing it. I'm going to frame it thought, and I believe I will hang it right down at that corner, so that you can see them both in one eye shot. I so love both of those prints. Just truly talented artists.

     And with that, I'm out. Peace in and goodnight.

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