Thursday, December 12, 2019

I Am The Garden Master

     I have become a garden master. Ok, that's being a little full of myself considering that only 5 sets of seeds that I've planted have popped, but I'm a garden master. The latest to pop are one of the Chocolate Chestnut, which I mentioned the other day. I planted a few sunflower seeds on Saturday, and 3 of them have already sprouted, I was floored.

     That is two days worth of growth right there. I was shocked at how big the stems are. Really it shouldn't surprise me considering they are called Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflowers. I did a little experiment with these seeds. I planted those in the pods right there, and I planted a few in the garden to see which ones would sprout first. These won of course. Three is no sign of the ones in the garden yet. I did bury them quite a bit deeper, so it should take longer for them to poke through the surface.

      Why Sunflowers you ask? Well Sunflowers are garden cleansers. They pull all the toxins out of the soil, so that other plants can grow stronger and be fruitful. Plus they are rather astonishing to look at when they are fully grown. These should be no exception. The seed pack said that they should grow 6-8 feet when mature. These are going to be a great addition to the garden when they are big enough to replant.

     This little bloom began opening yesterday morning, and I just had to get a picture of it. The beauty and symmetry of nature is truly inspiring. Just look at how perfect and beautiful that little bloom is. These are pretty flowers when they are fully open, but they really dazzle when they are opening like this one. Can you understand why I love gardening so much now?

     This is also another reason. This was taken yesterday morning, and that is only a fraction of the tomatoes that are on that plant. I counted today, and what I could find were 30. There could be more hidden within the leaves, and with the flowers that are up there, there are more on the way. One is very close, and I'm hoping that it will ripen within the week, but I really have no idea when it's going to turn. I'm still waiting on the Scotch Bonnets to change colors and ripen. I think they are full size right now, but never having grown Scotch Bonnets, or really anything before, I truly have no idea. I want to eat some garden grown peppers and tomatoes.

     Speaking of peppers, yeah, you knew this was coming. I haven't eaten a super hot in a few days now, and I actually feel weird. Like I'm stalling on some sort of training. It is training in a way. Teaching myself to tolerate hotter and hotter peppers. I ate part of a yellow jalapeño yesterday and it was nothing. I barely even knew that I ate it, so my tolerance has built quite a bit in a very short amount of time.

     I got the video for the yellow moruga scorpion uploaded to YouTube, and it is set to launch on Sunday at 5 PM New York time. I will of course embed it here, so that you can watch it. I did get quite the chuckle when I reviewed it before uploading it. My brain clearly shuts down for a few minutes at a time due to the heat and pain. I have trouble formulating my thoughts. I'm going to get the brown moruga video ready in the next couple of days for next week, so I haven't watched it back yet, but I remember that it was so much worse than the yellow, so it should be a blast to watch. I do hope you get a kick out of my pain.

     Today was an up and down day with the mom. She is roaming around the house now after going to sleep an hour ago, so I'm sure tomorrow is going to be horrendous. This morning started out real good, but went down hill, since it was raining all day. That meant that we had to stay in the house, and that is unfulfilling for anyone, especially someone that has no real way to occupy their time. That means her mind goes into thought, and when that happens it turns to hallucinations and delusions. Then she tries to pick fights. I just gave her the answers that she wanted to hear, and if she would argue those, I would change my answers to clam her down. Tomorrow is going to be another rainy day, but I'm going to figure out some place that we can go, so that we can walk around. Maybe the mall or something like that. 

     When days like this happen, I get stressed out I fall into old habits. One of which is eating. Here is the great thing about that though. Since I have reformed my relationship with food, I no longer go for bad options. I just eat the food I'm eating, just more of it. For example, my normal daily caloric intakes is around 1500-1600 calories. That is a deficit while I'm working on getting down to 145, which reminds me I didn't give you the numbers on Tuesday. Today my caloric intake was 2400, and my activity level was low. I'm going to correct that low activity thing in a little while. Now for the numbers, that I forgot to post on Tuesday night. I weighed in on Monday at 149.6 lbs with a GKI of 5.3. Not bad, but I really wanted my GKI to be lower, but I thought about it and I know why it was high (still in ketosis mind you). I had eaten those chips on Sunday. My carbs were still in line with my macros, but it was still corn and flour, so it dramatically spiked my insulin, which kept my blood glucose higher than normal. It should be better this Monday. Despite all of that, I'm still headed in the right direction. That leaves only 4.6 lbs to go. Sounds like an easy feat, but these last few pounds are the hardest because your body doesn't want to give them up. I could to an extended fast, and it would surely take me down even closer, but I want to do this the hard way. I will be doing a 48 hour fast soon, but it probably won't be until the middle of next week. This coming Monday's weigh in will have to be without it. I do have an unofficial weigh in on Friday's as well, but that is only to see how my weight fluctuates during the week. Remember weight loss is not linear, it is very static. That is why you should weigh yourself everyday. It will lead you straight to madness.

     Ok, that's it for tonight, but before I go, I have one more picture for you. It's the other true loves of my life, other than the garden.

     The two best dogs in the whole entire world. Peace in and goodnight.

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