Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Got Peppers

     My Cherry Red decided to drop these tomatoes before they were ripe. I wanted them to vine ripen, but we don't always get what we want. They are currently in the kitchen ripening up and waiting to go into my belly.

     I haven't forgotten that I need to talk about the new Star Wars movie tonight, but there's a few other things I'm going to get to first.

     My buddy hooked me up. He brought over two good sized ziplock bags full of peppers and tomatoes. I had run out of peppers, and I'd eaten the one Scotch Bonnet that had ripened, so I was missing having peppers in my scrambled eggs. I have plenty to last me now.

     He also dropped off a few more seedlings of some pretty cool peppers plants. One of them is this real interesting looking jalapeño that has corking on it. It makes it look a little aged, and very cool. If I can get it to produce, I'll share pictures with you. Oh yeah, I'll get pictures of those pepper and tomatoes bags for you on Tuesday. Just haven't gotten around to taking any yet.

     I just finished putting together a new pepper video. Yes, my buddy brought some special peppers to eat for a video. Listen the editing on this is very simple. I cut the beginning and end to fit. This time I added a little extra footage over top of my own Scotch Bonnet plant. It's just over 12 minutes long, so It should take a couple of hours to upload. That means I will wait to do it overnight tonight, and have it go live on Tuesday so I can put it in Tuesday nights post. I won't give anything away, but I ate two peppers for this one. A Red Moruga Scorpion, and the beast of all peppers (officially), the Carolina Reaper. You will have to wait for the video to go live on Tuesday to see just what happens to me, and why I ended up eating two peppers instead of just the one.


     That right there is the picture I was trying to post on Thursday night, but had no luck. What you can't see in that photo, is how enormous my brussel sprouts are now. I'll get a picture of the for Tuesday as well, but I'll probably move them soon. They are filling up the whole area they are in now, and I need to move them so they have more room. I had to move the strawberry and tomato plants I had in there with them so they would have more room and they filled that area up fast. Those pepper plants are out there to get a little more sun so that they can build up their strength and then get moved to the front yard. The ones in bags are staying out back and the one on the far right is my fish pepper, which has grown since that picture. It's taken off since putting it in it's own grow bag. I've had several seeds sprout, including the chocolate cherry sunflower, which has a really neat red stem. I'm still waiting on the peppers I planted in peat pods. This was my first time using that type of set up, so I'm anxious to see how they work out. My buddy uses them with great success.

     Ok, let's talk about Star Wars. I really enjoyed the movie. It was my whole childhood coming to a culmination. It was a little sad because the R2-D2 and C-3PO saga is now complete. Yes, I know that it's being called the Skywalker saga, but tell me this. What two characters are in every single movie? That's right, the two droids, so in my eyes, it's their story. It also hit me, that there is a good chance that JJ Abrams named the two lead characters after Howard Sterns parents, Ben and Ray Stern. Yes, Rey the character in the movie is spelled differently but you can not tell me, their names were not the influence for those character names. Ok, the big controversy of the movie, which angered a lot of easily offended people, was the same sex kiss. When I watched the movie, I had that in mind and was ready for this big explosive scene that was in your face. It wasn't. In fact it was so in passing that I was upset that it wasn't the couple I expected it to be. It was a very quick scene as the camera panned through a large group of people. If you don't want any spoilers, stop reading now and pick this up with the next paragraph. You're not looking right? Ok, I'll get on with it. In the first movie it was suspected that Poe Daemon was gay. I got that read from the character as well, especially since he seemed to have a crush on Finn. That lead me to believe, that the big explosive in your face scene was going to be Poe and Finn kissing. That wasn't the case, and I was a bit upset that they seemed to go out of their way to make Poe seem straight despite the obvious jealousy that Poe had of Finn and Rey's relationship, or the way Finn pined over Rey. Maybe that was the set up for the let down of the whole same sex kissing scene. That's just my take anyway. I still really enjoyed the movie.

     Ok, if you skipped that last part, you can come back and read what I wrote after you've seen the movie. Oh, I should give you a weight loss quick update. I do the official weigh in tomorrow morning, so I don't have those numbers for you. I do have some pretty surprising numbers though. I have those fat calipers and pulled a 16.9% body fat, which was a huge shock to me. The last time I checked it I was at 18.5%. That is a huge jump. I decided that I would measure my waist for that good ol' waist to height ration. I pulled a .5. The last numbers I got from that was a .512. That .012 was the difference of a half inch. I lost another half inch on my waist, despite the fact that I weighed in at I think 150 this past Monday. That is more proof that I've been gaining muscle mass and losing fat. It can be done people and I'm doing it in a big way.  

     I think I have fully filled you in, and look forward to that video on Tuesday. Peace in and goodnight.

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