Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ahead Of It All

     I'm just going to start this off with the Favorite Song of the Week. I was listening to the funk station on ALEXA when this artist came on. It was the song he is more widely known for, but when I heard that one, this song jumped into my head, and I just had to share it with you. It has most recently been used in a commercial for a bank, and I love that commercial. It features a guy roller skating, and he is killing it. Fancy footwork moves and doing that old school roller disco type of dancing, then when you think things are rolling not he steady, he totally bites it. He goes down in a flash, but then the camera focuses in, and the guy pops up, put's his headphones back in, and starts hitting those eight wheels in stride like he never went down to begin with. There is a lesson in that, but we aren't here for that, we are here for some good music. The song is by Curtis Mayfield, and that guy could just wail. I've featured Curtis before with his song Diamond on the Back, but this isn't that song. This one makes you want to move. Here is Curtis Mayfield with "Move On Up".

     Ignore the subtitles on it, they don't matter anyway, it's all about the music. Chapter 8 went up yesterday for The Patchwork Knight, and it got a little bit of action. I was really proud of it. I can't wait until Friday when Chapter 9 goes up. On the old Facebook page, I offered up a friend link to anyone that wanted it. Medium just added this feature, it is a link on each post that allows anyone that uses it, to view the post whether they are a member or not. If you want to read the shiny new version of The Patchwork Knight, get a hold of me and I will make sure you get the links.

     Enough shameless promotion. Although I'm going to talk about more right now, but this involves the PR. We did another one today, and it was a really good place. My partner was a little panicked when we were driving to the place. It is affiliated with another location that we have a very good relationship with, and he was worried that this new place wasn't going to be any good, and he was already calling for us to scrap the review, so that we wouldn't tarnish our relationship. These are things that I don't think about when I'm doing these reviews. I wan't the least bit worried that we were going to get a bad pizza. It just wasn't in my thought process. This is the second time in a matter of a few weeks that he has done this. This place does a different type of pizza, but it was amazing. He fretted over nothing. This was a classic case of drying over spilt milk that hadn't even been spilt. I know I have issues, but I'm starting to realize that he has some of his own. I get where he is coming from, but if we start scrapping reviews to worry about relationships with pizza places, then we will lose our integrity. We have to tell it like it is, good or bad. We have to be honest so that our audience trusts what we say. If we say a pizza is good, they can stand firm in the fact that it is good. Likewise if we say it's bad.

     I have the video done, and will be uploading it tomorrow, but it won't go live for another two weeks. We are well ahead of ourselves at this point. When this one is up, and I write the review for the blog post, we will have two of them sitting in the oven waiting to be released. This is a really great feeling to have, to be ahead of it all. That doesn't mean I get to sit back and relax and just wait, this frees up my time to work on other things. I already have the next chapter of The Patchwork Knight ready for Saturday, and I'm hoping to get at least two more chapters done before the weekend. I'm not releasing a video tomorrow, but I will be working on a couple for next week. I already have a Remember When scheduled for Sunday release. Once again, being a head of it all.

     This free time is going to allow me to focus on that painting of the PR logo, and I need to get in some much needed guitar time. The next couple of days are going to be fun. I also came up with a great idea for the CS logo. I have the one that you can probably see in the upper right corner. If you can't see it there, it's on the avatar on Instagram and YouTube. Oh hey, Why don't I just post it right here.

     I'm going to change that up a bit. There was something bothering me about how plain it was, but I think I've come up with the proper fix. No, I'm not going to tell you what it is. I have to get it done first and then I will unveil it here before I post it as my new logo anywhere else. I owe it to you, to see it first here. I'm not sure exactly when I will unveil it, but it should be within the next week. Once I have that done, I will start consider having stickers made, so you know what that means? Who wants one? I'll probably have a hundred made up, and I will give those first hundred away, well give or take a few to save for myself, but when I do, I will give first dibs to you. I worry about the details of that when I get all of this done though, so keep an eye out for that in the near future.

     Yesterday I helped out a friend and taught her how to change the oil in her motorcycle. Once we were done, she asked if I wanted to go for a ride. I hadn't even thought about riding, but figured it was a good idea. I have been so busy with other things, that I hadn't ridden in a while. I got dressed for riding and we took off. I didn't realize just how much I needed that ride. Freedom and joy just washed over me as each mile passed below my tires. The residue from the stress of last Thursday's panic attack, and Fridays doldrums blew off my shoulders. I had already put that stuff behind me at that point, but there was still that little bit left over that tainted my disposition. 

     While we were out, I decided to stop off the main road and ride to a little dock that would be perfect to catch the sunset. It was beautiful, and I needed that too. Putting the world in perspective and seeing that there is a bigger picture and not focusing on just those weights that are crushing on top of you, is a really good thing. Just take a look at this sunset and tell me that I'm wrong.

     Now, I want you to go back to the top of this post, and start that Curtis Mayfield song again, and just stare at that sunset. Everything is going to be just groovy. Peace in and goodnight.

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