Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Remember When You Learned Something New

     I don't really know where to start tonight. I guess I'll just start where I left off on Sunday, and begin with Favorite Thing of the Week.Yes, it's still going to be my video that went live on Sunday. This is another video in the Remember When Series. Here it is.

     I have a lot of fun doing these little videos like this, plus the added benefit of looking back on days gone by, just reminds me where I am and where I've been but, the video I'm going to start working on tomorrow, is the type that I love doing. Its the goal of creating an emotional connection in the viewer. I start usually with listening to music and seeing what connects with me. When one song hits, it begins showing me images in my head, images that I can possibly get on film. Then I begin to see the edits and cuts and how it will all go with the music. When it all comes together, I have a video that I can't believe that I made. That is the hope for the video that will go up on Sunday. Don't forget that I have one going live tomorrow afternoon. I can't remember what time I set it for, but it should be afternoon. Yep, just looked it up and it is going live at 4:30 in the afternoon tomorrow, New York time.

     I have the video for the next PR ready to upload and schedule for Thursday the 12th. I will upload it tomorrow morning or maybe right after I'm done writing this. I will then have to write the blog post, I'll probably do that in the afternoon or so. I do have to help that friend of mine with her motorcycle. She wants to learn how to change the oil on her bike. She has never done an oil change on it. She doesn't ride it much, but that's still no excuse not to change the oil on a regular basis.

     Speaking of blog posts. I have already completed Chapter 34 of The Patchwork Knight. It's already ready to go for Saturday Knight, so for once I am way ahead of the game. This all happened because I just felt an urge to write, so instead of sitting back and following some stupid rule that I implemented on myself to only write on Saturday, I just started writing. I'm probably going to write a chapter of more this week. Who knows, I might get far enough ahead that I actually finish it months ahead of schedule. I actually have no preconceived schedule, but at that pace I have been going, I have at least a few more months before I can even begin to think that it will end soon. Like I said the other day. I believe I am only 2/5ths of the way through the story. There is a whole lot of story left for Pitre.

     I'm going to keep it short tonight, because I have to wake up very early tomorrow to get the footage I need for that video I want to make. I do have one last thing to talk to you about though, and that is a comedy special on Netflix. It is by a comedienne by the name of Hannah Gadsby. her special is titles Nanette, and it is quite remarkable. It is loaded with laughs, but it's more than that. It is her telling her story the way that all people should be able to, but few get the chance to. Please take the time to watch this brilliant and powerful performance. It might teach you something you didn't know, and learning something new is never a bad thing. Peace in and goodnight.

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