Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Highs And Lows

     It has been a real productive day. I had that meeting with the brand manager for the PR, and it went well. I learned a lot. With learning a lot, we have a lot of work to do. As soon as I got home, I began tweaking things that I could do based of the recommendations they gave us. The Pepperoni Report has a new look for the blog, with some minor changes to all our other media platforms. Then biggest change is on the blog, but there will be more coming.

      We arrived early, a half hour early to be exact, which is what I had planned for. It was a nice office building, and they had a small monitor in the waiting area that welcomed us. When I say us, I mean me and my partner. It welcomed us by name.

     They made us feel welcome and important as if we were real clients. They are doing this for us pro bono at this point, and because of that I didn't expect much from it. I got a lot out of it. We talked with the owner of the company, who gave us a blueprint for creating a business proposal, that will help us define our roles and what we are responsible for. That means, I can finally officially become production and my partner can be marketing or something along those lines. We have to talk it all over in the coming weeks, but we have an idea of what direction to go it now. The brand manager also wants us to creating a holding company in order to protect our interests. It will cost us, but in the long run it will be a small price to pay if this really takes off.

     We got to spend time with their media expert and she was the one giving us all the advice on how to make our presentation better on social media and the blog. As I have been learning more ways on how to create content and thumbnails and all that stuff, I found that I've been going in the right direction, but her advice put us lightyears ahead of what we were doing. This was only free advice and not a full blown marketing plan, but this points us in the right direction, and like I said, gives us a very big boost.

     In order to get the full affect of what she laid out today, we will eventually have to get a website up and running. This blog is great, but it is very limited in how we can promote ourselves and our other social media, so the blog will eventually move to a website. When that happens, I think we will be growing at a pretty good rate, but that is down the road, for now, we know we are doing some things right, and learned what we need to improve on to find our audience. The boosted post on Facebook did ok, but still fell way short of what I would really be happy with. Basically the post said that it reached over a thousand people, but of those thousand, we only got 19 clicks from it. That is less 5%. If a post is promoted right you should see about 30% return on it. The brand manager told us of one that he just did for a company that got a 90% on it. That would be huge for us, but that company also paid a great deal of money for that. I won't give you exact numbers, but companies pay him a low months salary for one day to get those kinds of results, so what they gave us today, was not only greatly appreciated, but incredibly helpful.

     I now have a better defined path to follow on this little journey I am on, but that defined path also brought pressure. It didn't hit me until after I finished tweaking things for the day, (I still the to tweak a little more) and was finally sitting down and relaxing. I began feeling it, and the panic attack wanted to take hold of me, but I fought it off. The thought kept creeping in, that not only am I going to have to work harder at what I do, but I will end up doing all the work if my partner drops the ball. He warned me today to keep on him, because he is afraid that he is going to screw this all up. In my eyes, that should be the motivation right there, for him to keep on the ball with this. I shouldn't be the one to stay on top of him. I have to stay on top of myself, to stay motivated to keep improving. That is the scariest part of all of this. It's not failing and having to find another job. At least I gave it my all,. The having to motivate both of us, is the truly terrifying part of all of this. If he truly thinks he is going to screw it up, he will. I just know that from general experience. If someones says they are going to do something, they will begin to believe it no matter how negative it is. Negativity can grab a hold of you and not let go. He really has to turn his thinking around, and I don't know if I'm the person to do that. That is why I have the feeling that I will end up doing the production and the marketing and the networking. I will give my all in order to succeed even if he doesn't, and I will just take over because it is easier to do, even though it will weigh heavily on my mental well being.

     I'm just going to take it one step at a time, and that first step is getting the business proposal done. The brand manager gave me a lot of things to read to get a better understanding on how to actually write out the business proposal, so I will be doing that for the next few days.

     Now for something different. I goofed yesterday and released two chapters of The Patchwork Knight. After all that trouble of going back through and checking the scheduled release dates, I still managed to miss chapters 10 and 11. I will go through the rest of them again, to make sure that doesn't happen in the future, but I'll leave those two up as they stand. Nothing I can really do about it anyway.

     Oh, one more thing with the PR. I had a setback with the painting of the new logo. I went to my handy dandy box of paint, and found that it was basically empty. I have no paint for the project, so I will be getting paint tomorrow so that I can begin finishing that little project up. That will be relaxing for me.

     It Tuesday so that means it's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This band is one that I have talked about on numerous occasions and because I'm writing this very sentence, you probably know who it is. I have their logo tattooed on my arm, I've seen them 8 times in concert in different locations across the country, and they are the reason I picked up and learned to play the ukulele. They are none other than Twenty One Pilots, and they have a new album coming out in October (still waiting for the pre-order to be announced). They released two singles last week, one with a video and they other and audio version. I chose the video for tonights FSOTW. Let's just get to it already. Here is Twenty One Pilots with "Jumpsuit".

     I would normally end this with my usual peace in and goodnight, but seeing how TOP is back, and I am the skeleton clique. I will end it the way they end all of their shows. We are Twenty One Pilots and so are you.

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