Thursday, July 12, 2018

The New Logo Has Arrived

     I woke up early yesterday morning and immediately got to work on the new logo. I managed to finish it in in a couple of hours. It's based on the logo I'm currently using. I realized the other day, that I was complete over thinking this whole thing. I would go back and forth in my head about what it should be. I had an idea of a graffiti new skool image of a squirrel. Then just some sort of CS in a baseball hat logo type of way. That is the over thinking part. It hit me like a ton of bricks. What represents my more than anything. It's the one thing that you see in most of my videos on Saki. A disco ball. I had to think of a way to incorporate that image. I already had the base for it, in the temporary logo. I just had to tweak it a bit. Turns out that tweak was a little harder for me to pull off than I thought it would be, thus the time spent getting it done. Once it was done though, it is perfect, and I will start looking into having stickers made soon.

     You have to ignore the square. I intend the stickers to have just a black border going around the circle. That in a nutshell is me, and I love it. It's simple but it says everything. Once I get the stickers made I'll let you know how you can get one if you want, but until then, you will just have to wait. Oh, like I said on Tuesday night, they will be free for the first 100. That is how many I plan on having made. If it works out, and I start getting more followers, then I will make more up, and charge a couple of dollars for them. Honestly, I doubt I will be able to give away the first 100, so charging for them will be a long way off.

     With that out of the way, my time was all about writing. I got another two chapters done for The Patchwork Knight, and I really like the direction it is taking me. Here is the way I write. I start with an idea, then I figure out the ending. Once the ending is solid in my head, I figure out how it all starts, then I let it take me where it wants to go until I can get to that ending. 

     When I started this project, I expected it to be rather short, but it turns out that Pitre has a lot to tell, so I'm letting him tell his story. It's still going along the same line I had originally intended it too, but it is adding more depth and voice to it. Right now, I'm building his legend. Every hero needs a legend right, well Pitre's is being formed with each word that I write. I hope you are getting the chance to read it as it goes up. As I said, I have the next three weeks done, I just have to hit publish on them. 

     With all that going on, Chapter 9 goes up on Medium tomorrow. I'm already sharing friend links with a few people, if you would like one, get in touch with me, either through the email attached to this blog, or through one of my social media accounts. If you do send me an email, please make the subject: The Patchwork Knight, so I know what it's all about.

     It's is every other Thursday tonight so that means a new PR is up on YouTube, and of course I'm going to share it with you here. This is the last video before I added a new mic to the set up for better audio. This one isn't bad, but the next video in two weeks is going to sound great. I already have that one uploaded on YouTube and it is scheduled to go. Here is our review of Odyssey Pizza & Subs. This was a fun one.

     Let me know what you think. We tried a couple of new things in this one, and we added that to what we did in the next one as well, plus a couple extra things in that one. If they seem ok, we will keep doing them. This is always a work in progress though. We are constantly looking to improve your viewing experience. Make it look better, sound better, more enjoyable to watch. Not to mention,, you get to find out about great pizza. I really want to do this on a nationwide scale. I think it would be fun to travel to different cities and try well known independently owned pizza places, so that we can make other people aware of them. That's the dream, and it is growing each week. We picked up another follower on Facebook this week, and one of our videos shot up in views to be most viewed so far. It's not a lot of views, but it's moving in the right direction, and that is a good thing.

     I don't have much planned for tomorrow. I have to get some yard work done, I have to make a call about my finances, so that I can keep doing this for a while longer, and then I will probably write for the rest of the day and see if I can get a chapter or two finished. Oh Yeah, I have to change all my avatars to the new logo. That will start going up tomorrow as well. Keep an eye out for it. Peace in and goodnight.

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