Tuesday, July 31, 2018

May All Your Days Be Purple

     What has happened since last we spoke? I know what didn't happen. That would be the morning photoshoot that I had planned. It's still in the plans, but those plans changed on Monday. I woke up and felt the need to work on painting the logo. I like where it is right now. I figure that I am halfway done with it, and it is well on it's way to coming close to what I would like it to be. I say close, because I really don't know if I have the skill to make it truly photo realistic. I have a limited talent, and that really isn't it. My style does lie in realism, but not to photo realism. I'm going to give it my best effort though. In the end, I still think it will be something that I'm proud of, it just falls on whether or not my partner approves of it.

     Even though I'm at the halfway mark, I still consider that I only have the base done. There is a lot of detail that has to go into this to get it to where I will finally call it finished. I will know I'm at that point when I start fighting over whether or not, what I do to it next, ruins it or makes it better. That is the point where you need to stop, because that is the finished product. When you start wondering if the next stroke will screw it up entirely, you are done. I know what you are saying. It's just paint, can't you paint over it? Yes you can, but the chance that you will get it exactly where you had it before is not likely. Could that end to it being better, quite possibly, but more than likely, no. A painting is never finished, it is simply at a point where the painter can no longer improve on it based on their ability. That is the point I have to get to.

     I did make video yesterday though, it will be out tomorrow at 5 in the evening. I did go out and get some pictures, while I was doing it, and incorporated a few of them in the video, but here is all of them.

     I didn't really do much to those pictures when I edited them. They are mostly just cropped, but a few of them I played around with the color saturation and what not. The last one it is clear on. To me, that is what it looks like in a hurricane, minus the wind, but if you have ever gone outside during a hurricane, that is what it looks like. It also makes Saki look like it's superimposed, and that is from the actual photograph.

     As I said the video will come out tomorrow. I have to apologize now for the audio at the end. It gets a little garbled for my outro. I think it is because the battery in the GoPro was very low. I meant to change it out when I stopped to take the pictures, but I completely forgot about it. I should say, that I hope it was only because the battery was low. I will do some testing on it tomorrow to see.

     I did some writing today, so there is another chapter ready for The Patchwork Knight, only 4 more to go to meet my goal for the week. I also went out and did another PR. This one was good, but I'm going to save the pictures for Instagram and Facebook. Sadly you are going to have to wait until the 23rd of August to see the video. That is when it is scheduled to go live. That means, I have the next four weeks covered for the PR after I get the blog post written tomorrow, and I'm not scheduled to do another tasting until the 25th of August. I'm probably going to go a little stir crazy, but that will give me plenty of time to work the painting, as well as writing The Patchwork Knight. I also get to make videos for the good ol' CS. Oh, I forgot to mention that the finances are now taken care of for the foreseeable future. Well, six months or so. If some of these projects don't start paying off by then, that is when I will officially have to begin looking for work.

     Things that have priority right now, are, of course The Patchwork Knight, and I also have to get a video ready for this Sunday, then I need to work on a bunch of the Remember When series, I can get a few of those done in a day on the weekend. I want that early morning light for those, as well as the Morning Photo Ride 3 video, but I'm putting that on hold for a little while. I want to learn the camera a little more before that one. Afternoon lighting is much more forgiving than morning lighting, and although I've learned a lot about how the camera works, I still have some things to learn and figure out to get the shots I know I'm capable of, and of course advance my ability as well. You will get  brief look at the camera and the case I got for it in the video. I love that case, I can put everything in it. All the GoPro equipment and the Canon. I used it today for the PR, and it was a tight fit for everything to be in there at one time, but it worked out great.

     That brings us to Favorite Song of the Week. I told you a while back that you were going to get a lot of songs by this artist, since they are finally allowing the songs to be on YouTube, and this is a very special one. This song was written way back in the 70's and became famous when Sinead O'Conner did a version of it in the 80's. This is the original version performed by The Purple One himself. One quick point about this song. If you know the Sinead one very well, you will notice a line that has been changed by her. I can't remember why she changed it, but I think it was because to her the line sounded better her way. The line in question is, "It's been 7 hours and 15 days, since you took your love away.". The original line is, "It's been 7 hours and 13 days, since you took your love away." She may have thought her way sounded better, but it changes the dynamic entirely. Prince wrote it the way he did, because it is short of having to say 2 weeks. If you break down Sinead's version, it translates out to, "It's been 7 hours 2 weeks and a day, since you took your love away." I know that 15 works there, but it changes the whole dynamic of that sentence, and your mind plays with you a bit. I know this is going way over the top for this, but it is something that always bothered me. Don't get me wrong, I really liked her version, but come one, this is Prince. If you take the time to read the part at the beginning of the video, you will find out that this is footage taken while Prince and the Revolution were rehearsing for the upcoming Purple Rain tour. The footage is fantastic, and makes me miss him even more. Let's just get to the song already, geez I can talk about Prince for hours on end. Her is Prince & the Revolution (really just Prince, he wrote and performed everything on the cut of this song) with "Nothing Compares 2 U".

     I really love the way that starts. That tiny sounding back and forth of the organ, and then BOM BOM of the heavy guitars. It's just great. I know that they are saying that he has 50 years worth of music releases hoarded away in the vault. I've known about the vault for years now, but Prince didn't want that music out in the world, so I'm very torn over whether or not to listen to it when it is released. He didn't think it was up to his standard, and maybe it wasn't, but maybe he was just too much of a perfectionist and it is better than he even knew. I guess I will make that decision when it comes to it. May all your days be purple. Peace in and goodnight.

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