Tuesday, July 24, 2018

We Ate A Lot Of Pizza

     I finally sat down, and began painting the PR logo. I started by just doing a simple black outline on the letters and the pizza. It went well, not great but well. I'm way out of practice on this, so my hands were a bit jittery. That is ok, because the plan all along is to build this up in layers, so that by the time I get to the finished product, It will look smooth and seamless. Well, that is the hope. I began filling in the letters with color, and as I was just finishing the T, I realized that I was an idiot and I did exactly what I had to fix a couple of days before. I was painting it the wrong color. That is when I found out, that I didn't buy any green paint or even any blue so that I could have mixed my own green. That put a stall on things. I did pick up the paint I needed today, so I will get back to it tomorrow.

     With that out of the way, I had a big eye opener on Monday as well. I went to that print shop I was talking about, to get the stickers made of the new logo. The guy was friendly, and had a lot of great points, but the price was way higher than I was willing to pay, especially for a sticker that I plan on giving away. He had to up the limit of the print to 250 stickers, and it came out to $316. Yeah that much. I can't pay that much for a sticker that I'm simply going to give away. That means I had to do the thing I really didn't want to do. I found a company online. I'm having 100 stickers made, that will be good enough quality for giving them away for free, and it only cost $43. Big difference there. Now the quality won't be the same. These will be full color stickers , but they aren't vinyl which would last a lot longer. Here is my thinking behind the whole thing. I give away these 100 stickers, if the promotion works, I get some more subscribers to the YouTube channel. When that happens, that is when I can start creating better quality stickers so that I can sell them for a few bucks a piece. If it doesn't get me any new followers, then I'm only out $43 and I have a cool sticker of my logo to put on my tool box. Anyway, the stickers should take two weeks to complete. The site said anywhere between 10 and 15 days for the production, and then there is the shipping time. I'll let you know when they come in, so that you can get your hands on one.

     I am really proud of the next video that we have coming out for the PR. With that in mind, we did a tasting today, and I am even more proud of the video that came out of that one. Sadly you will have to wait two weeks and a couple of days for that one, but the next video is coming out on Thursday, and I will be launching the blog post at the same time, 6PM New York time. Because there is a PR video and blog coming out this week, I decided not to do a Wednesday video for the CS. I thought it would just be too much, considering no one watched the last video I posted on Sunday. It seems that people don't like the drone videos. I love those videos, but it appears that they are only a passion project. I'm going to keep making them, so you will have to artfully dodge them when they come out.

     Today's experience with the PR was incredible. I had the new Canon with me, and wanted to try it out a bit. I did pick up a mini trip-pod, but I think I hate it. It kept creeping lower and wouldn't stand up straight for any length of time. It does have that adaptor for the GoPro, so I may just end up using it for that. I didn't shoot any video with it, but I did get a few pictures.

     That is the gas brick oven large pepperoni pizza at the top. I'm clarifying that because we had more than one pizza, and I will get to why in a minute. The second picture is the coal fire oven, then cannoli cookies, and finally our to go package. When we walked in, the staff was a little freaked out, because we had all these cameras going and filming and what not. The asked and we told them what was going on. We never call in advanced because we want it to be as organic an experience as possible. My partner ordered our usual large pepperoni, since we had never eaten there before. I asked him if he asked for the coal fire pizza, and he said no, didn't even think about it. One of the servers overheard me asking him, and she must have relayed it to the kitchen. The gentleman that we talked to when we first entered was the coal oven chef, and he sent the server back out to ask us if it was ok if he put a pepperoni in the coal oven as well for us. I said that would be great. I have no problem buying another pizza to find out just what they have to offer.

     The first pizza came out, and it was outstanding. That was the pepperoni above. As we were eating that one, the chef came out and began asking us what kinds of foods do we like eating, and specifically what do we like most on a pizza. Instead of making that coal fire pepperoni pizza, he made us personalized individual coal fire pizzas. My partner who will only eat meat on his pizza had what they called the Italian Sausage. It had soppressata which is a cured salami that is out of this world good, Italian Rope Sausage, and raw bacon. I know what you are saying, it's the same thing we said. Raw bacon? They have to use raw bacon because if they precook it, it would burn to a crisp in the coal fire oven. The oven is at a temperature of over 800 degrees, so the pizza cooks fast, and that bacon came out exceptional. I even say in the video that is going out for the review, that is how bacon should be done from now on. I won't get that, but I want it.

     The gentleman made a pizza called the Italian Bomb for me. It had soppressata, raw bacon, Italian Rope Sausage, onions, portobello mushrooms, and Italian chilis. That pizza was unbelievably good. the chilis had a fiery kick that was quelled by the fresh mozzarella and then all the other flavors mingled and danced around my tongue. Before you ask, yes I have pictures of both of these pizzas. No, I'm not going to share them here. I posted them on Instagram and Facebook and they will be involved in the video. What I'm getting at is, that there are several ways to see them if you want.

     Last but not least were those cannoli cookies. They were the perfect way to finish off that meal, and we have a ton of left over pizza. They told us that they have a baker that comes in twice a week just to make those cookies for that store. People have begged him to put them in his own bakery and he won't do it. They are truly an exclusive to Genna's Pizza Company. My mouth is just watering thinking about those cookies again. Sadly I don't have any of those left, we ate them all there on the spot.

     It's Tuesday, so it's of course time for Favorite Song of the Week. If you thought I would put anything up other than the second song release by Twenty One Pilots two weeks ago, you clearly haven't been reading these blogs closely. You should have just anticipated this, and readied yourself for what was to come. Here is my favorite band in the world, Twenty One Pilots with the second song that they have released from their upcoming album, "Nico and the Niners".

     There you have it, the Skeleton Clique is alive and well with a touch of reggae. I just want to leave you with this. What I'm doing with these videos, and the writing, this is what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I have never been happier in my life, despite the stress it sometimes brings. I really truly love what I'm doing right now, and it is moving in the right direction. Keep an eye out, because I am moving up, and I'm looking to take people with me. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Couldn't get video to load but that pizza looks amazing and them cookies look yummy 😋 so happy you are enjoying this

    1. Too bad about the video, it's a great song. Every one of those pizzas was delicious, and those cookies were out of this world good.
