Sunday, July 1, 2018

One Unique Weekend

     It has been a unique weekend, and yes I know that I should have put an instead of a because of grammar. Here is the thing about grammar, sometimes it's wrong. Say that sentence above and replace the a with an and see how it sounds. Doesn't sound right does it? You are told all throughout your life to write the way you speak, and that above is an example of that. That is why sometimes grammar is wrong. Anyway, back to the unique weekend.

     It started Friday morning with helping a friend move into their new house. Nothing unique about that, I tend to do that more often than I can think of it. The part that was unique for me, was that I had to drive through Orlando during rush hour traffic both ways. That sucks. I made it through alive though. I got home, made a little snack, she had fed me while I was there so I didn't need a full meal, and I sat down to see what was on Netflix.

     I couldn't believe my eyes when I pulled up Netflix. GLOW had a new season ready and waiting for me. I was beyond thrilled. I don't know if you remember me praising how good the first season was. The second season is even better. I don't know if this show is for everyone, but it definitely hits a spot with me. I was a big fan of the old GLOW shows that were on in the late 80's early 90's. I'm not sure exactly when it was on, and this show is loosely based on those old shows. It's a behind the scenes type of shows, that I'm not sure has any basis in reality other than it patterns itself after the characters and the sets that were in the original show. I watched 7 episodes on Friday night and had to force myself to stop watching so that I wouldn't stay up all night and ruin my plans for Saturday. The bonus of stopping meant that I had something to watch on Saturday night.

     Saturday is where the weekend gets real unique. I was going to go riding with an old friend. I hadn't seen her in a couple or maybe even a few years. I don't know why we didn't keep in touch, but I think I found my answer during the day. I met her at 10 in the morning, and we didn't get back in the area until I think 3. It was a long full day of riding. I took her to a place I like to ride and then she took me to a place she likes to ride. Once we were out of ideas, I suggested we head to New Smyrna Beach. There was a restaurant I always wanted to try, and we would be in that area just around lunch time, so it would work out great.

     The thing about this particular restaurant is that it is a treehouse. It has a downstairs indoor area, but that's not the charm of the place. The real charm is up a somewhat spiral staircase to the bar area in the trees. It was real fun and the food was good as well. It was called Norwood's. If you are ever in New Smyrna, give it a try.

     Here is where things get real unique. While we were finally off the bikes, we had a chance to sit back and talk. Catching up if you will. It was at that point she told me about an argument that we had supposedly gotten into the last time we saw each other. I didn't remember this argument, and in honestly, neither did she. She told me someone had told her about it, but she said she did remember having a disagreement with me. I don't really remember that either, but I after thinking about it, I have an idea what the disagreement was, and it really wasn't a disagreement, but more an issue that was unresolved in a way. Anyway I asked her who told her that we got in a fight, and she told me it was our old friend 3W. Remember him? I honestly think he made up some story and told her because she was drinking that night. I don't know. I do know that that night I wasn't drinking. It was around the time I was trying to slow down my drinking and I was playing designated driver that night. I remember that 3W was upset with her because she was paying attention to some other friends of hers that she was with and not much attention to him. I have no idea why he told her that, or what his motives were behind it. I chose to just let it go. If she really believes that happened, then I'm not going to change her mind otherwise. I'm just going to move past it and forward. I will be seeing her again, so whatever differences we might have had, they are clearly in the past.

     Before you start, this isn't anything romantic. It's just two friends catching up with each other and enjoying one another's company. I'm focused on writing and video creation, and also the fact that I'm already behind in my plans to paint the new TPR logo. I haven't even started on that yet, and I need to do that.

     Speaking of the PR, I gave something a try and promoted a post on Facebook. It was rather cheap and it pushed the post across Facebook and Instagram, so that around 1000 people could see it. Last I checked over 700 people have seen the promotion. That didn't turn into any big numbers, but the video that I promoted for Troy's Pizzeria & Tacos had a significant increase in views. We only picked up a couple of subscribers to the channel, and only one follower on the Facebook page, but every little bit helps to get to the bigger picture. I can't say that it was a huge success, but it definitely was a small one. More people saw our product, and that could draw them back in the future if they remember it. We even got a request to go across the state to review a pizza place there. They liked the videos we have put up, and want to see what we think of their restaurant. I'm hoping that we can make it over there sometime. It would be great to expand out of our area. If we do that we can possible expand our following. That is, the bigger picture. To be able to do this on a nationwide or possible worldwide scale. We are staying small for now though. Cutting our teeth if you will. We get better with each episode we do, and that is a good thing. As a matter of fact we are doing another tasting on Tuesday, and that video will be up on Thursday in two weeks. I know I griped about things before, but this is really starting to get fun. The more it grows, the more I'm enjoying the work that I'm putting into it. It's very gratifying.

     A new video went live this morning. It was another episode in the Remember When series. I didn't get to post the PR video on Thursday nor the video I did for the other channel that went live on Wednesday, so I'm going to share the Wednesday video and the PR video right now. I'll leave this mornings video for Tuesday. I'll put it up instead of FSOTW. It will be a FTOTW. I can make my own video Favorite Thing of the Week if I want. This is my blog after all.  Here they are.

     I know, that is a lot of video to watch, but I do think they are worth watching. Plus, you have to see my shirt in the PR video. It's the debut of DJ Pizza Cat, and you are going to love it. I will have a new shirt on this week as well, but you will have to wait a couple of weeks to see that one. It will be worth the wait, I promise.

     I already have a video ready for this Wednesday, but I have to come up with something for Sunday morning. I have a few ideas of videos to do and I want your help to decide on which one of two simple ones I can do. I can do either a "How to change your oil" video, or "How to clean your visor" video. I do think both of these will bring me more viewers simply because of what they are. These are videos that everyone watches because they want to know how to do things. How to videos get viewers. What do you think, which one should I do and post on Sunday. A little behind the scenes information that might help you decide. I'm still about a hundred miles from needing an oil change, but I could knock that out in a day and do the oil change when I got home from the ride. The other one, I can do anytime I want, since I have not cleaned either of my helmets in a couple of weeks, so there are dead bugs on both of the visors. Let me know which one you would like to see more.

     It truly was a unique weekend. Unique doesn't mean bad, it just means different and this was definitely a different kind of weekend, but it was a positive one. A new chapter of The Patchwork Knight goes up on Medium tomorrow morning (Monday if you aren't reading this on Sunday night). I haven't been promoting the new chapters on Facebook because I don't think it would make sense to start something in the middle for people that haven't been following along. Not to mention that it could create confusion with the promotion from Medium saying that it is only on chapter 6. I mean if all of a sudden you see something promoting chapter 33 when you just saw chapter 5, it could get real confusing, so I leave it unprompted and only for those who have been following along. I have had to change quite a bit and even on chapter 32. I noticed when I went back and reread the early chapters I wrote something into the story in chapter 32 that I had already contradicted earlier, so when chapter 32 goes up on Medium that error is corrected. It wasn't anything big, but it is a continuity error, and I have to fix those now. Also, since Medium keeps track of word count, I realized that I'm already 50,000 words deep on The Patchwork Knight. I was shocked. I'm only at the halfway mark in my mind and it could be more like the 2/5ths mark in reality. I have a lot of story left to go, and when I put chapter 33 up on Medium this morning and scheduled it's release, it won't come out until Oct. 1st. That is a long way off. This thing could go on for another year. How amazing is that? Of course it will be finished on here long before it will be on Medium, but still, that is amazing to me. It's not until I look back on what chapter I'm on now, and knowing that I've been doing a chapter a week, for the most part, that I realize that I've been already writing this for over a half a year. Sure it would go much faster if I wrote every day, but that wasn't the idea when I started this project. I wanted to try writing a different way and it has been rather successful so far. I know this is going to sound braggadocios and egotistical when I say this, but since I had to go back through and read the whole thing so that I could edit and proofread, this is a pretty good story, and I'm very proud of it. I really hope that you will take the time to go to Medium and read the finished product. It's still the same story, but it's correct now, and without the errors that ran all through it. Here is the link to my Medium profile Counterfeit Squirrel so that you can check out what's available at this time. As I said chapter 6 goes live tomorrow morning (Monday) with chapter 7 going up on Friday. Thank you for all the support along the way with this project, it is truly a pleasure to be a storyteller for you. Peace in and goodnight.

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