Sunday, July 22, 2018

One Drawn Out Weekend.

     It has been a weekend. One that was far too relaxing. I didn't have much to do. I did make a video yesterday and released it this morning, but we will get to that a little later. I of course got the new camera in, and it is so much more advanced to what I was used to, that I have a ton of stuff to learn to get where I want to be with it. I did do some video recording tests, to see how it works with and without the microphone. As expected, it is much better with the mic on. Oh, I guess I should share a couple of pictures of the new camera.

     This thing has everything. You can connect via wifi or bluetooth with it. I have to read up on exactly how to do that, but for now, I'm going old school and just removing the SD card and uploading stuff on the computer. This is one of the reasons that this weekend has been too relaxing. I want to get out and do some filming with it, but I do need one very simple thing, and that is a tripod. I have a really good one, but I had to order a small piece for it, so that it will work with this camera. The Tripod I have utilizes a quick release, and doesn't have the traditional threaded bolt. I need that piece to be able to use that tripod, but I do need a mini tripod. That is the one that will be really helpful with the PR. I can't just go to places and set up a giant tripod, so I have to go out this week and buy one, I checked Target today, and they didn't have one that I thought was good enough. It appears that Best Buy may be my best choice. I think I will do all that tomorrow.

     All that includes checking into getting the stickers made of the new logo. I made one giant error on Friday, I didn't really take a good look at the tracking for that camera. When I ordered it, it said that it would come by USPS since it had a lithium ion battery. I failed to notice that it was actually coming UPS. The mail comes usually by noon, so I knew I had to be here to sign for the package. It wasn't until 4 o"clock came around that I actually looked at the tracking. I couldn't go out in fear of missing the package and it didn't come until after 6. That meant that the place I wanted to go for the stickers was closed. That just means that the stickers will take a little longer.

     I played around with the camera on Friday night after getting it, and that is when I realized just how advanced it was. I went through everything and worked out some of the tech involved in it, but I still have a long way to go. I did go out Saturday morning to make that video and took the camera along just incase I would have some good opportunities for some pictures. Cruckshank didn't let me down. Cruckshank is a little sanctuary that I had forgotten about. It is home to a very large population fo Scrub Jays. They put up with he drone (I didn't disturb them at all), and when I was done flying, I walked out and got a few pictures. I wish I could have gotten a shot when one of the Scrub Jays landed on my head, but I wasn't fast enough. I did get these instead.

     The little guy in the pictures is the one that landed on my head, he was quite the ham for the camera. I didn't walk very deep into the sanctuary, because I really didn't need to. The Scrubs let me know they were there as soon as I entered. I need to go out there with the camera this week sometime and get some more shots. It's been a long time since I've walked Cruckshank. I did get the scene from above while I was there. That is the whole reasons I went out there, the pictures were just bonus. I really like how this video came out. I think it creates quite a bit of emotion, and it's truly amazing to see the world from this view. It took me two hours to edit this little gem, so I hope you enjoy it. 

     I cut that down from 12 minutes of raw footage. I'm getting better at this flying thing. I still didn't take any risks, by getting it too close to trees. I'm still wary after that first time out and crashing. I don't know if you noticed it, but I finally added a watermark to the ol' channel. It's in the lower right hand corner. If you scroll over that logo, it brings up the subscription button, so feel free to hit that button and subscribe.

     Oh, I did notice one other huge mistake that I made. In my hurry to get everything in order with the PR, I made a mistake with the logo. Since the color scheme is based on the Italian flag, it is paramount that I get it right, and I reversed the colors. Instead of green, white, and red, I had red, white, and green. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but it actually is. If we are going to be the go to for pizza reviews, we should have the common sense to have our logo looking appropriate. I did it with the painting as well, and that is when I figured it out, but since I haven't laid any paint down yet, and it is only blocked out in color pencil, it is an easy fix on that. I do plan on starting the actual paining tomorrow. I'm going to do that in the morning, and then hit that print shop and Best Buy in the afternoon.

     That is all I have tonight. Don't forget a new Chapter of The Patchwork Knight goes live tomorrow morning. I changed the time on Friday to see if it would get more action, but it didn't seem to matter, so I'm sticking with the 6 AM release time.I of course put Chapter 36 up right here yesterday, so if you want to read ahead you can. A new episode of the PR goes up this Thursday, and we are doing things a little different with this one. First off, this is the first one with the mic added in, so that audio is quite a bit better than older videos. We are also releasing the blog at the same time as the video, so everything will be live at 6 PM New York time. I had to move it back an hour, since I have my guitar lesson at 5. I should be home by 6 to hit publish on the blog.

     Oh, I do have one other thing. My stomach is feeling better. It didn't start diminishing in pain until last night, but it is finally going down. I still have no idea what it was, but things are looking good right now. Anyway, that's finally it for tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

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