Sunday, September 16, 2018

75% ?

     It has been a very slow weekend. The last two days I did nothing of any significance, due to this illness. I can say that I'm at about 75%. Most of the aches are gone, but that irritating cough is lingering. Once that is gone, I will feel normal again. I'm hoping tomorrow will be the day that it goes away, but I know that probably isn't realistic, knowing my past bouts with coughing fits.

     Today I was able to work on the secret project, and I got the bulk of the work done. It should be fully completed by Monday, that will give me a few days in case I need to make any last minute changes to it. I have to leave that window open for a certain possibility, but it is looking more and more likely that what I will have a s a finished product on Monday will be what is finally revealed. Yeah, I'm being vague and that is because I still can't tell you about it, but it's going to be fun.

     I'm planning on getting to work on my wand stand tomorrow as well. I have an idea for a design in my head, I just have to see if I have enough wood working skills to pull it off. I'm going to form it from an old piece of 2x4 that I have, so it won't be anything too fancy, but I do want to try and put some flare into it. I will also stain it, but I haven't decided on what color yet. I'm kind of leaning to a reddish color, so that the wand will stand out when it is in it, but I'm not sure yet. I guess the wood will tell me when it is time.

     I did have a new video go live today, and it has the new title page kind of thing on it, but I did something a little different. I knew it needed something more, and that was confirmed to me by a friend of mine that gave me some good advice. I added a zoom in to it. It's not dramatic, but it gives some movement to the opening with the new theme song. Let me know if you think it passes.

     I think I went to that spot in a video before, but I wasn't sure, so I went again. It is a cool spot that not many people realize is there. Oh, I mentioned the tattoo shop I hope to get my next tattoo at. I have something to say about that.

     It is appearing to be much harder than I thought it would be, to get in there. Their website has a little message service on it, so that you can contact them, nothing else. I left a message through that on Tuesday of last week. I have not heard back from them as of yet. I went to Rayne's Instagram page and found an email address to use to contact them. I sent an email, I have not heard back from the as of yet. They have their phone number listed on their Facebook page, so that may be the way to go, but they are closed until Tuesday, so I have to wait until at least then to hear from them. If I don't hear from them on Tuesday, I will call the number on Wednesday. I was really hoping to have the consult done late last week and be planning on getting the tattoo sometime this week if her schedule was open for it. It looks like I'm going to be waiting a little longer. It's all going to be worth it though. Rayne is my one and only choice to do this, I have no other options, if she can't, then I guess I will begin searching anew, to find an artist who's work I admire as much. I am limited by distance though, otherwise I would be going to Oregon to have Heather Maranda do it. I just did a little research and Heather Maranda will be in Orlando on her tour in early November. I could try to get her to do it, but she is really sought after and very expensive. I have a number in my head of what this tattoo should cost, and I think it isn't enough for her to do it. I'll stick to my original plan for now, but if that doesn't work out, I may be trying to get an appointment with Heather. It is a bit of a dream to have her tattoo me. Her work is amazing. You can check her out by going to her Instagram here.

     Oh, back to the secret project for a second. I promise that no matter what happens with those potential changes to it, I will tell you all about it on Tuesday. Just know that this has been a great deal fo work to get this to where it is, and I still have a good deal more to do, but as I said earlier, I have the bulk of it done now.

     Since I had been sitting around doing next to nothing. I binged some Netflix. I finished watching Iron Fist season 2, and I really liked it. The villains are great. the little direction change of the story is going to be real fun for season 3, and the potential for crossovers in the rest of the Netflix Marvel Universe.

     I also watched the entire first season of Norm Macdonald Has A Show. If you have ever heard Norm's podcast, it is exactly like it. He has a guest on, it is a very loose interview and then he finishes it up with having the guest and himself read jokes that he and some writers wrote for the little segment. The best part of that, is a lot of times, the jokes are really bad, and they work because they are so bad. The first episode is with David Spade and it was a great way to start. It sets up that the show is an intentional train wreck. It's as if I had a talk show and could get guests, that is the quality of it, except that Netflix gave him a bunch of money to do it, so it's a little more polished than what I can do, but that doesn't mean that it is great quality, it is just great fun. Give it a try if you are looking for something funny to watch some night. The episodes are only a half hour long, so you really don't have to invest that much time into it. Other than David Spade, he got Jane Fonda, David Letterman, Lorne Michaels, Drew Barrymore, and a few more. If you are a fan of Norm's comedy you will love this show, it is very much him in all of it's forms.

     That's it for tonight. I'm going to go and rest from resting, and catch up on the shows that I recorded while watching Netflix. Then it is Fear the Walking Dead time. The show has been really good since Morgan joined the cast, well Lenny James. Yes I know that Morgan is just a character. Anyway, I'm out of here, peace in and goodnight.


  1. I Never knew anything about Resolution. I'm actually a bit sad about that. Glad you are feeling better!!
    Still nothing about Jason?

    1. Up until a year ago, I hadn't known about it myself. I simply stumbled across it on a ride one day. I have found out nothing about Jason. I've done all kinds of searches and found nothings except a few things that I already knew.
