Thursday, September 6, 2018

Oh Look Dorthy, A Whirlwind Is Approaching

     It has been a whirl wind of a couple of days. The thing is, it is mostly stuff I can't tell you about, because it involves that secret project I've been not telling you about. Just know, that the last two days have been incredible.

     There is something I can tell you about, and that is that the latest episode of The Pepperoni Report is up. Right now, at this point, it is outperforming every other post we have done. Now, I don't expect it to last, but it is off to a really hot start, and this is the type of release I had been hoping for. Compared to big channels it is still very small, but this is a big night for us. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to share the latest video here, that wouldn't be me. So here is the latest review form TPR for your viewing pleasure.

     Ha I just discovered an error on the video. Well, it's not on the video, it is on the title page for the video, and that will be a quick fix. The place is called Luna Blu Pizza Co. and I spelled blue with that e you see on the end right there. I can't believe I made that mistake. The blog post is correct, the lettering on the video is correct, and then a go and screw up the title page.

     Things are all moving in the right direction, and that can be a bit scary. Here is my thinking in all of that. The floor can drop out at any second, and that is what I'm concerned about. It is always my experience, that when you don't want it to happen, a set back will just slam you in the face, and things are going too good right now, so I'm being cautiously optimistic here. Our numbers are doing good, and they are slowly growing, although we have had a big bump in our Instagram followers. I'm not sure that has translated over to viewers of the blog or the videos yet, but it is building. The channel is slowly gaining subscribers, but at a very slow pace, and that is to be expected. People love watching videos on YouTube, but they don't necessarily have an account themselves so that they actually can subscribe. That is the reason why you can see someone with say, thirty thousand views, but only a thousand likes on the video. There is also the fact that people just simply forget or don't care to like the videos, but it is mostly from people not being able to.

     I'm going to Universal on Saturday, and I'm going to call this a research outing. That is a lie of course, but I am going to do research for my tattoo idea. Actually, I already have the idea in my head, and I may try to draw/paint it myself, but I need to figure out two very important things, and that is how do I pull off a stone as a circle, and a cloak as a triangle. Here is an easier way to explain it.

      That right there, is the symbol of The Deathly Hallow. The triangle is the cloak of invisibility, the circle is the resurrection stone, and the line in the center is the elder wand. I already know how I'm going to do the elder wand. There are plenty of pictures of it, to get a good representation of it. The stone, is, well in the movie the stone is a square cut stone that is a black transparent, and the cloak, well, it's a cloak of invisibility. How do you represent that. I have ideas, and I think I will hopefully work with Rayne, the new artist, that I want to do it, to really visualize the whole thing. I did do a first design with elements of solid and negative space, and I like it, but it's not quite there yet, I think if I can explain the idea well enough, this will be a truly unique tattoo of a widely done symbol. If you don't know just how widely it has been done, do a search of Deathly Hallow tattoo, and take a look at all the images, and there are quite a few repeats, and they are not the same piece. That is the thing, it has to be unique, it has to be me, and it also has to be the artist, I definitely want to have some of her style in there as well. That is how my and my other artist worked so well together. I came up with an idea, and a basic sketch and he just ran with it. He was always worried that I would hate what he came up with, but that never happened, and that would get him real excited about he piece. When he was excited and felt like he was big pushed to be bette, he always responded.

     I'm off to bed. I want to wake up early and do a few things in the morning, that may lead to a video for Wednesday possibly, but also I want to get away from checking the numbers on the PR. I can wait and see what they look like in the morning. See if Luna Blu maintained this early run. Alright, I'm out of here. Peace in and goodnight.

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