Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 42)

     After the caravan arrived at the gate, we all traveled up the mountain pass with the Guardians of the Gate. The guard change came just before the caravan arrived and Gorin and his men stuck around to escort us to the Crystal Palace.

     The pass was narrow and very slow going with the carts and wagons, but it was less treacherous than the trails leading there. There would be no Raider ambushes along the pass. It took half the day before we saw the tip of the Crystal Palace, and it was magnificent. It glistened in the late day sunlight. Brilliant colors reflected off the surface that cast a soft yellow light on everything below it. As we entered the final gates into the Palace grounds we bathed in that same yellow light. People were busily scurrying about their late day chores. A large stable stood to the eastern side of the canyon that rose high above the Palace itself. There were hundreds of horses there with random carts and wagons scattered around it. Ours would add to the organized chaos. We were all lead to those stables to dismount and empty the caravan of it's contents and people. Healers ran up as soon as the first cart was unloaded to help with any injured and sick that were in the caravan. The quickly took those away on small flat wheeled carts.

     Sir Jacob was commanding his remaining men to settle in the barracks. He asked Rolf and I to wait nearby, so that he could take us to the King as soon as everything was orderly.

     "We are going to meet your King?"

     "It appears that is our next adventure."

     "Have you met him before?"

     "I have, when I was a younger. He was very nice."

     "Was that when you fought in that tournament?"

     "It was. I fought his daughter the Princess in the finale. She beat me handily."

     "You lost to a girl? You?"

     "I did. I had only been training for a few months at that time. She was very good, and I can only assume that she has gotten better."

     "Better than you?"

     "That, I do not know, but maybe we will have a chance to spar."

     "You really think the Princess is going to spar with you?'

     "Why not?"

     "This King and his kingdom is very different from the Mudwood. We would never ever have the thought that we could even loot upon the king without being punished."

     "It's not like that at all here. King Reese loves his people, and has done a lot of great things to keep the Realm prosperous. He only asks that the citizens of the Realm come and join him for a week of celebration surrounding his birthday every year, and that is only a request, he doesn't require it."

     "I think I made the right choice in traveling along with you. If I had known this is what the Raiders were fighting against, I would have left long ago. We were told lies about how your king was planning to invade the Mudwood and kill everyone in his path."

     "He would do no such thing. He held true to the treaty after the Blind Wars. He only wants his people to thrive."

     "I believe you Pitre, and I now look forward to meeting this great king of yours."

     It wasn't long before Sir Jacob gathered us and lead us to the Crystal Palace. We walked through the small streets of a makeshift town. it was full of huts and small merchant stands. It wasn't the Kingdom, but it was a version of it, just much smaller. The people looked happy despite their upheaval from their home. Amongst the huts and stands we lost sight of the Palace, all but the very top that speared into the sky of evening. The soft yellow light had turned to that off a soft purple and blue. We left the makeshift peddler's village and into an open area that we full of flowers and bushes that were full of color. The large door of the Palace rested on the other side. It was ornately carved with spirals. A large lion's head holding a white blossomed flower in it's mouth lay in the center. The whole door was made of a shiny black wood, but the flower was painted a white that shimmers and changed a rainbow of soft colors as the light reflected from it.

     The doors opened with the effort of two Knights that stood just inside. The saluted Sir Jacob as he passed, and he retired the gesture. The doorway opened into a large greeting area that had dueling spiral staircases that lead to a rise that had several plush chairs in a circular pattern.

     "Pitre, is that truly you?"

      I heard the King's voice before I saw him. He walked out of a narrow hall that was off to the side of the area with the chairs. He was just as regal as the first time I met him. His smile had a calming affect, and his eyes seemed to be aware of everything around him. There wasn't anything that they didn't take in of his surroundings.

     "We were to believe that you had perished. I am so glad that you didn't. I am terribly sorry to hear about the fate of your village and your father. He was a great man, if it wasn't for him, This Realm would have fallen a long time ago. I know your father didn't want to fight or be Knight, and because of what he did for all the people of the Realm I respected his desires, but I would have gladly had him lead my Knights."

     "Thank you."

     "I would love to hear the tale of your journeys since last we spoke, but first I would like an introduction to your friend here. I have heard some of his story already, but I'm sure there is much more to it than I have been informed of."

     "This is Rolf your Highness, he was a scout for the Raiders until I captured him at The Crossing. He has since turned from the Raiders and even helped safe the life of Sir Paljin."

     "So I have heard. It is very nice to meet you Rolf, and I owe you a debt as the leader of the Targen Knights, you saved one of my men, and I will always be grateful for that. I offer you a dry roof and a place in the Realm, and I will see that no harm comes to you. I do believe that that last thing can greatly be enhanced by having you fitted with new clothing. I will have the seamstress come to you as soon as she can to fit you for all new clothes. We can get rid of those Raider rags, you were. That reminds me Pitre, I have heard of your new name. The Patchwork Knight is it?"

    "Yes sir. The other Knights in the caravan began calling me that after Sir Jacob......"

    "Don't fret my boy, I know that Sir Jacob knighted you along the way here. If only half of what has been told to me about your feats is true, then it is well deserved. I trust Sir Jacob as much as I trusted Sir Wallace. There isn't a tree that stands as bold and straight as either man. That being said, I do believe there is someone who will want very much to see you. He is rather busy at the moment, but I will make sure his time is free first thing tomorrow morning. In the meantime, we should enjoy a meal together to celebrate you being alive and well."

     "Even me your Highness."

     "Of course Rolf. I've been told that where Pitre goes you go, so I would gladly have you sit beside me at my table and tell me your story of how you came to be a friend of our Patchwork Knight."

     It was very odd hearing the King call me by the name that the other Knights and villagers of the caravan had adopted for me. Odd, but nice. The smile on my face nearly matched that of Rolf's.


     The dinner was long and full of fun. The morning came quickly, and I was anxious to go see Galdren. He had to be the one that the King was talking about. Rolf and I had stayed in the Palace for the night. I left my chambers and a Knight was standing near the door.

     "I've been waiting for you Sir Pitre. I'm to lead you to our blacksmith."

     "Sir Darius, it is so good to see you again. Galdren is here? He made it out of the Kingdom without harm?"

     "It is good to see you again Pitre. Yes, Galdren is here and healthy. The King would never allow Galdren too far from his sight. After Sir Wallace died, he has kept everyone he has trusted in the past, very close to him."

     We were half way down the hall when I remembered the gauntlet. 

     "Give me a moment will you Sir Darius. I forgot something that I would like to bring with me."

     "I'll be right here."

     I ran back to my room and pulled the gauntlet wrapped in its oily rag out of my bags. I took a quick look and once again marveled at it's beauty. I gently wrapped it back in it's rag, and made my way back to Sir Darius. We walked to the Palace forge to see the man that was the greatest friend of my father.

     The forge was part of the Palace, not a building off to the side. A lone man stood in front of the furnace heating ore. I recognized him immediately by his rotund figure.

     "Galdren, it appears that you are wasting away. If you turned sideways, I fear that I wouldn't see you at all."

     "Ahhh, the great Patchwork Knight has the humor of his father I see. Get over here boy."

     I hurried over to the large man and became a small boy again. I embraced him as if he himself were my father. He had some fluff on him, but I could feel the power in his arms as he squeezed me tight. The arms that armed an army.

     "I never thought I would see you again boy. When I heard that you were in the Palace I thought it was a tale. They spoke of a man named Pitre, who was going by the monicker of The Patchwork Knight. The tales they told and the accomplishments they spoke of. I only knew one man that could do such things, and that was your father."

     "I have something to show you."

     I pulled the bundled gauntlet from behind my back.

     "Is that the gauntlet I gave you?"

     "It is. I still can't fit into it."

     "Nonsense boy. Pull that over your hand."

     "I did and it fit perfectly."

     "I must have grown since I left the village behind. I promise you that it didn't fit when I set out for the Kingdom. I hadn't dared take it out along the trail for fear of it being lost or stolen. Other than my swords, this is the only possession that I truly care about."

     "Boy, you are no longer a boy. The first time I met you, you only stood as high as my chest, now you are face to face with me. This Patchwork Knight title you have. What is that all about?"

     I was wearing a tunic and britches that were left in my room, with a pair of leather boots. There was nothing to tell you how I got the name.

     "It is the armor that I wore. My father had several suits of armor in his forge, but they were all to large for me, so I put together armor from old chain mail tunics and a pair of boots that fit, with the leather braces that you had given me for the tournament."

     "Ah, I see, you truly were a Patchwork Knight then." A loud an boisterous laugh came from his oversized belly. "We will have to do something about your armor then, but maybe we won't make you a full suit of matching armor. I like the idea of a Patchwork Knight wandering the countryside and being a hero to the people. I will make you a suit of armor that fits your title, Sir Patchwork Knight."

     A feint chuckle erupted from the doorway behind us.

     "Sir Darius, I can see fit that the joints in your armor are welded together."

     "I'm sorry Galdrin, I've just never heard anyone say, 'Sir Patchwork Knight'. It's either been Sir Pitre or Patchwork Knight. I like it though it just strikes me as funny."

     "I like it as well, that is why I said it, make sure that it catches on, will you?"

     "I will spread the news far and wide. The Mudwood will fear Sir Patchwork Knight."

     I fear the the laughter that erupted woke the entire Palace and those in the merchant's village.

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