Sunday, September 2, 2018

Big News For Me

     If you didn't see video that went live this morning, then you haven't seen the big news yet, and you are going to have to wait a little longer.

     Before we get to all that, I got other news. I forgot to mention this when it was happening, but Kevin Llewellyn offered up another mini print for a $1, and I couldn't pass up getting another print from my favorite living artist. It is a piece that he did when this person was alive, but when he had an unfortunate accident where he fell to his death from the balcony of his apartment, Kevin released this mini print.

     It is a portrait of his good friend Rick Genest, otherwise known as Zombie Boy. He was quite an exceptional person, and if you don't know about him, you should look up his story. Kevin Llewellyn signed it in roses gold so that his signature wouldn't distract from Mr. Genest. It is an amazing piece, and brings my collection of prints to 3. I have two mini prints and one full size print. It is truly amazing that an artist that is highly sought after will offer a print, even a small one, for only a $1.  Check out his website here Llewellyn Art. 

     His original pieces sell for thousands of dollars, and his full size prints for hundreds, so you can see how excited I can be to own not just one of his prints, but three. I posted that above picture to Instagram, where he even commented on it. I'm beyond the moon with that small acknowledgment. It is also the highest liked post I have ever had, and it's still going.

     One other thing. His shipping labels are the most beautiful labels I have ever seen. I did do some censoring, so as not to give away any address or anything, but I kept the bulk of the label intact without and smudges. 

     Please enlarge that picture so you can see all the detail that is in that label. It is incredible. He has done these $1 prints on three occasions, I missed one of them. If you want to find out how to get one, follow him on Instagram. He will post a picture of the print with a post that thanks his followers and fans and offers up that print as a mini for just $1. I have seen other mini prints on his site for $100, so $1 is a crazy deal. The link above has links at the bottom of the page for his Instagram and Facebook. That reminds me, I don't think I follow him on Facebook, so I now have something to do when I'm done writing this.

     On to the big news. Ha, you thought I was just going to tell you what it is? No way, I have a video for that, and you'll have to watch it if you want to know what it is.

     I was so pleased to make that video. It may to seem like a big deal, but for me, it's a real big deal. It's the fulfillment of a dream. Not complete fulfillment, but it's a start. I can't stop now.

     I also learned a few things in the last couple of days. I have had this problem with posting links. Not on here, there is a whole system in place so that I can make those pretty little personalized links, but when I post a link on YouTube, I didn't know how to make a shorter link, but I knew there had to be a way, because I have seen other people using shorter links known as tiny URL's. I finally figured out that I should just look it up, and it is super easy. I can take a link that has 40, 50, even a hundred characters, and turn it into a 20 something character link. This is game changer for me.

     It turns out that tiny URL has it's own site, and there are a few ways that you can go about converting a link. The one I chose was a toolbar function that when you go to any website, all you have to do is click on that botton on the toolbar and it will take you back to tinyURL, and show you the new link. All you have to do is copy and paste it then. It was way more simple than I thought it would be. See, old dogs can learn new tricks. This will help out in the future when I post links on videos. I used it for the first time on that video above. If you go to YouTube and watch the video, I use those links in the description fo The Patchwork Knight and TPR. I'm pretty stoked about learning something that is really simple. It's the little things that make a difference.

     It's back to writing tomorrow. The schedule went to the wayside for obvious reasons this week. I'm back on it starting tomorrow. It may be a holiday for you, but I'm going to be busy doing the thing I love most in this world.

     I should end this right there, but since I'm watching a TV show that I've been wanting to talk about and forgetting, I'm going to go into that right now. Who out there is a fan of the show Castle? Me, me, me. Anyway, the producer or creator of that show, I can't remember who it is , or whether or not it could be "The Team" that brought you Castle, has a new show. It's called Take Two, and it is very Castle like. It stars Rachel Bilson as a formerly out of control actress, that needs to stay sober, and Eddie Cibrian and a former cop turned private investigator. The team up in an odd Castlelike pairing and fight crime. This show is fun and is pretty much Castle with a twist. Its' airing on ABC and I'm not completely sure if it is only a summer show that could be done, or if it is getting picked up for another season next year. They are airing new episodes right now, due to the NFL having Thursday night games that interrupted the schedule. I only stumbled across it today, and my DVR isn't recording them because it isn't during a time that the DVR would pick it up. I've been watching this since the first episode and I would have been a little upset if I didn't get to catch the ones they are airing right now. If you can find it give it a chance. If you liked Castle you will surely like this.

     Ok, that's it for me. Big day fo writing tomorrow, and I'm putting this up a few hours early, so that I can just sit back and relax. Peace in and goodnight.

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